Chapter 9: The Piggyback
hello guys
can u guess what time it is?
thats fine cos its been a while.

Союз нерушимый---

this episode has a super rad poster. i'll show u after the episode is done

were at a pizza place n jonathan is tryna call for help but it doesnt work. idk what el is looking at

omg jonathan no dont go down the road of the karen/kevin ur still so young
theyd never approve of ur weed habit

el is looking at this. idk
she had a flashback to her past, idk

still stoned outta his mind but look at that gorgeous hair god DAMN
oh yeah were all like about protecting max cos if u remember vecna is still trying to kill her. and el just went I FIGURED OUT HOW TO SAVE HER BUT LIKE, LONG DISTANCE

imagine going to a hairdresser and all they give u as options are these three. how'd you feel

so el's like "bein in a bathtub would make this long distance connection easier [cos of the sensory deprivation shit, like nina] and this is argyles response
and. did i really ahte him cos i fuckin hated his hat
cos i dont mind his stupid stoner comments now
Majo: hatless argyle is too powerful...
they need a lotta salt for the sensory deprivation bathtub and argyle is like:

^argyle without the stupid hat on

ah yes the synth that indicates the stoner best friend has an idea. thank u show
right now we have quirky synth, emotional synth, determined synth and creepy synth.

yes this is still a thing. (we changed scenes)

they found where vecna is, like, relative to the real world. as he's in the upside down
note: upside down shit reacts to electricity, for instance lights. so u can tell where anomalies are by using electric lights for example

jason is having his life is strange (tm) moment and is shooting some shit in a junkyard to practice for like, real danger
except theres no girlfriend with time reversal powers or. anything else really. Theres just a gun and an unlikeable prick. So its like if life is strange was just about chloe.
(i like the series but chloe is a dickhead sry)

huh, its a revolver. interesting choice.
i cant remember if that comes into play later
[there was originally a russia-plot screenshot here but i can't find it anymore]
ah yes.
i forgot this plot continued into the final episode
lemme see if i can find the only relevant thing about it

there. theyre a thing now.
they get out of russia. Thats it thats all of the plot relevance BYE
Majo: :O
back to the us

hi i cant get a shot of evrryone together cos the show decided not to have one a those but the main crew (eleven and the gang) is at another surfer boys
for SALT
and this is the clerk, whos just, argyle with curly hair.
n hes like i cant help cosa work stuff, duuuuuude
and then jonathan does this

no points if u can tell what hes holding.
it takes care of the kid behind the till.

jesus were only 20 mins in i need to pause less

stee is all like thank u for breaking up with me nancy now im no longer an idiot
n shes like. idk. thinking
hes like im a better dude now but you know me as a fuckhead and im sad about that

hes like rememebr i told u i wanted to have a nuclear family. but like, with four extra kids
well i imagined you would be the mum
and steve if you think that sounds like an attractive prospect to a woman then the wakeup call u got when nancy broke up with you didnt wake you up enough
esp cos he calls the kids nuggets.
good luck with that steve

nancy: [how do i say ew without literally saying ew this is clearly a positive development in his psyche but i am not bearing six fucking children especially to a man who refers to them as NUGGETS]

robin saves the daaaay
will she get appreciation for it??? probably nooooot

stop cutting back to russia! ughhh

max and lucas cant talk. because vecna can hear them, i think

they have a cute little conversation through notes. max and lucas are the one couple this season that i cared about, personally
like im glad joyce and hopper finally bit the bullet but fuuuuuuck the russia subplot it was so boring

ok well uhhh i guess this is supposed to signify max is interested in going to see a movie with lucas if they survive this whole vecna deal

ah yes that doesnt seem like a horrid idea at all
so iirc the lesser teens are in the real world, the greater ones are in the upside down... sans eddie, iirc

i feel like somethin you have a better experience with the subtitles on.

max gettin ready for the whole. phase two thing
shes callin vecna and turned off the bop of 2022
aka running up that hill

meanwhile mike made a pair of glasses out of idk a pizza box so el will be properly sensory deprived

aww cute
that is kinda charming isnt it dont i look cool when u look like a dweeb and u know it. idk. its cute

mike tries to be romantic but argyle serves them the squelchiest most disgusting sounding pizza ever
so im just gonna assume thats how he does hawaiian pizzas
thanks argyle.

i knew it.

el likes it and the show decides now is the time for this argument

guys this is bordeline assault u stop it right now
he doesnt want squelchy juice pizza

will in the meantime wishing he was forcefeeding mike a squelchy pizza slice full of fruit and gross texture

sadly stirs sensory deprivation tank
Moe: r/brandnewsentence

jonathan: this is the perfect story to use to bond with my little brother with

so jonathans like you used to come to me when u were dealing with stuff but you dont anymore, and will says its cos hes stoned all the time (not literally how he says it but it comes down to that) and jonathan tries to reiterate he misses the times he had talking to will
i like this scene n i wish the show had had more of them. were in the final episode, come on

hi yes thank you show
one of the better relationships you showed this season. again i wish itd been highlighted more but i still appreciate it
i love me some good sibling bonding scenes.
will is visibly moved and says he'll always be-

n then this happens
after jonathan affirms he knows will will always be there for him. its short lil sentences but i think theyre important and in real life they mean a lot, as does the embrace, so i think they did good there

uhhhh so anyway this salt bath

salt bath's ready bitches

resolute synth for if we ever get a fifth

deprivation tiiiiiiimes
lets try to get into max's head and saaaave heeeeer
or something idkkkkk

oops max is possessed again
or. like. idk her mind is with vecna, that whole thing

mind!el has found mind!max

sixth option, if that resonates more with you

whatever that means

it involves dustin tho so im excited.

damn i forgot he says this

hi dont judge this is legit how eddie fights vecna.
i liked it cos it reminded me of the campiness of 80s horror movies
also metallica loved this reference lol one of their members dressed as eddie for halloween

here's a gif that does it a lil more justice
>him playing guitar somehow makes a bass and drumset kick in
anyway its distracting the creatures from the other greater teens so. thats good

meanwhile vecna is still toying with max's mind as shes trying to trap him

dustin's like ed we gotta get back into the house in half a minute or were gonna get shredded by demobats


max is tryna think of a happy place as her not!brother breaks the door down. sexily. without a shirt on.

it worked n she woke up at the snow ball where she like. had agood time and kissed lucas for the first time iirc

anyway this bastard coulda been a lost boy
cough moving on.

they gotta run cos eddie was too busy shredding guitar to get them to safety in time

theyre safe now and too excited cos omg that totally coulda been a music video.


el is in max's mind and trying to find her consciousness. the stage is an indication that she's close
shes at a skatepark btw cos max is a tomboy and she spent a lotta time at those before she moved to hawkins i guess

meanwhile jason's made it to the house and hes pointing a gun at lucas.
cos he knows lucas is friends with eddie and he thinks eddie is satan n all

these two are still bein attacked by bats

oops one of them made it through the vent.

yes yes dustin i dont think you need to tell it what you want it to do just keep jabbing at it and it'll take care of itself

lucas is trying to erxplain to jason what is going on but unsurprisingly jason does not believe him

el made it to max and is now fighting vekman
oops i skipped a bit im actually interested in cos i saw russia
eddie blocks the vent with his shield and turns to dustin
dustin: are there any other vents?

dustin uses the rope they made to climb back to the real world
[gate oozing]

cmon eddie hurry
i know u dont need a gifset to know what happens next but lemme go and find one anyway.

ok so the gif i found is not that good but uh

so there.
oh i do have the follow up to eddie what are you doing here:

this is the first season of stranger things im in who knows if i ever get to ride a bike again so you bet your ass im riding this bike for the second time in like two episodes god dammit

max sees the vecna door
the uh. the door of vecnas house i mean

el is levitating vecna and u have no idea how much i wish they'd be playing 60s disco music over this cos god damn itd be perfect
theres a disco ball like right off screen look at all the glitter

she pushes vecna away and goes max its all ok now

suppose i can add this one to "priestessess collection of outta context screenshots"
then again i watched two frank henenlotter films on here so its got some tough competition.

ok so smushing vecna into a wall didnt do anything
what a surprside

eddie meanwhile.

oops he got max anyway

he also captured el and mike is trying to wake her up by going like i think ur neat el

finn wolfhart (mike) ad libbed this line and i wish he hadn't cos its a garbage line.
but hes also a kid so no hate to him, i just wish whoever was in charge had cut it.

el is about to wake up, lucas manages to fight of jason so he can try and break max out of her trance

but shes floating again and hes late. so it might be tough.

omg i remember that song. spineshank right
so el has vecna pinned to a fleshtree and he says this basically. that they havent won and all that shit

the greater teens sans eddie found vecners body and they throw some molotovs at it

it is. i'll find it for u lot after the episode is done. its v good

also hopper fights a demogorgon in russia cos why not.

haha get it! just like freddy.

max wakes up in lucas' arms but also vecna broke three of her limbs while trying to sacrifice her and she is blind.

robin throws a second molotov cocktail at vecna and u have no idea how happy i am she does this silently, without some janky quip disney execs wouldve forced onto the show
so i guess. netflix has that going for it
in fact both of these fight scenes are completely devoid of dialogue

and nancy finishes it

and also hopper kills the russian demogorgon. woo

these three: wow im so glad we could focus on vecna and we didnt get attacked by anything else
these three:
these three:
these three: oh shit

that was the okay of a man who does not think he'll see a hospital again in the time hes got left

no cmon eddie dont pass the baton u hold it in ur bloody hands and we get outta here u hear

yes, that
he makes dustin promise to look after them

remember that
bastard show.

and he's gone.

i actually really didnt like this, i felt like there was no reason to kill eddie. but i also have a theory about it

max is also still in mortal peril

oh max :(

also el is there sorta mentally and stuff
idk the show suckerpunches you with a death and a character whos near death which i think kinda diminishes the impact
like oh yeah that was eddie. so uh anyway max is also close to death. dunno what were gonna do there yet lol felt cute might kill off later

they get max outta there but shes in a coma. meanwhile the town of hawkins thinks eddie is a cult leader, is linked to all of the deaths and therefore his disappearance isnt treated with any respect by anyone but his uncle and the people who knew him

there two are still a thing but the show doesnt care so why should we

lucas reads max stephen king in the hope she'll wake up
maybe if the cliffhanger is chilling enough itll work
oh also jason is dead cos vecna's sorta succesful ritual ripped tears into hawkins and one went right through him so that was that for him. which is a big deal but also whatever man.
the main plot is not stranger thing's strong point, its the characters.
also jasons death was a cheap cop out. season 4 is good but it does have some weak shit in it

anyway heres robin and her girlfriend making some pb sandwiches

robin: i love peanut butter on peanut butter tho

steve is meanwhile supportive-straight-friending
the next scene is dustin talking to eddie's uncle and man just watch it i cant narrate it right im sure.
keep in mind right before this his uncle replaced a poster of eddie someone defaced to turn eddie into the devil with a fresh poster where hes just, well, yknow, eddie

el is reunited with hopper which is the one nice thing about the russia storyline
well, and him and joyce finally biting the bullet i suppose

a lotta hugs at the end

also joyce n el cos joyce adopted her and stuff
kinda wish wed gotten to see more of them as a family but maybe next season

oh no will still feels the upside down!

oh no the flowers are dying!

oh no epic problems!!!!

gasp its a cliffhanger.
stranger things 4 has a lot of good stuff. the epic plot it sees as its main plot is not That. it is everything else that is about the characters interacting and developing as they work together. imo S4 is the best season since S1, as S1 also has a pretty good overall plot.
thank u for watching this show with me, sorta
also eddie isnt dead he alluded to it at the start of the show when he mentioned in his campaign a character who was long dead turned out to not be dead and returned, and also the tattoos he has are references to a follower of vecna in dnd. So there. I'll put money down he'll be back in s5.
also cos everybody loved him. so i bet they were just putting feelers out.
ow my arm hurts from typing

i forgot to post the poster.
Salsa: that is a cool poster