Chapter 6: The Dive
im bored. more stranger things.

jason talkin to the police somehow trying to blame his buddys death on eddie even tho his buddy flew into the air

eddie is satan man cmon do ur thing where u protect kids with a sports scholarship so they can entertain the nation with their sports
even if i was like, planning to torture anoter kid

i was joking but also jason deadass says this.

its russia! sorry nimrod i dont care
also ur parents are mean for naming u that

papa is like el u gotta remember things one at a time
or the plot will move too fast
this is the el plot

my boys stealin some shit from a work site idk what

uh, a phone? thing? idk im sure well see

stranger things is like the lesbian proved herself to the straight woman theyre best friends now
read: upon second watch im not convinced of this friendship

id say i want season five to show robin and eddie bond. i would say that

steve no

eesh max' mom no
robin just explained the plot but she also went like hey eddie we found vecna and ur super screwed but i dont see how
eddie never saw the clock. they have max, who did see the clock. they kinda know how vecna works. i am confused
oh eddie keeps gettin blamed for limb snapped murders cos they think hes a satanist

eddie about to punch dustin thru the walkietalkie cos Omg HE FINALLY PICKED UP

the restraint

this town has a fuckin rock in is SHAPED LIKE THIS

thank u argyle im happy you told us that.

well thats. uh. good for you will.

we're in utah! suzie's family is mormon! that's why we're in utah! DUH
theres so many kids lads. so many.
so yeah theyre all weird cos theyre homeschooled. and forced to raise their siblings

anyway argyle is instantly smitten with the main sistermom.

argyle makin the jay-sees-justice-for-the-first-time face but they cant be as explicit cos idfk, they could, netflix will show explicit sex but tbf itd be kinda outta nowhere in stranger things. so hes just makin dreamy eyes
jesus ok i actually found the j&sb gif i was referring to but i wont post it cos its a lil too explicit so. movin on

anyway this lil liar promises eden (the sistermom) to push suzie for her cos suzie's not been doin her sistermom duties and this is his response
Majo: sounds very legit to me

omg its suzie! dustins gf
from the mormon commune. or whatever

ah yes, Россия

oooh blond man telling eleven stuff to make her doubt herself

ominously watched papa n the numbered kids leave
hes a caretaker that wants to tell eleven some stuff papa and the rest are keeping from her
also rl eleven is still inside nina the sensory deprivation tank. anything with the other kids and this dude is flashbacks

so the rock eddie is hiding at is a popular makeout spot or whatever and steve is like ayy thats cos'a me cos he needs everyone to know hes a himbo

meanwhile max is trying to help lucas cope with one of his teammates dying so thats cool

oh they just had the no-idiot-left-behind moment by having lucas say "man it looks like everyone who is targeted by vecna has something going on"
they sure do
stop being an asshole to your audience, you did a good enough job explaining that through dialogue and visuals we dont need someone to literally say it. ugh

ok now i understand the ronancy pairing
but also i want robins overshit give it me now

jonathan and nancy are not fine
tho i will say if she were to get together with robin thatd be flimsy writing
but ehhh her and steve maybe? idk. jonathan and nancy never made sense to me

steve found skull rock cos hes a slut who made out at said rock millions of times so he knows how to find it. watch him rub it in his juniors face for five minutes

steve calls dustin a butthead and eddie jumps in from skull rock to go haha lol yeah


the rest of hawkins is having a meeting where the ygo "hey uh police why havent you handed us this teenager's head on a spike yet????"

jasons here like i heard someone say eddie's head on a spike so we came runnin


gotta admire the effort

oh no he invoked the bible whatever are we gonna doooooooo
"do not overcome evil with evil. overcome evil with good."
damn jason thats the most relevant passage you can find
a fuckin pretty cure could have that as her line and nobody would bat an eye
good reflection of people bending words a lot of people hold as the truth to get them to agree with what theyre doing though
the hawkins police is like dont interfere but the town is like nahhhh this eighteen year old football player remembered a line from the bible were gonna murder this kid now

god said it was ok
karen (mikes dad) wont believe her son or his friends have anything to do with the murders while her husband immediately goes "ehhh dont put words in my mouth"
hes such an ass

oh nerds.
always havin to be right.
accepting youre wrong sometimes is a virtue, you know.
helps you, too.
oh dustin's explaining his compass isnt workin right.

dustins like if we keep followin my wacked out compass we can save em

poll: are u the friend who says this or who is the friend who this is said to
as in. do you use language with ur friends like this. or are you just on the receiving end of it lol

i can show u the whole scene cos, again, some of the most famous lines of this show.
also they 100% makeupped off quinn's freckles and FUCK THAT theyre cute, how dare you

were back in the facility where papa makes all the numbered kids fight each other and the ordinary ties their eyes. papa warns them that they will lose if they let their emotions take over.
this reminds me of the most poorly rated episode of season two, which iirc dealt with the girl who was assigned number seven. now season four could do a callback to her, maybe flesh her out a bit more, but nah
lets forget alllll about her cos the audience didnt like her
boo i say, boo
i hated that episode too but if anyone needed more fleshing out and there was an opportunity to do it it was here , right now

eleven dabes. whodathought
(all of us)
(we all thought that)

snow! that means russia!
time totime travel.

mormon shenanigans!
id like to note home alone-esque music plays through the scene of suzie's siblings tryna distract her father while shes hacking shit

so suzie just said "i think we spooked a skunk" and no hate to any stoners in the server (do we even have any??) but your hobby smells bad.

eden i cant believe youre hangin out with argyle when he didnt even shove suzie for you. tsk

the gang just found out theres a gate to the upside down inside of a lake near skull rock

look at that. manners
except u called her wheeler
i mean. i guess thats respectful in a very platonic way so u go mr munson
nancy: this boat holds three people

steve: three people and this ASS

the kid crew left at shore wishing the teen crew (thats like, four years older than them at most) gets eaten by vecna

so i didnt screenshot it but we learn that young orderlies at the facility eleven and the other supernatural kids are being held at have A Bad Time when they dont stick to the rules.
thats papa btw. and el going omg i hope he didnt see me

hi el we all hate you cos ur like ten years old and were older and u did better at papas test BLUH
more fuel for the eleven-killed-them-all theory

woo cg! el lookin at her baby lil self (the tiny one is the age she actually was when she went through all this, but they show her goin through it in her current age cos shes reliving it in nina)

oh robin i love the way you choose to use your words.
would like to note she pronounces aaah as uhAAaah-aaah

>steve takes his shirt off
>obligatory nancy leers at it shot
as if she hasnt seen it before
even the show is like man why did we pair her with jonathan again?
not saying steve is better but. WHY JONATHAN I JUST DONT GET IT

thanks lucas.

oh dustin. u truly are the best kid

lol max is like let me see the jungle
stranger things is all like maaaaaan the chicks dig it
like i get they do it cos its the 80s and also joe keery is... hang on

30, so they gotta pretend hes just a very hairy teenager
but man i never cared

eddie wraps a flashlight in plastic for steve to take with him into the water as a sign of peace
cos, as you might remember, he tried to strangle steve two episodes ago

eddie: tries to smoke

robin: takes the cig from him
cant believe my female fav just stopped my male fav from doing something i find weirdly sexy even though i dont smoke and so does no one in my life

nancy: hey dont die

steve: omg she wants me

idk who wrote this episode but dustin just chuckled about the fact that if there was a gate down in the lake it'd technically be a watergate. and like, idk who u are, but u get the geek mindset

but also i identify with max contemplating hitting dustin with the binoculars right here

omg there really is a gate.

wow the gate likes steve

steve has a bad time in the upside down with weird bat things.
everyone in the boat jumps to go save him.

also the police capture the lesser teenagers.

oh eddie jumps btw but its also just cos everyone else went and. yknow. he doesnt want to be a coward.

so it is bud.

aaand there he goes.

Tudor Jones, lads!
that was episode 6.
The Dive
Lou: what's the difference between greater and lesser teenagers
greater: 16 - 19
lesser: 13 - 15
just age wise. i find it funny sounding that is all