Chapter 5: The Nina Project
episode five baybeee
lemme check if my website still works
it does.

woooo its the pizza gang
this time without horrible stoner music

so the fbi or not dude in the back died and said the name nina which omg title of the episode.

the byers house is being searched!!!
by. presumably whoever wants el but doesnt have her. idk

say goodbye to ur long hair el cos u wont be havin it for much longer

theyre on their way to like, an underground base or whatever

omg rikki go save el shes in nevada
but still

so this is nina.
nwo u might ask what the hell is it and the show goes HAHA WE WONT TELL U

quite literally as that is papas first line upon being reunited with eleven.
yknow, the guy who sorta raised her but in like a scientific way
so their relationship is bad

papa says lets work together again and eleven says yeah no

so she gets tranquilized and a thing i really like about this scene is that its playing a distorted version of el's theme from season one. A thing her theme and papa's had in common was essentially that papa's theme was the same music but without the hopeful chimes that were part of el's theme. so i think thats a nice callback


to lift our spirits the next scene is my boi lookin for something to eat

hi i replayed this assault on my misophonic ears to capture a funny caption for moe. so i hope u appreciate that

cos the sound spaghettios make when i drop em into a pan makes me want to kill myself
the real reason is there is no food. but still

nancy just hung up on him which. he could die. but ok

oh max is gone. fair enough

nance why didnt u check ur kitchen. shes right here.

i hate mike's dad n i kinda wished his wife had fucked billy in the previous season cos he totally deserved his wife cheating on him
moving on.

maxs been dealin with her trauma by drawing spooky shit
cos why not

jesus max.

love how holly isnt paying attention to shit until we need to ruin all the references to nightmare that were made up to this point.

thanks stranger things you lose a full star for this. fuck you for the "let me take you by the hand you stupid idiot and tell you what were doing" bullshit
cos 1. if you know nightmare its really cool that theyve been referencing it
2. if you dont know nightmare youd be none the wiser but the story is still just as good
to be fully hipster bastard or whatever i fucking hate the no idiot left behind trope, its so disrespectful to the audience

so from her research into victor creele nancy recognises what max has been drawing as his house.
which is cool, but also theyve done this kinda thing for four seasons now with both two and four containing someone drawing something so ehhhhh i feel its a bit cheap.
also its another reference to nightmare.

as a lil reminder.

gotta say im also not really feeling the eleven plot.
so. im gonna skip that too.
until all the plots come together.
if youve seen season 1 u know enough. shes in a facility that tests her abilities. that is all

oh shes in a timeloop with this dude tho that is kinda important.
everything just keeps repeating and he keeps going "ah i see youre awake" or something

meanwhile the byerses and mike are burying the not!fbi guys corpse while argyle states the obvious

jonathan pls slap him

jonathan straight up told him hey go get high so you wont bother us ok
great advice.
will fuckin shook his head and is the only one who continues working cos hes the only one who understands/thinks this is stupid advice
jonathan basically went hey argyle go get high cos i dont like it when ur not.

we got to see him sober for like five seconds and the show went ehhhhh better not
like no hate on mike cos he doesnt know any better

oh shit props to the show he calls it out

yeah just. ignore it i guess

hi were here again with whenever will talks to mike its thinly veiled "mike im super in love with you btu i cant tell you cos 1. im scared and 2. ur with el"

thats nice.
Lou: wish someone would make me a custom cardboard headstone

haha stoned people are so funny.
Lou: idk who this weed man is but he seems chill. i like him.
maybe next time u order a pizza u can request they do that to the box
Lou: HDHFHDHD i will
Lou: also is this the gay dude I keep hearing tumblr make a huge fuss about
yeah will
Lou: because if so they better not kill him in season 5
Lou: people in stranger things i care about
- weed man
- chrissy wake up
- gay will
i figure its more likely theyll kill another major character next season but i def think they will kill a main character next season
is chrissy wake up chrissy or the guy saying chrissy
cos. um. either way i agree
Lou: Yes

Its russia!

the not!fbi is at eddy's uncles house for some reason
should prolly point out thats where eddy lives and where chrissy died. his uncle raised him
but i still dont remember who these not!fbi people are ngl

chrissy's mum with the most 80s karen haircut ever is all like "boy i hope someone kills eddy" at her daughters funeral

now u might think who dis but they showed him talking to lucas in episode one so. hes a jock. thats all.

oop its the clock of death. rip random dude
Lou: im sorry all i ever mention is this tiktok meme but is eddy the other dude in the chrissy wake up meme
Lou: OH WOW that really is the most 80s Karen haircut ever.
Lou: awful. terrible.
she looks mildly like pamela voorhees and now considering the main jock thats hunting eddie is named jason im wondering if thats on purpose haha

actually pam's hair is less awful.

alright fellas were all really well dressed due to the funeral we just attended so in the slightly altered words of Jason Dean: Lets Go Hunt Some Nerds
idk how i keep finding ways to reference heathers but here we are.
Lou: please keep referencing heathers

oh we just learned jason is leading his team on a murderhunt cos apparently the police think chrissy is a drug dealer (?) so theyre of no help
jesus te house even looks a bit like 1428 from nightmare.

stranger thingseses version of the lovable himbo saying "so whats with the haunted house"

the door is locked and steve is like what now??? and robins like fuck it, brick

aww there goes the nice glasswork.
um to fill u in on how this world thing works, the upside down is a reflection of the normal on the surface world but like. idk super toxic and full of monsters? so generally going to the normal!world version of a location will bring you closer to the evil/upside down world version
thus why they went to the creel house cos it was floating around in vecna's realm

oooh its the death clock
Salsa: It's evil glasswork it's s ok
:c it mighta been evil but it was pretty
Salsa: Ok the death clock had a really good scary sound imo I really thought that was well done
it diiiiiid the clock is fantastic

steve complains hes stuck with dustin again even tho dustin is smarter than him but at the same time i get it cos, who would want to hang out with a kid that is smarter than you especially if theyre snooty about it

woo peanutbutter in russia!
Salsa: Dustin is the best character actually
YES i like dustin too OTL the who cares was bout russia
Salsa: This shows obsession with Russia is really weird tbh

hello show pls keep showing argyle without a hat on it makes me like him slightly more.
yeah it feels like they had plans for season three, then abandoned them, and now were left with whatever this nonsense in season four is
like sorry but the russia plot is so dull
Salsa: You're right and you should say it

there is context to this. but i wont give it just so u can see will singin while jonathan disapproves.
Salsa: 🎶 Never ending stooooryyyy 🎶

>argyle this second

>argyle the next second
theyre going to utah cos they know a girl (dustins gf) who can hack stuff which they need to get into nina (which is where eleven is) and i think theyre in the neva..nevada..nevadan..??? desert???
i dont know how far that is. but uh yeah. thats where theyre going.

its hat jock!
youre wearing a suit you twat take off the ballcap
they somehow deduce eddie is hiding here cos of the spaghettios.

no sorry eddie we're too busy investigating a murderhouse to make sure you dont get murdered by some peers who think youre satan
Salsa: It's really funny how Eddie's situation is not the most dire one
its a bit of an odd question but like, whats worse
being haunted by vecna for a day and dying while in a trance or being hunted by a buncha jocks with weaponry and then getting lynched by them
Salsa: Vecna
idk man. i like, legit am not sure
lynchings are fuckin brutal
From the ropes you can tell theyre not planning to just instakill him
not to get too dark but. i think thats frightening too

hello steve is still in love with nancy. the music that plays here i recognise from season one. hang on while i check what the track is called...
oh. its called "This Isn't You". alrighty

all scenes involving max now involve kate bush faintly playing in the bg cos they think itll keep vecna away from her.

wooo bonding

oh they can sense vecnas movement in the upside down through lights btw. so when a light goes off and another one goes on, they know he moved to the other light etc.
it worked that way in earlier seasons as well iirc
guess who is still being hunted by people that are like, at most five meters away from hiiiiim

🎵 its eddie 🎵

oop. times runnin out for someone

they sorta found him but eddie got on a boat, so, yknow, at least hes got that

jasons like cmon guys you saw sleepaway camp we can do this!!!
um id like to point out the empathy expressed in the subtitles there for eddie are towards the boat he is in. not the jocks. hes trying to start the engine


its for when they show vecna is like, under the floor of the house. sorta. but in the upside down obvs

ngl when i first saw this i totally thought someone was gonna get shredded by the motor of the boat
spoiler: that doesnt happen

welp there goes patrick. (the. the kid who heard the chiming clock.)

oh in other plot relevant stuff eleven got her powers back.
they play the warped version of her and papa's theme again. love musical cues like that

he sticks out his hand and she takes it cos she thinks she mighta killed all the other numbered kids. and she doesnt know whats going on. and he's all like "but i do"

so she goes with him
n thats where this episode ends

ah yes good ol lampton