Chapter 8: Papa
hi im. im bored lets finally get back to stranger thingsin the last episode: uhhhhhh
well we know vecna is a guy now! so theres that.
this episode is called papa!

what have you done he says to el
Rikki: beautiful image

oh we flashback even further now to henry bein tattoo'ed with 001

and no you cant convince me theres another reason. there isnt.
Rikki: god
Rikki: the cgi tho

ikr its. god its something

Idk if thats metallica. that looks more like black sabbath. or something ugh hold on
oh no wait.

lemmesee if i can up the quality lol

but yeah looks like its iron maiden lol sry i gotta rely on the quality of my illegal websites
anyway. i dont think you'd make nancy v happy with that. WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED THEYRE IN EDDIE'S HOUSE
That explains the metal. ignore me
hes just offended robin didn't consider his music music i guess lol
got so preoccupied with trying to identify the casette i didnt notice the giant slayer flag in the background...

idk like. where that is
im also not sure why he can talk to nance but i figure her traumatic experience is probably barb
or like. all of the previous three seasons
so idk if shes like a surogate for max at this point
oh nvm hes just using her as a messenger to eleven.


they took her out of it cos she remembers everything. but idk why shes like. levitating it now
oh might just be a show of power, i forgot she lost her abilities
yeah i think it was cos she just put it back down

(i think the kids in this are actually gen x. but still. boomers were like, mean to all generations after them. or at leasti n the netherlands they complained gen x wasnt revolutionairy enough and nicknamed them generation nothing. so there)
wait peepaw might be too old to be a boomer... ugh WHATEVER old white dudes it still goes

oh nevada is landlocked.
well you coulda just not named the place surfer boy then. geez

i stg the only music they play in the van is by. whoever the fuck did pass the dutchie
i probably shouldnt complain but ugggggghhhhh
Majo: omg really??? Majo: I had the tiniest lil suspicion
i know right he comes across like an absolute scholar and i coulda sworn he was canadian cos hes got like the thickest newfie accent ive ever heard
but nah man hes a cali stoner. this show is a master at subtlety

ive said it before but barring some of the characters who are a little too on the nose generally the character writing is one of stranger things strongest points. Will starts reassuring Mike without hesitation, not just to make mike feel better but also because he knows el (as shes hes sister now) and he has faith in what he says. It just happens that he has to say this at the expense of his own feelings
i mean i did kinda make fun of it cos its fuckin sad like give will a break
but they dont destroy wills character to establish this which i think a lot of shows would do
i used a lotta words to say this doesnt feel unnatural haha oops
Salsa: it also helps that noah is like, genuinely an amazing actor
oh yes hes very good!
Salsa: will could so easily be a bad character if he wasn't portrayed so dazzlingly well
i hope they give noah his way and let will have abetter haircut next season.
like its so obvs they gave him dumb hair cos hes too pretty for what they had in mind
its so mean
Salsa: oh man i have thoughts about the hair
Salsa: like. good thoughts. not that its a good cut but
he looks like joyce put a bowl on his head and went "thisll do"
and thats why jonathans hair is so scraggly. he cuts it himself cos no way is he gonna subject himself to that bowl
or argyle does it for him. heheh. probably not but i like that idea

im glad u called it out
Salsa: I feel like will is in that stage of life where he is starting to accept things are changing but the doesn't know how to change himself, but hes not a little kid anymore so mom isn't just getting it cut for him, so now he's stuck in that awkward stage of I've had this hair cut since I was a kid and I'm scared of changing it because I feel like the only one who doesn't want to change. and also he's possessed by a monster.
oh damn salsa that's a great point
i really like that analysis of why he has that hairstyle, that makes a lot of sense
i didnt go beyond "haha funny will hair"
Salsa: it is really helped by the fact that will is by far the most compelling character in the show
he is kinda the only one of the og cast that still has an arc to go through
Salsa: its not easy being the gay autistic monster vessel of the group
that isnt just nancy/jonathan/steve love triangle
or. eleven, i guess
oh or max!
and i guess kinda lucas... but lucas' arc is just sports friends or og normal not believe in satan eddie friends so, dunno if i'd count that
Salsa: and then there's dustin whos busy being the best character in the show bye
oh yeah dustin has some of the best lines
mike has a case of main character syndrome so i think of the main group i think hes the least interesting but u know with dustin ur gonna have fun when hes on screen
Salsa: dustin instantly makes any scene better
Salsa: mike is. there
mikes there to go omg el u superhero! and for will to be like fuck why are you my first crush ugh
not literally but mike is so oblivious its annoying
lets get back to will hurting himself for the sake of his besfren

will explains he thinks el acted aloof cos she was afraid she was gonna lose mike (i cant find that gif'd)
she didnt want to, she just thought it had to happen. so shed rather it be like rippin off a band aid than a slow painful process. will follows it by saying:


we cut to el's sotry which is basicaly "wow el strongk also papa is there omg" so, sorry, im gonna skip, idc i already knew el strongk. i saw season one.

omg. could this be. why vecna is killing people with clocks, or something

robin describin vecna accurately (preferaced by 'hes like eleven-')

except dustin. dustin's like yeah shes right! thank u dustin.

oh synth music u are so versatile.

lets check giphy why dont we.

eddie basically goes it aint mine but i know a vehicle

(eddie asks max if shes got a mask, we never hear her reply but she was dressed as michael myers in season 2 for halloween so its a callback, basically.)
sry small text but this is the next bit. the munsons are not great at raisin their kids i guess thus eddie bein raised by his uncle trying to learn him some good things. but also explaining why hawkins is comfy going OMG THE MUNSON BOY IS SATAN in general
i eddie also complains about being accused of murder so hey why not hot-wire a vehicle.

people loved it. gj quinn.
not the other two. they just go huhhhhh cos they dont know what to do with it.
we see more ad libbing from him later. with an actor who actually knows how to handle it.
lets move on

but whatever.

nevada is a desert with a door.
this is how you visit rikki. im convinced
Moe: Can confirm

sorry its like almost midnight im sleepy and mean
but you go robin chase your heart or whatever

theyre gonna shoot eddie so hard. this is bad

i mean they wrap it in hey ur baby brother likes dnd so if we kill him thats cos he likes satan but ehhh
i feel like it woulda been better if jason liked nancy cos she was pretty popular at school and did nothing strange
but eh we gotta make jason as morally black as possible. a bluh bluh
liked as in was friendly or sympathetic towards her, not in love or whatever

anyway i get the whole shoot everything in the upside down angle but the show feels weirdly pro-gun. or at least like, pro that aspect of america
again im tired cos its late so im probably reading too much into it but it weird me tf out anyway.

oh suzie (dustins mormon girlfriend) found nina's cooordinates so they kinda know shes not a human or something.
and also shes in the nevadan. nevadean. nev.. nevada desert

jonathan brakes in frustration. argyle hits his head. theyre def in the right location for nina who is a tank and not a small woman hiding behind a tree

i hate him like. 50% less cos hes not wearing an ugly hat or whatever, right now.
and also cos i forgot how they know nina isnt a person.
i also want his shirt.

magical mystical stoner.

like i envy him. thats maybelline level hair

who is that. shit is that a court. i hope that isnt like. a criminal OTL
Majo: 🎵 maybe it's Maybelline 🎵
Majo: I THINK ITS YHE GUY WHO KILLED THE BRAIN JAR GUY?? might wanna uh. take that down)
Majo: when I saw the name I was like :o why does this band sound familiar
(..brain... jar... ok hold on.)
most aptly named band ever
Majo: RIGHT I was like "oh no that can't be him it's just some guy haha"

- fueling the vehicle
- target practice
- whatever dustin and eddie are doing

i mean she doesnt wanna die but shes holding one lol

i mean, it is what it is

papa asks eleven to please tell him she understood why he did what he did, and she holds his hand cos she cant help but care for him cos yknow, human brains are wired that way, but she doesnt say she understands him. she just tells him goodbye, lets go of his hand, and leaves with her friends
i appreciate the lack of dialogue in the scene. gets the point across pretty well.

el tells her friends we gotta go to hawkins or everyone is kill
and theyre all like how tf do we get there were in nevada and theyre in. like. i dont fuckin know, ohio or whatever
meanwhile the other main group is gearin up to get into the upside down

(we did)
(we all guessed that)
(but with the hair metal its still pretty rad)

are u ready for the final episode? cos I sure am not.