Chapter 1: The Hellfire Club
Chapter 2: Vecna's Curse

in fact i think argyle entirely did not need to exist
jonathan would have more to do if they gave him argyle's stuff. he's already a stoner, just make HIM be the one who drives the pizza van and bam hes already got more going on
now all he has is a scene where he goes "will i love you and your gay self" and thats it
also the stoner/druggie arc is also done with eddie and the eddie one is way more fleshed out and done better.
like idk if argyle being a stoner is supposed to show the difference between california and wherever the hell hawkins is but. idk. im just not sold on him
he's just there to go duuuuuuuuuuuude lmao!!!! at shit n thats it

ok im done now
also jonathan and nancy should break up theyre a stupid couple
also love how theyre trying to introduce people to dnd by getting them to join in for the FINAL GAME of a campaign
how does that work
do u just hand them the paper of the person who couldnt make it and be like "ok so u did all this stuff n now youre here"
thats what fucked me up in the first two games i played. those characters were even pretty cool and I STILL couldnt get into it
epi one has fantastic direction and editing. I wonder how many episodes were directed by this person

i respect the effort

i love audio based suspense

god i hope thats over soon. this is getting difficult to manage
god the soundtrack is stellar as always

idk if its like a jokey reference to what 86ing means or something happened that year im not aware of
Moe: (Just noting cheer and dance people frequently curl their ponytails if they’ve got a performance of some kind!)
Moe: (Some even have clip in hair pieces with curls to make it easier/faster, #tradesecrets)
oh thats cool! I actually wanted to ask about it but I didnt want to stereotype just based on what I've seen in films and series haha
Moe: Hehe always happy to be ur American culture liaison friend
youve legit taught me a lot of things about the US haha i rly appreciate it

i have mild tinnitus and i told him "i always have this mild buzzing in my ears" and he went "ah yeah does it get worse and like sorta pulse around every now and then?" and I was like "" and then he told me his was so bad cos of the orchestra thing. I suppose it makes sense
but also seems like a shitty deal if your whole job is music

in high school i had a friend who played the clarinet and she actually is in the army rn and part of their band, now I kinda wish I'd asked her if she had to do stuff like this haha
but since she's army i figure she does
ha i never noticed on first watch but the anthem thats being played for the basketball game is replaced by a single electric guitar for the hellfire club kids
thats cool

i knew kids like eddie and they were my friends but i always thought if you just toned it down a bit people would leave you alone
but now i realise its better to just go for it. Cos living by "ooooh i better tone it down" fucks you up in the future

why are you trying to attack a kid
why are u laughing at ur friend attacking a kid
spoilers for series 4: eddies campaign starts with him explaining a character returns with a notable wound, the players freak out shouting that character should be dead and eddie says so it was thought my friends but vecna lives i stg eddie isnt dead i dont believe it
Moe: As a former band kid can also confirm yes, trumpets in marching band do really have to hold their instruments like this, even in marching shows where they’re running around.
Moe: And if you’re in a formation next to them during practice they might casually empty their spit valve right next to your feet and it’s gross brass instruments are gross.
Moe: Also! Lots of people who do music for a living wear ear plugs to avoid tinnitus. There are kinds that allow you to still hear sounds but dampen the intensity to protect your hearing. Good for concerts too!
ohh that makes so much sense
now im surprised my friend didnt do that??
since he played at like, a (near) professional level
but he just let his hearing get messed up
also spit valve sounds gross now i wanna ask him about it haha (I did and I learned far more about the relationship between spit and brass instruments than I ever wanted.)
robin: god damn i really need to empty my spit valve but i dont want my crush to hate me

but still very much a punch.

but as a dm.
isnt it like,
kinda fun if they all die to whatever you set up
i mean i dont know but. you want to give ur people a challenge right
i feel like itd be hard to not have it feel like a loss if they beat your campaign
this is why i could never dm lol

that was a storyline they didnt execute too well imo
like its ok from the jock side but from eddies side and his guilt about running away it makes no sense
alt kid who likes dnd, who has fully embraced living on the outskirts of society but nahhh his arc is "oh no i ran away" dude if you hadn't the team woulda killed you
Nugget: Now that you've brought up the tinnitus I suddenly cannot unhear my own tinnitus lol
Moe: Another orchestra nerd neglecting their ears…smh my head
now we're on the subject. mine is a constant ringing with occassional... idk, increase in the ringing?
whats urs
oooh orchestra? whatd u play
(i just ruined my hearing with loud music while trying to sleep. i cant play anything. im just stupid)
Nugget: I'm pretty sure my dad is the one who ruined my hearing (only half joking)
Nugget: I have "17 years" of violin experience lol
Nugget: And yeah I have constant background ringing that I usually don't notice but once I do I can't unhear it for a while. It pulsates
omg yes thats exactly what i have!!
you can live with it alright but when things are quiet you can't ignore it. its just there
specifically a lull in conversation or somethin like that

it is cool to rewatch this and notice how early on theyre referencing nightmare
its like if someone went "what would nightmare look like for someone who cannot be reached by freddy" which is a cool take

who already has one named wake up
Moe: It is a cool take!! (I’m lovin this recap btw) EDDIE IN DBD ID PAY FOR THAT
(i wouldnt)
(but my god i want it so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad)
Moe: I know the killer leaked (won’t say specifics in case you wanted to avoid?) but I don’t think I’ve seen survivors yet

i havent seen the survivors yet either, im just. tryna manifest eddie
robin and eddie for dbd. pls
Moe: Yesss the best pair to add for sure
omg how did i never notice the credit music is really reminiscent of 80s horror music aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
reminds me a lil more of childs play than anoes but still
also the cg still doesnt look good but i know they use it cos its cheaper. ugh. i hope cg artists can unionise soon

Moe: Agreed I didn’t care much about Russia stuff, or Mike and el relationship stuff
Moe: Any of the relationship stuff really I didn’t care about Nancy and Jonathan either

i feel like mike's line of "youre a superhero" to El in a later episode is also kinda garbage, i know he ad libbed it but ugh great job to open this shit up for marvel bullshit or whatever
Moe: Yeah I didn’t dig that whole monologue
at least eddie's ad libbed lines were good. The actor ad libbed the getting shot bit when chrissie doesnt remember who he is (so her reaction is genuine) and he ad libbed "I love you" in one of the last episodes as well
i like reading tvtropes and imdb lol thats why i know
i feel like those added to the character the UR A SUPERHERO just feels kinda shit
like yeah she has superhuman abilities mike. we know.
she knows. whats the point
also agree i dont think theres a single relationship in this i care about. i think max and lucas are pretty cute in this season but thats about it
Moe: O yeah I like max and Lucas, and I want Robin to get resolution but don’t care too much about if it’s her band friend or not
o yeah same
i love her friendship with steve
but i also dont care about them like. dating or whatever
i guess the show is like "oh yeah robins all good now"
dating as in, them individually dating other people i mean haha not each other obvs
Moe: Yeh I care more about their friendship not who either of them end up with, if anyone

Moe: Poor Mike this season lol his fits…
Moe: (And ofc pouring one out for wills hair)

so i read the kid who plays him even begged the show creators to give will another hairstyle lol
i feel like they saddled him with this horrible haircut cos he's kinda conventionally attractive and they need to sell him as unpopular or something
Moe: Mike is so white in that screencap lmao my brother…
Moe: Yeah he’s a cute guy I bet that’s it
jesus yeah i feel like if i were to colourpick his chest there i'd get #ffffff

id watch a whole season about these two
they were the highlight of season three

steve is not
steve are you even trying
i mean sorry straight opinion here but god damn TIES

86. again.

thank u gordon ramsay for teaching me that. idunno how common knowledge that is so uh, here
Nugget: Everyone should remain maidenless, it is the way
no maiden, no death
its a survival tactic. respect it
Nugget: no woman, no cry
omg bob marley knew all along

interesting she got a purebred cos im pretty sure the original one was a. uh. regular cat
idk american shorthair

max is trying to warn dustin eddie looks suspish cos, yknow, chrissy was found in his house
dustins all ride or die for eddie btw. u go dustin

cos mike deserves better in his opinion.
cos will is in love with mike.

ur first crush isnt available
but u still want the best for hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
oh will ur a good kid n everyone wants the best for u

that song has rly good associations for me this is bothering me lol

now u might expect a but. its too early for that

gee i wonder where thats gonna go.
hes doin his best. poor kid

freds glasses boy btw.
ooooh more anoes inspired music. hell ye

cos. vecna probably doesnt lol

the fact he actually was like that
i really dislike argyle lol sorry but hes so poorly written he really shouldnt be there.
also sry but i feel like jay only works cos he is super similar to the actor who plays him, when u write him as a character its really hard to get him to fit in, esp. with better written characters
argyle doesnt work as a sidekick to a character who talks a lot. jonathan is established. argyle has nothing to do.
it doesnt work just cos u give him the plot relevant lines like silent bob has every other view askew movie.
it shoulda just have been jonathan on his own, supporting will and mike.

good luck with that buddy

also this jock is only recognisable by his hat.
Lou: sometimes dungeons & dragons feels kinda culty
curly dude with a hat. wow!
well as long as u dont kill people its all good w/ me
but like not in the way this show means it
not that im a jock. but still
Lou: we do not kill ppl no
aw ye in that case go off do whatever u want
Lou: also does chrissy ever wake up. she... she kinda doesnt
Lou: sorry ive never seen the show im only familiar with the tiktok sound
Lou: oh
Moe: Not only does Chrissy not wake up (spoilers for early s4) she floats into the air, all her limbs are broken and her mouth goes all spooky wide and dislocated then she dies
Lou: :(
Lou: rip chrissy
yeah :(
rip chrissy
she was sweet. fuck u vecna for hurtin her

and god damn the music sounds like its straight outta rockstar's bully lol

i mean. their name is hellfire.
they're prolly ok with fire

i know i said ties are hot and they 100% are but im tryna make a casual outfit outta it

i wanna know how they narrow this down. what kinda movies do they think a drug dealer would rent

i shouldve known they'd be this obvious.

oh this is eddies uncle btw.

this kid looks like a baby version of a friend a mine and ngl it fucks me up a little bit
eddie's uncle says afaik the killer is in an asylum, and he should still be here unless he broke out.
which he followed up by saying:

fuck sake stranger things ur references are great, dont call them out
dont do them and then have someone go OMG ITS THE THING
stop ruining it.
the clock chiming is so goooood
prolly cos its their own thing so they cant ruin it. so its jut neat
im still a lil vague on what makes vecna target people so i hope tht w/ this second watch i can narrow it down
i thought it was survivors guilt but that doesnt make sense for chrissy. maybe its just guilt on its own

so theres that

dont holy shit el me mike u shouldve known she would do this

im just gonna be nice and say those are burger wrappers or whatever

also ominous music. never a good sign.

all we know about him is he got in a crash, and someone else died. he feels responsible for said persons death.
also i didnt mention it for chrissy but her mum kept calling her fat and she clearly had an eating disorder
both a them heard and saw clocks. itd chime, and then they would see it.

i thiiiiiink the director of photography is in charge of that? looks good
oh also vecna snaps the living shit out of its victims. wont screenshot it for obv reasons but uh yeah. not fun. lotta broken bones

also blue light vs orange light. classic.
hello! the villain of this season is:

please enjoy.
also freds dead baby. freds dead
(i never saw the source of that line. but there u go) (just looked it up and its fucking pulp fiction so u see how far my classic big film knowledge goes)
