Side Characters
Other people.

Hazuki Koizumi
Age: Late thirties
Birthday: August 11th
Star sign: Leo
Occupation: Painter
Arcana: The Sun
Yon's aunt. His mother's younger sister, to be specific.

Temperance Murphy
Age: 16/17
Birthday: June 13th
Star Sign: Gemini
Occupation: Student (homeschooled)
Arcana: The Devil
Rev. Murphy's youngest daughter. Acquainted with Solomon, though to what extent and how is unknown. Can see into people's souls. Loyal, but in incredible turmoil.

Rev. Mike Murphy
Age: Late fifties
Birthday: December 29th
Star Sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Preacher, TV personality
Arcana: /
Has Grey Springs in his grasp. Runs a small local church, but has recently increased his reach immensely through television and his performance of miracles. His wife died 16 years ago and he's got a complicated relationship with some of his children, but his faith keeps him strong and determined.

Justin Murphy
Age: 17/18
Birthday: February 23rd
Star Sign: Pisces
Occupation: Student, basketball player
Arcana: Strength
Befriends Yon if Yon joins the basketball team. He's very dedicated to the game and tries to motivate the other players on the team to do their best. He lives outside of town, but takes the train in each day to attend. He's being raised by two of his older siblings. He's one of Murphy's seven children, but doesn't like to talk about it. He wants to help his younger sister escape their father, but doesn't know how to approach her. His real name is Justice.

Alice Lezniki
Age: 16/17
Birthday: September 27th
Star Sign: Libra
Occupation: Student, movie club rep
Arcana: The Tower
Has an iron grip on the school's movie club but nothing else in her life. Most of the members of the club use the time to talk to each other or catch up on homework, as Alice strictly dictates the movies they watch and doesn't accept anyone else's input. Former president of the anime club until it fell apart. Befriends Yon if he joins the movie club, but behaves so antisocially that it's hard for him to get closer to her. Alice believes she is unloveable and has found comfort in acting as antisocial as possible.

Oscar Wyatt
Age: 16/17
Birthday: May 10th
Star Sign: Taurus
Occupation: Student, hockey player
Arcana: Strength
Counterpart to Justin, if Yon chooses to join the hockey team instead of the basketball team. Always bruised, as is every member of his team. Grey Spring's hockey team consists of kids trying to unleash their pent up anger without getting judged for it. Oscar is close to Justin, despite their friendship starting with a physical altercation. It's just how Oscar likes to make friends. Would probably be expelled if he didn't help Grey Springs win their matches so often. Has trouble relying on other people.

Celeste Walton
Age: 35
Birthday: July 7th
Star Sign: Cancer
Occupation: Bar owner
Arcana: The Moon
Yon's boss, if he works for Bar Luna in town. He's only allowed to wash the dishes, but Celeste needs the help and not having to worry about cleaning up helps a lot. She's very direct, and doesn't generally talk much to her customers; she might be providing them with their drinks but she doesn't enjoy their drunk speech. Likes to talk philosophy with Yon as they clean up after the bar closes.

Gabriel Lezniki
Age: 21
Birthday: December 25th
Star Sign: Capricorn
Occupation: College student, Supermarket manager
Arcana: The Magician
Yon's boss if he works for the local supermarket. Tries to teach him things as he's a few years older, but he knows virtually nothing about life so his lessons are useless. Bad habit of acting sanctimoniously. Alice is his younger sister. Doesn't own the supermarket, but acts like he does. Yon and Julian are too young to work there and Gabriel is not above stuffing them into the stock room to hide them from the company's higher ups bi-monthly checks.

Ameera Bassot
Age: 16/17
Birthday: November 27th
Star Sign: Saggitarius
Occupation: Student, Drama club rep
Arcana: The Empress
Very insistent on the pronounciation of her last name (it's "Bah-so", not "Bass-ot"). Model student. Cares too much about the drama club; everyone in the drama club cares too much about the drama club. Will befriend Yon if he joins. Bursts into song randomly. Craves other's approval, or at least acknowledgement of her skills. Volatile; either everything is amazing or everything is terrible and if it is, it's all her fault.

Faith Murphy
Age: 30
Birthday: April 6th
Star Sign: Aries
Occupation: Caretaker
Arcana: The High Priestess
Faith doesn't tell Yon who she is, as she doesn't know he knows her siblings. She's trying to become accustomed to the normal world through movies. Yon might be a lot younger, but discussing movies with him after viewing them at the cinema helps her understand the world a bit better. She eventually opens up to him about her family.