Cold and unapproachable. Intimidating and off-putting to those who don't know him, which is almost everyone in his life.
Main Deets
Name: Leander
Birthday: February 3rd
Sign: Aquarius
Age: 17/18
Favorite color: Blue
Leander is very serious and has an intense air about him. Underneath it all he’s a gentle soul with infinite patience, but not many people get to know him well enough to see this side of him.
He’s protective of Robin and guards her like a hawk. He’s also the only person who takes Robin’s interest in the occult seriously, having studied it himself when he was younger.
He’s extremely hesitant to trust people, often expecting ulterior motives from them. He appreciates people who are earnest and not afraid to show their true selves, but he feels those types of people are hard to come by. He’s woefully unaware how deeply he’s buried his own personality in an attempt to protect himself from harm.
Leander is very by the book when it comes to the occult and condemns any straying from the carefully laid out rules in the tomes and guides the occult club possesses.
He has unaddressed survivor’s guilt due to an event in his childhood, which is largely why he’s so ready to throw himself into any danger that might harm Robin (and later his other friends).

A manifestation of Leander's true self. Accepting that he can do good manifests Sabrathan from within him.Name: Sabrathan
Sigil: None. Angel of the 1st hour of night.
Tarot: The Chariot
Leander is the first person who's inner self manifests as an angel rather than a demon. He is confronted with the good he is capable of, as opposed to hidden desires.
Sabrathan is a small seraphim, carrying a mirror multiple times his own height, which reflects a young night's moon.
Sabrathan is the smallest spirit. An immensive presence is what Leander had expected, but not what he needed to be confronted with.

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