fuck it
woman of the hour

70s themed horror is big this year
is that where we are in the cycle of substyles
jack does have a 70s haircut
n. one of my friends likes to thrift a lot
im gonna mark that as a "yes"

hell yeah five million companies even after a netflix logo cos its indie even with a known actress directing this cos. i guess that still doesnt net you enough money to do a movie with just one company
even if that company is as eager to waste money as netflix
maybe giving it to netflix was a way to pay back all the investors afterwards idk
this is based on a true story thatr i remember reading about back in the ol days when cracked was relevant, and then again when probably reignbot or nexpo or both or one of those other spookytubers covered it in one of their million "scary true things of the world" videos or whatever
but i dont remember much of this lady so im gonna look that up for a sec while the movie is buffering

never mind.
irl it doesnt say anything aboujt her being an actor so i figure anna kendrick just made that up for her own narrative
rodney alcala was a very real serial killer tho
all it says about sheryl bradshaw on wikipedia and any other sources i remember is that she refused to go out with rodney after the dating show they were both on and where he won cos she found him "offputting and creepy"
n i figure the movie is just gonna build on that cos i figure the two of them irl had no interactions afterwards
but i do like survivor experiences and dont care for serial killer focused shit which seems to be what she tried to do here which is why im watching

he was a photographer. which hes doing at the start of the film

the film isnt zooming out but shes wearing the most seventy ass outfit with a chunky teal stoned ring, lacy top and bell bottoms
oh also her husband ran out on her when she got pregnant which is why shes crying

..he looks like kiefer sutherland
is he a sutherland [he is not]

he attacks her a lil n she's like what the fuck with her seventies belt which we can also see now

rest in peace random lady now we know this guy is a merderer
ur service is appreciated

most seventies ass murder i ever did see
id stop pointing it out but i dont want to

??? he brings her back
oh it moves on again. well that was awful

guys running an audition for a movie

anna kendrick! mc and also director for this movie
god damn she doesnt age she looks like she was in twilight two weeks ago.

theyre like are u ok with nudity and she says no thats not for me n then one of them says this
i just watched the substance and im half expecting anna kendrick to pop off her arm and start spraying blood all over them

is the name of the movie! yayy

shes in her car n angry cos it went bad but mostly cos she doesnt have the balls to tell these men off for not giving her any respect during her auditions

we meet her neighbour who is also an actor n shes clearly not comfortable with him
women be harrassed: the movie

she tells him to leave politely cos shes taking a phonecall but he doesnt
the au da ci ty
her agent got her a job at a dating show n shes gotta take it cos shes in LA which is expensive as balls and she cant afford rent

they watch it n the show is tacky as fuck and also NEIGHBOUR TERRY GO HOME
Joker: It's the power of plastic surgery and good makeup hollywood!
if it is plastic surgery thats some of the best plastic surgery ive ever seen cos its unclockable
or my eyesights getting worse i guess

she says i need a drink and terry just. comes along

oh hes not just pushy hes also a nice guy.
what a combo
Kaji: I am uncomfy with how this guy just seems to be following her everywhere
Kaji: Oh there it is
yeah hes hitting on her and she clearly doesnt have the guts to tell him to fuck off

he touched her hair and she recoils which, of course, she immediately apologises for
god if i have a daughter im gonna teach her to punch people in the face
i mean my dad did so itd be family tradition at this point but still

we hardcut to another super seventies girl sleeping on a bench

shes in a laundromat now

she tries to steal money cos shes a bum i guess. but maybe its by choice i mean wasnt that the thing in the 70s
hippies living on the street for fun
idk american history

shes chased out and sits under the stairs and oh no its rodney.

he hits on her as u do and shes like fuck off

poses for his photos anyway
probably still a bit of that "its rude to tell someone no when they ask something of you" upbringing girls usually are brought up with
i know its the late 70s but i mean people still are

meanwhile cheryl has arrived on set for the dating show

the makeup artist gossip with her and i kinda like them

the host comes in and immediately acts uppity and then tells cheryl to act less smart than she is (she told them she went to university)
i kinda think doing makeup for tv might be fun.
or well. like. grime
i think that might be rad

cmon cheryl just spray that mutant blood everywhere
..i should stop referencing the substance

a wholeass family appears in the car park n im assuming this is cheryl's family
u know, supporting her

oh. but also these two. whomsts

yknow idk if he was based on the real host but if so theyre not painting a flattering picture of him lol
also everything is terra cotta colours cos the 70s were brown and orange and nothing else. other colours werent invented until the 80s

shes stressed backstage and now i am too :)

who the fuck is this. where are we now

ok the subtitle is gone but apparently its 1971 new york.

her name is charlie n she just moved and now she has to carry all this upstairs herself.

oh no.

oh no like a vampire he has been invited in.

hes all like omg u dont know all these directors i know this is so lame
ok he doesnt say its lame hes trying to impress her but its not working but she is having fun
which. knowing who he is. oh no :(

shes rly cute

hes like omg its my last day here n i finally connect with someone like you
the fedora is practically manifesting on his head

she catches on and says oh haha anyway i really gotta clean this stuff up now my apartment is a mess! yknow politely trying to let him down and uh this is his face so that doesnt bode well

hes just holding a camera but they do a rly good job of making it look very threatening
like hes aiming a gun at her

i mean we know what was gonna happen.
but they set it up well is what im saying
the film doesnt shy away from showing him strangling people btw but im not gonna screencap that obviously

we cut back to cheryl on this show and the host immediately makes her uncomfortable

so idk if this format still exists, i figure not but basically its three hidden man tryna hit on cheryl by answering her questions and she has to pick one as a winner and they get to go on a date
i figure said date is paid for by the show cos otherwise what's the point

oh noooo its rodney
i mean we wouldnt be here otherwise but still oh noooo

judging from this lady's unsettled response and also her coming outta the car with whomst i presume were cheryls parents im deducting this is her best friend gettin the heebiejeebies from rodney

fuckin hell the stage really was this brown
i mean obviously it makes sense they tried to do a truthful recreation but its still funny to see

fuzzy as hell but this is the real cheryl. guess anna didnt want big hair
..wonder if thats unrealistic for the times. like how period pieces tend to have inaccurate hairstyles cos nowadays theyd be considered unflattering

this is both of them btw. so. theres a lack of hair volume for both
also the horrible joke the host made to cheryl was real, he gives her the same intro in the movie as was given to the real cheryl

shes just given a list of questions to read off and the two other bachelors do a bad job of course

ok well rodneys answers are also gross
then again weve already seen he actually talks like this

oh she might not be her friend, she just recognises rodney. we keep gettin flashbacks of a party they were both at
so maybe she'll warn cheryl or something

she tries to run out but knocks over part of the set
idk what that was for
oh. probably so cheryl will recognise her later cos they had a big shot of cheryl looking at her

still havin a bad time

not as bad as mss full blown panic attack over here tho

oh were back in time again
i think? .. idk there was a timeline of 1979
gdi lemme look up when the dating game was
1978 was the dating game. so they show both before and after. the homeless girl was after the dating game

idk who this is but they keep showing him

and also rodney is there

...is he hitting on this guy? hes talking to blue shirt kid

do u think these collars will come back or nah

nyways police is here to talk to him

but i think hes fine
yeah hes fine. gj police

upset cos his coworkers are gossipping about him now
u canth ave a james sunderland moment rodge u killed too many people
i shouldnt make jokes like this about a real killer. I'll stop
can we go back to cheryl movie pls thats why im watching

this kid happens to be there as well and tells him he cant do the shoot in a very similar polite fashion most women have rejected him but he actually respects it
possibly cos its a man but also maybe cos he's at work and beating up a coworker would get him fired
kind of an odd juxtaposition for a movie but idk maybe it really happened and its all they had to work with

we find out this girl's best friend (or possible girlfriend? its kinda hard to tell) was likely murdered by rodney which is how she knows him.

cheryl confides in the makeup lady that she feels kinda bad cos the host has told her shes not charming enough and she says this

hell yeh makeup lady ilu

meanwhile theother bachelors have some lockerroom talk cos a course they do

seriously. those big collars, yes, no? they might come back

meanwhile this girl confides in her boyfriend about what happened to her best friend
if u got a hunch someone is bad news trust that hunch and get outta there and get ur friend out of there
im not victim blaming im giving advice
its better to offend some asshole you dont know by leaving than to end up dead
being polite is so overrated

ugh boyfriend you suck ass

hell yeah laura
he didnt believe her if that wasnt clear
n shes not having it

we cut back to the show, and cheryl's rewritten her questions to make it clear she went TO SCHOOL and has A DEGREE
she also no sales them on raunchy answers

she asks rodney "whats the difference between a boy and a man" and rodney has the milady answer ready
ngl this feels like emma watson rewriting belle when she played her in the live action beauty and the beast to have invented a fucking washing machine to make her seem """"smarter than the original belle"""" cos i doubt the real cheryl didnt just go along with the stupid TV questions

nyways he impresses cheryl with his cooky intelligence based answers
he literally just doesnt veer off into giving sex based answers and that's it. the bar is in hell

aesthetically pleasing bachelors
and serial killer

cheryl steals the show with her rewritten questions which included asking bachelor 1 "what are girls for" and him answering "uhhhh for guys to have fun with????"
i mean the real show had raunchy jokes all the time so maybe they really did talk like that back then but iiiiiiits losing me aaaaa it feels a little too 2024 coded for something set in 1978 ;_;

cheryl's dress in the movie is so vibrant when the real one was wearing some greyish sacklike number
maybe the 70s werent as colourful as we like to think..

meanwhile laura is trying to let the show know theyve got a killer on
Kaji: I've heard about this!
yes! its "woman of the hour"
i might sound quite critical but i do like it so far
Kaji: I heard about this killer from the Mr. Ballin (Ballen?) show holy shit
it is talked about quite a bit cos its such a bizarre thing to have happened
its a huge relief that the real cheryl trusted her senses and didnt go out with alcala cos he gave her bad feelings

Ed's like oh man we're done. let me poorly hide my disdain for u taking over

subtitler both you and i know that is not how he worded it.
he said:
"once the show is over i want this cunt out of here
i never want to see her fucking face again"
guess deaf people aren't allowed to know that
its weird of him to say that because the nature of the show is that he never sees these people more than once.
but yknow we havent showcased enough 1970s sexism i suppose

she has another heart to heart with the makeup lady who says "ive been on this show forever n the question under all the questions remains the same" so cheryl asks whats the question

meanwhile rodney exchanges info with bachy 2 cos they dont like each other so he can beat him up later or something

then he eats a polaroid of one of his victims in front of him after exclaiming its fake.
as one does.

also laura is at the police station. we get two scenes of her just. waiting.


...did the actor just happen to miss a tooth and have a crown behind it or did they cg them to be this 70s accurate
source: every boomer i know has teeth like this

god damn bachelor number 2 looks an awful lot like jerma

bachelor number two everyone!
missin out on a huge badonk cheryl

woo! way more colour and way less volume than the real cheryl and rodney.

oh nooo i think nobody is coming to listen to her :(

oh my god the security guard fucked her over and made her talk to the janitor.

thats sweet but god DAMN
what a horrible thing to do

they got an arranged date but shes clearly trying to get rid of him the polite way but hes like "hey u wanna go somewhere now"

we cut back to homeless girl so we're in 1979 again. so. in the future

...wait is that laura???

shes looking through his work btw and hes closing the book cos.. idk she doesnt like it
maybe she doesnt think its good or she doesnt like that its all girls

she gives him a little chocolate she nicked from a shop earlier and god i hope she'll be okay

theyre in the desert n hes all like yay lets go hiking :))))) everything is definitely okay

ngl america having landscapes like this always makes me wonder how often people just go here and do terrible things
most people are good and wouldnt but theres a lot of people there so i cant help but wonder

noooo homeless girl

idk what glass is breaking ur in the desert but this doesnt bode well

cheryl went on a date with rodney. the real one didnt but i guess i should see the real story as more of a framework than the whole movie

they dont have chemistry but rodney tries to pretend which cheryl instantly catches onto, and she won't pretend to be impressed with his knowledge so now the atmosphere is rly awkward
and she immediately apologises cos thats probably how she was raised
we were shown this is how she handles these situations

getout getout getout getoutgetoutgetouuuuut


he walks her back to her car cos god knows what he would do if you told him no and made him feel insulted.
as is the custom.

he catches onto her giving him a fake number

congratulations you unlocked the cold hard truth! try not to fly into a rage
its only for a second cos when he says "maybe i'll see you around" she says "maybe" and then he quietly threatens her with violence

oh jesus he followed her

oh no! men! the only true enemy of man

so rodney backs off and cheryl is ..hopefully safe?

we cut to i presume the future n now laura is a teacher

i like her outfit.

hey uhhh sorry i dismissed u about that whole thing with your friend being murdered by bachelor 3

theyre back at the police station and he's with her cos. i guess he's legit sorry he was dismissive

now the police department dismisses her. again. even with boyf support.

cheryl moves out of LA cos theres nothin for her there
the acting dream is dead

its 1979 and homeless girl is still alive

she acts like him trying to kill her was normal which saves her life and he unties her and takes her back to the car

ahh i see its like an extreme version of gently letting a guy down whos hitting on you because you dont want to get MURDERED
well. extreme. its more the end step
extreme was the wrong word. i meant literal

they get to a gas station and she fuckin books it
idk where youd go but dying in the desert is better than sticking around i dont blame her
oh last chance. haha. i get it

she left omg whodathought.

oh shes at the diner!
n we heard the cops
so i guess enough time has passed that the cops she called on him arrived

yeh there he goes

oh they put a nail embed on his face as a defence wound. thats a nice detail

oh shit this is legit how it went

oh for fucks sake


took you way too fuckin long

well that was that
i mean its not a surprise a lot of killers got to continue on their shit for far too long after people reported them
btk killer had a victim who wasnt taken seriously cos "well you know shes a divorcee. you know how those are" or something
idk i cant comprehend people being this dismissive
i dont think this movie helped me understand that more
maybe i simply cant, i dont know
The movie was alright. it was decent
i think its good it was made, what it set out to do
i think it would probably help some people understand shit like this more
changing a real person (cheryl) to fit your narrative sits a little weird with me though, idk
like a "this is what I wouldve done!!" kinda thing