ngl i instantly got the urge to watch it
gotta find me a new movie site first though
i expect it to be awful and not in a fun way
which is not something id usually subject myself to but im too curious now it a documentary?
ah dark social satire. that makes sense. neat poster tho

who si martin buber

even sniff the dog's gotta deal with something spooky

is is a windmill? probably
ben batt sure got a cool credit outta it

...or germany!!!
its kinda hard to tell.
or.. random parasol that just happens to have those colours!!
also its a caravan i guess

anyway this girls name is julie and shes. uh well shes english

orange tie for added dutchness

her name isnt julie its jennifer and shes australian not english. she lied about who she was
the intrigue!!!

also whys the kid wearing a uniform outside of school..

i rly love visiting any time i go with jack we never make it through the whole place before closing time haha
Salsa: its huge!! me and simon also didnt see everything Salsa: also koefoed is a super danish lastname lol
a danish/dutch production

Salsa: is it a windmill related event
presumably! the flashes were so fast it was hard to tell

gotta say not the drug i expected in a dutch themed movie but. weirdly.. pleasantly surprising...???
Salsa: local dutch is happy another drug than weed is shown
honestly u have no idea. its 80% why i was dreading this film
a dutch person caricaturising his own country is the most annoying thing to watch
like cmon u know better man
Salsa: youre more than weed!! youre also spooky windmills
exactly!!! !

dutch stuff! cos hes dutch!
i cant think of a single thing right now :) except griezelbus where he played a skeleton busdriver.

really good way to sell it to ur employee
>calendar about windmills

are you.
fire her now serge
Amy: one of them is secretly meatspin
i mean itd be crappy i suppose
Amy: idk i like to say cursed stuff

thanks england.

which.. could be a nod to the hostel films? those were extremely xenophobic. God I hate Eli Roth. fucking creep
anyway wheres the windmill man :( its right there in the title and ive only seen like, photos
Joker: I actually did get "Hostel" vibes looking at those two screenshots
yeah its not somethin i like being reminded of :( as much as i expect i wont like this film i do expect it to be better than hostel

nigel books it outta there

oh the burning caravan is something from jennifers past. she now lives on the streets in amsterdam cos shes on the run!!
tho we dont know from what

so thanks movie
Salsa: What a helpful movie
i feel safer now i know windmill massacre has my back :)

that "old man leading the MCs to doom/warning the MCs about doom" is a more common archetype than i realised
either that or i just didnt expect it here idk
hes dutch but abe is very much not a dutch name..
maybe he just uses it cos its easier for english speakers
nvm its pronounced in a hella dutch way
guess i just am not familiar with the name

thats a small bus. its like the opposite of Severance where the bus was way too big
>the real holland
time to go stare at some windmills

like in Men, but flat!

well i dont hate the main characters i thought they'd be like hostel tourist characters so thats a good start

or. something of the sort

and yes i based that on absolutely nothing
oh no dr cooper is sketching a skull! how ominous. he also read jennifers pill bottle.

i think i recognise dr coopers actor..

she is the girl of the crystal white ad. whatever that means
also they both spoke japanese and both with a heavy accent lol
one french and one.. idk where the japanese guy is from
oh the actor is japanese/english

gonna call u joey tribbiani from now on

the windmill massacre isnt enough we gotta have a domestic violence arson subplot

Joker: Horror movies really seems to like to add "Oh and the MC's dad was/is abusive" yeah and most of the time it doesnt add anything
the bus broke down cos its a horror movie
theyre stuck on a sand bank of all places

we all got places to be nigel shut the fuck up

doubt its the murder one but that would be convenient!

im right there with u coop
hate that shit

>mr bucket in charlie and the chocolate factory
ok yeah but i wouldnt have remembered that
edge of tomorrow and GoT are the only other credits i recognise.. i guess its probably edge of tomorrow then
sorry this is irrelevant
back to the movie
dr cooper points out theres no windmills marked on the map but omg where are jen and nigel going then???

keep in mind this guy was on his stag do.
also im gonna keep calling him nigel i dont care

aw man a stag do would've been more realistic though... im a little disappointed

Joker: Are those shoes? (They're very nice if they are)
oh nvm he imagined it cos he killed the sex worker back in the red light district. cos of ptsd i imagine. cos hes a soldier.
they are!

iiiiiiiiiiiiii dont think he'll make it.
i'd be upset but im not.
bye nigel!!
damn this movie is gory. Only one death and its already a massacre.
the killer really didnt like nigel
good effect tho! gj special make up lads

hes really adept at wearing those wooden monstronsities considering the damage he managed to do with em

lets just ignore that nigel isnt with her.

he throws a bad cg crow at the bus window cos why not i guess
pigeon woulda felt more dutch to me
yknow scruffy city pigeon
but i suppose u get those in any city

it was broken and useless already, but oh no!
the power of one dead crow tipped it into the water.

yknow nigel dying took me by surprise but if the film kills off jen is when i will be truly surprised
unless its like, at the end. that doesnt count

then again windmills are rather small on the inside so maybe they thought they couldnt spend the whole movie there

well. they dont tie her up so i guess its one step below how poorly they couldve treated it but bleh
cheap horror movie writing regardless

bitch he knows you speak japanese youre the only person he can talk to as far as we know dont be rude to him

..does the windmill guy make everyone imagine things?

where the hell are they that they found a place this decrepit thats within reasonable distance of fuckin amsterdam

im not good at furniture thrifting

this place looks super lived in i wouldnt trust it for a second
abe should know that
even ruby went "this is weird" (ruby's the french woman)

i miss my hoh subs. now i gotta do em myself :c
some cloth ruby hands coop to put on curt's hand since it wont stop bleeding
sure lets use the old rag from the decrepit abandoned haunted shack! time to give curt twelve diseases that havent been around since the sixteen hundreds :)
oh they just showed it to trigger yet another flashback, in coop this time

either its abandoned or you broke into a house you cant do both at the same time!
oh wait he means the windmill. never mind

nick (yknow, the director) thought "we better get rid of the one guy who doesnt speak english asap"
Joker: 🤡

im actually surprised quite a few of the actors in this are pretty good
like.. probably too good for this script
also i misheard, his japanese doesnt have an accent

didnt know wood on soft soil made so much noise.
takashi allows death farmer to kill him, presumably over the guilt of how lonely his grandmother was
they didnt show it but idk if we'll be able to say the same for his corpse.
meanwhile abe finds a document about the execution of a farmer named Hendrich who was sentenced to death "for witchcraft and-"

i read a book about dutch folklore but i dont remember this one...
made up for the film i imagine

hes angry cos he killed ur mum son
i still dont have any evidence for that. but he totes did

the movie was like dang we made our cast too likeable, better start giving them shitty traits so the audience will hate them and cheer on their deaths
mr business: sexist and angery
nigel: just angery
abe: racist and eats bread gross
joey tribbiani: rude to takashi
and then theres
jennifer: final girl angel special blonde lady who did nothing wrong and has a bad past abooboo :(
takashi: dead
curt: a child

what the fuuuuuuck

but of course shes telling this to doctor coop whos convinced shes imagining it. idk why you'd tell someone you expect to be imaginging things to stop doing that cos HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER but.

>probably thinks nothing of seeing this shit in a goddamn forest
Amy: are those jeans or did he straight up hallocinate a mortuar- almost!

no one who wears that should live

which i assume is just. death on the operating table
which means hes a surgeon. which makes it weird hes talking down to a girl that he thinks suffers from a psychological disease, but whatever.
taking the bad movie too seriouslyyyyyy

huh i wonder if that means if you accept you did something bad you'll be okay..?
i cant show you cos its way too gory but god damn the special effects team really did their best for this one.

also everyones like omg jen ur so cray crayyy
and takashi speaks japanese so i guess everyones just choosing to ignore him

Joker: Horror Movies - respecting mental health issues since never!
it only gets worse from here!!!
i thought we started off on a bad foot already but nope director nick said "you have no idea"
also the doctor died super close to the shack it wouldnt be hard to prove shes telling the truth
takashi finally tells ruby so maybe they'll take it seriously now

every time douglas says something shitty they make sure abe is standing next to him though he never says anything

but no you translate the gateway to hell part!

Joker: She's probably doing it on purpose because she doesn't like Takashi...which feels weird to do when there's a murderer going around killing people and this person has pertinent info to avoid being murdered
from the way its framed she does seem to be sincerely trying to translate what hes saying but yeah her early dislike of him wasn't properly justified. i thnk they tried to imply he fanboyed over her being in a japanese commercial but he only asked her about it a single time and then didn't bring it up again so her being rude to him doesnt make sense
and as i said he knows she speaks japanese, nobody else on the tour does, he doesnt speak english, so of course he'll go to her whenever he wants to talk to someone
its just stupid
this can go two ways and both will lead to death
people dont show remorse cos theyre shitty: they die
people do show remorse: they die cos takashi was wrong

who still doesnt know about this.

was this the state of horror movies in the mid 2010s?
is this why i stopped watching horror movies in uni? cos most of what came out was awful?
ah no wait 2016 is too late for that
well in any case
ive seen all these plot points a billion times and they were never good

anyway abe mentions satan turned the miller into a gatekeeper after his mill burned down or some shit
Joker: Abe and Douglas - do not seperate
cheese sandwich man and sexist business racist

nick aggressively tryna make a windmill look spooky and dangerous

(imagine thunder behind the mill I cant get a good screencap of it)

thats clearly a workbench shes standing in front of. where the fuck did the bear come from
who put it there? what kid plays around a workbench? what parent lets a kid play around a workbench?
more importantly: which set designer thought yknow what this spooky abandoned workplace needs? FUCKIN TEDDY BEARS
Joker: Maybe the teddybear wants to try out carpentry
the way its lying htere its not doin a very good job

yknow miller henrich ur no freddy krueger. Im getting tired of these hallucinations
she of course walks inside cos after seeing two people die why not?

or mobile home. idk english

i feel like there were some options you didnt explore before murder by arson but idfk maybe you did. the movie definitely didnt go into it
Joker: I like the yellow lighting - it's very comfy! (for a scene about arson-murder)

its a small ass house idk how he got in there without her noticing

he was sleeping when you put him outside and the next time you heard him the building was on fire
ok it doesnt matter im being pedantic
shes got guilt over the death of danny. not her dad. that makes sense
they see the windmill move so they go out there to check it out. since they need help
and by they i mean douglas and abe so im sure theyll be just peachy!

nobody made you be here
maybe take some photos of where u are now, who knows maybe youll win a fuckin world press photo 2016
human agony and all that

wonder if curt did something
maybe as a young child

another one on the list of "seemed okay at first until the director realised oop should make them more unlikeable so people are ok with them dying"

i just realised i forgot to include who jtribbs talking about. shes talking about a rival model she paid a yakuza to maim

the movie isnt acting like hes crazy or stupid but idk man its the one guy who doesnt speak english from a culture that isn't western. just feels kinda uncomfortable

you can still keep up your stupid horror murder plot cos its not like they can do anything to stop you just cos theyre aware theyre seeing things! it just means they know somethings up!
at least that'd be original

[just noticed u can see the prosthetic sitting on her skin...]

(death miller extraordinaire pulled her in)

well. under the sinkhole rather.
but yknow.
that was surprisingly gore free. she just drowned

we saw douglas look at it, there was a shot of him looking at the bloody beam rotating, but nah no cause for alarm lads
were two old guys in a horror movie what bad could possibly happen to us?

so at least thats something

(he doesnt actually know her past)
(that was just a stupid joke on my part. gotta clarify cos everyone becomes an asshole randomly in this film and i want to make sure u know takashi is still nice)

maybe curt killed his mum.
someone in this family killed that woman thats for sure.
oh wait if he did he wouldnt try to call her never mind

i mean itd be crazy if he didnt but this is a stupid slasher film and ive seen dumber lines of thought on these characters
Lou: AW FUCK YEAH WINDMILL MASSACRE Lou: sorry i had a nap after noodles kicked my ass so i'm gonna have to backread this with ollie later [Lou ate some very spicy noodles earlier this day.]

now we just need to see abe eat a sandwich with some dignity and we're all decent people again.

Lou: that man is so stoned. i mean. uh. stereotypes are bad.
curt is like, fourteen and his dad is with him so i hope not to be honest
not the best time

Lou: lmao i love when horror movies pull a "i say we just gtfo okay fuck this noise"
the dad wants to but everyone is like uh we gotta ritually sacrifice the miller first
and considering the miller has freddy krueger powers theyre probably right
at least in the sense that they cant get away
Mono: wait there is yakuza in this windmill movie???
nah only an offhand mention of one
it does come kinda outa nowhere lol she coulda just said she paid someone to cut a rival
Joker: I hope the sequel has more Yakuza in it - they were the highlight of this film I think
Mono: i hope the windmill is a yakuza member

Lou: idk what the direction was for this kid but wow he does not look present whatsoever
he's bleeding out
which he is selling very well lol

Lou: curt was actually the yakuza this whole time
you have no idea how much id welcome that plot twist
Lou: LMAO release the windmill massacre yacurtza cut

Joker: Considering you're a racist sexist doug I'm hesistant to believe your judgement
Lou: woah what i missed a lot
douglas had an asshole arc that the third act is trying to go back on for some reason

also the whole group is now split up cos of the domestic murder drama
can we please put that aside until after we've dealt with the miller lads
bit more of an active threat id say
yknow aside the admission of him hurting his (ex)wife

if it was curt calling for help i'd give the movie that but his phone i find a little hard to buy

idk what kinda sin theyre planning to ascribe to him to justify this
unless, again, he did something horrific as a small child but idk

fair enough.
not the killing of takashi, thats annoying.
i liked him.
but the guide being in on it is fine.
they do that all the fucking time

oh wait. she wasnt supposed to be on the bus. she doesnt have a ticket
she's not part of this whole thing. thats the most final girl horseshit reason ive ever heard

also i didnt point it out but the guide is actually played by quite a well known dutch actor
id call it neat but again hes too good for this movie lol
"its a shame that an-"

u gonna kill him right in front of jennifer or someting

at least tell your master showing his dad's death on his phone was a low blow
theyre laying curt being innocent on so thick im almost certain hes done something
its the most interesting thing about the movie at this point

yknow, for added dutchness!
even though the dutch angle is actually german! :D
the sound design on the windmill is good i gotta give it that
Amy: .... i just think of imperial star destroyers from star wars whenever i see that shot of the windmill
its creaking is very consistent cos its spinning and its actually pretty ominous and spooky i like it

no, like the ships in general. the windmill blade and the edge of the wooden wall created a very similar arrowhead shape
Amy: more the general shape (this angle is apparently pretty rare)
ahh i think i sort of see it now

kinda shitty hes got an underling to kill any innocents who happen to be there, like takashi. Thats so unfair
but satan be bad yadda yadda it just seems weird he punishes bad people if it includes stragglers
Joker: Yeah - I mean you're a magic demon. Just send them home with your magic demon powers or something
yeah they couldve done something interesting with that
but thats too much work i guess
easier to go for cookie cutter slasher script
also the miller threw a crow into the side of the bus. the fuck did that crow do? was it a sinner too?

i think maybe the blades were supposed to make you feel at ease cos curt started falling asleep :/

while in a room with three maimed corpses.
what a normal human reaction to have :)

even tho its a legend. u cant see how the mill works that ruins the magic!

Amy: ... is jen going to kill curt by accident and then the miller has a legit reason to kill her?
i doubt it
theyre not in the same place right now

inb4 jennifer storms in and saves curt
so she can save one little boy at least! unlike the one she couldnt back in the day

i like the energy but those knives are pretty jank.
ur more likely to cut your own fingers as it snaps back shut than u are to stab him i think
maybe try the corkscrew thingy its got instead that usually gets stuck when u get it out anyways

hes also laughing! thats cool i like that

ur just some dutch murderghost
shes an australian girl which bureau in hell gave her case to you
bit farfetched if you ask me

where did it go..
she also died super gorily. gross.

if the miller is okay with curt living why does he even have a henchman to kill innocents?

good thing sinners love windmill tours so much.

just gonna assume curt safely made it home where he now lives with a very loving aunt and uncle that do their best to get him all the support he needs for the rest of his life and nothing bad ever happens to him again.
Joker: Ugh, I hate it when horror movies do the "Actually they all died (did Curt die?)", makes everything the "Final Girl/Guy" does to survive and finish their character arc feel pointless
yeah i kinda get it here with the whole sinner plot but it wasnt executed well at all i kinda feel like this movie had potential but was super generic for the most part, plus while the gore effects were good quality at some points they ruined the impact of a scene (eg jennifer's death. she gets hooked through the fucking head.)
i give it a ghost ship out of ten.
which is. like. a 3 out of 10, iirc.
not really worth seeing :( but to be fair i expected that. Still it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be! I dont regret watching it