cos i swear to god creators have been putting this fit on characters for about 40 years now
and it was never cool (im watching vicious fun btw. woo more shudder movies!)

Mono: it's the car
Mono: i'm sure of it
surprise! its a sequel to christine
the car is the real murderer
>main character makes taxi follow this guy
Mono: they do that in movies all the time. is that like.... normal
Mono: like hop into a taxi and go "FOLLOW THAT CAR/PERSON"

also this guy keeps making stupid faces

then this is the reason he gives for why joel is a loser:

thanks murderman

including the loudass eighties music playing while he drinks

she is also a murderer n i know this cos she killed another murderer at the opening of this film
this film has a lot of murderers in it.
gotta say i dont like him much so far. i get that he's supposed to be a loser but if they dont switch it up soon its gonna start gettin on my nerves

(i forgot what from.)

i know i saw him die in something but what

anyway joel accidentally joined a support group for serial killers

im bored
hate the cool sexy woman badass trope so much


Mono: just like bob in stranger things.. :(
Mono: love to see it

im a cool girl im a ima cool girl, ice cold i roll my eyes at you boy
shit trope i hate it
bob pls kill everyone thanku
Mono: but aren't you, male watcher, turned on by strong female character WHO HATES SKIRTS AND PINK AND CAN PROVE SHE IS JUST AS STRONG AS BOYS

Mono: was this movie released in the 80s or is it jsut "HEY YOU, WATCHER, DONT YOU LOVE THE 80S"
its the latter. movie's from 2020

fritz is one of the killers. should maybe have clarified lol
anyway our group of killers is borderline racist stereotype japanese man, fritz the psychology clown, mike the extra angry jason, and bob
there was also baldy the fbi guy i screenshotted at the start but hes already dead
Mono: maybe it's like "dont you love the 80s? dont you wish it still was the 80s? the good old times? if so then pls like this movie"
Mono: so bob is the best one i'm assuming?

yeah bob's fun. The actor is clearly having a lot of fun with the character so that helps a lot

>joel asks main girl how she knows about all of them
>main girl says trust me you dont wanna know
as if its anything else than 'shes a final girl who survived and is now taking revenge'
people are gonna look back at the early 20s and not be able to tell whats 20s and whats the 20s mimicking the 80s

>somehow figures out that its not joels intestine from licking it DUDE WHAT

i bet your id is a lot nicer. lets see it

reverse dbd
Mono: the true reason clown was disabled for a bit
hahahaha he got some of his own fingers sliced off by a serial killer killer
"brb as we reattach clowns fingers"
>main girl has book of all the serial killers shes killed
>quickly snatches it back from mc when he stops on this page

we should call it that when only one of us is still alive in dbd
"omg i cant believe dwight got final girled"

its also made me realize good god joel you creepy loser you

u can still change dude
yknow if bob doesnt murder your ass
ah the police has arrived to get horrifically murdered

the one in black is funny though
and no one has sexualized final girl which i also appreciate
well joel hit on her i guess
Majo: ur so right

he is also not an asshole his biggest crime was eating noodles while reading a magazine in the same room as where the mcs were being interrogated

you better live you noodly bastard
Mono: the randy of this movie...
my brother in randy [randy used to be my discord name. cos of randy meeks. so there]

joel tells literally everyone the exact situation hes in even though its wild as hell
of course everyone goes JOEL WHAT THE FUCK but i still kinda respect it

>tries to make another call but chad!tony stops him

like bob the mc is having fun with the role which is nice

i know im critisising this movie a lot but final girl gives the mc proper dating advice which is cool
cos i can tell theyre not gonna smoosh the two together at the end and hes also not gonna end up with his roommate
shes like you cant force someone to like you if they dont they just dont. you'll be fine but just get over yourself a lil
vicious fun: where a movie about a serial killer support group turns into Life Lessons with Incel and Final Girl


made me laugh out loud

at this point idk whats in the script and whats just this guy doing whatever

the randy rule is u get to survive...
angry mustache cop just says he hopes he wont die cos hes the only person his stepdaughter has left
movie. omg
why is the shit with the police the best so far

he also doesnt talk when hes in clown mode. ur a clown buddy not a mime
anyway the police are gone rip
i mean its not surprising but i expected them to die earlier and also that they wouldnt have a nice lad like tony :c
the ost is very good if u like 80s synth inspired music btw.

this is not the face you make while maiming a main character

just look the most intense you can look???

youre not in a cartoon
stop. pls

stil doin the jaunty walk though
Majo: i appreciate bob, as a fellow jaunty walker
i bet u light up any space you enter with ur jaunty walk

mc: throws up on bob
do u want me to dislike him movie

swap that out for a tank and youd be golden joel. ur so close

idk. ive noticed thats a thing with male actors
itd explain why in some movies (read: red state, dead girl) the "teen" actors look fuckin swole cos they put them in age appropriate clothing which, yes thank you that looks nice, but also, that is not a seventeen year old no way

final verdict: its really fun. if you like silly horror with a simple plot give it a watch
it really didnt need to be set in the 80s but hey we got a cool soundtrack outta it at least