Traditional art. As in: on paper
THE SEQUEL. Click and open the art in a new tab if u wanna see a bigger version. I didn't do that for page one but I did here.BE FOREWARNED
Like page one:some of my art contains depictions of (body) horror and allusions to self harm.
If that is something that you're not comfortable with, please feel free to click off. It might seem a little dark and concerning but it's a way for me to vent out something I can't or shouldn't physically do.
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What is it: Painting of a shot from a videogame I really liked (the shot, not the game. the game was confusing.)
Why'd I make it: Watching a streamer play a game and was bored n inspired
What did I use: Winsor + Newton inks
Ok technically this is fanart which i all dumped at the bottom of this page but i felt like i kinda needed somethin to ease u into the page since most of the other stuff on here is body horror. And then fanart at the end lol. So this is based on a still from a scene in a horror video game about.. I think ghosts and actors, or something? Anyway I really liked how the lighting made everything look ethereal and her red lipstick so intense, so I thought I'd paint it while watching the stream. The streamer was Granny btw, check her out she's sweet
Why'd I make it: Watching a streamer play a game and was bored n inspired
What did I use: Winsor + Newton inks
Ok technically this is fanart which i all dumped at the bottom of this page but i felt like i kinda needed somethin to ease u into the page since most of the other stuff on here is body horror. And then fanart at the end lol. So this is based on a still from a scene in a horror video game about.. I think ghosts and actors, or something? Anyway I really liked how the lighting made everything look ethereal and her red lipstick so intense, so I thought I'd paint it while watching the stream. The streamer was Granny btw, check her out she's sweet

What is it:
Lady with sheep eyes holding up a lionhead/mask
Why'd I make it: Messing around with new ink
What did I use: Winsor + Newton inks
With this one I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to paint but not quite at what angle, if that makes sense. Cos of the materials I thought a close up would turn out the best (also lbr most of my traditional art is portraits). There's this song that compares high stakes rich folk to living in a jungle and that they will eventually run out of time. It gave me this image of hordes of prey animals attacking predators. God that sounds dumb as fuck when I type it out. Anyway that's why it's a woman with sheep eyes holding up a lion's head.
Lady with sheep eyes holding up a lionhead/mask
Why'd I make it: Messing around with new ink
What did I use: Winsor + Newton inks
With this one I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to paint but not quite at what angle, if that makes sense. Cos of the materials I thought a close up would turn out the best (also lbr most of my traditional art is portraits). There's this song that compares high stakes rich folk to living in a jungle and that they will eventually run out of time. It gave me this image of hordes of prey animals attacking predators. God that sounds dumb as fuck when I type it out. Anyway that's why it's a woman with sheep eyes holding up a lion's head.

What is it: Man content with his melting face
Why'd I make it: Idk man i wanted to draw some more face/skull stuff
What did I use: Winsor + Newton inks, Ecoline markers
At this point I really loved the inks I bought while I was in london cos good god they are so VIBRANT. I'm still trying to paint more dudes. Not too happy w/ how this turned out though, I might try it again. Fucker on the photo I used as a ref had massive eyes (or im just bad and made them too big that is highly plausible). I do like the bit of skull peekin out and I'm pretty happy with how the melty strings look. I legit looked up promo pictures of cheesy pizzas for that lol. Also like the colours, if I do this again I think it'll be pink again.
Why'd I make it: Idk man i wanted to draw some more face/skull stuff
What did I use: Winsor + Newton inks, Ecoline markers
At this point I really loved the inks I bought while I was in london cos good god they are so VIBRANT. I'm still trying to paint more dudes. Not too happy w/ how this turned out though, I might try it again. Fucker on the photo I used as a ref had massive eyes (or im just bad and made them too big that is highly plausible). I do like the bit of skull peekin out and I'm pretty happy with how the melty strings look. I legit looked up promo pictures of cheesy pizzas for that lol. Also like the colours, if I do this again I think it'll be pink again.

What is it:
Stress is all over your body if only you could let it out like smoke
Why'd I make it: Cos of what I wrote one line up
What did I use: India ink, washi tape (to mask the letters in the bg)
I've done a painting of smoke/steam leaving someone's face as a depiction of stress before, that time using stitches being ripped open with a seam ripper (i dont think I shared it here, I'm not too stoked with how it turned out or maybe it is on page 1 idk) but the idea of that still resonates with me real strongly so I did another take of it. Except this time its a dude, the whole thing is in black and white and the words in the bg are a poor Dutch rendition of "END ME". I like it a lot except the smoke coming from his nose and how his neck being separated from his body doesn't show up that well, I think.
Stress is all over your body if only you could let it out like smoke
Why'd I make it: Cos of what I wrote one line up
What did I use: India ink, washi tape (to mask the letters in the bg)
I've done a painting of smoke/steam leaving someone's face as a depiction of stress before, that time using stitches being ripped open with a seam ripper (i dont think I shared it here, I'm not too stoked with how it turned out or maybe it is on page 1 idk) but the idea of that still resonates with me real strongly so I did another take of it. Except this time its a dude, the whole thing is in black and white and the words in the bg are a poor Dutch rendition of "END ME". I like it a lot except the smoke coming from his nose and how his neck being separated from his body doesn't show up that well, I think.

What is it: A hasty escape
Why'd I make it: More depictions of stress!
What did I use: Indian ink, Winsor + Newton inks.
So there's this Japanese artist who keeps popping up on my Tumblr dashboard (I'll link off to them when I can find em again) who likes to draw people violently bursting out of their bodies in layers, sorta. Like, skeleton, skin, eyes, guts all the works. And that combined with how I so strongly associate leavin my body with stress made me think of this thing of a skeleton escaping its body by crawling out of it. also more smoke. But this time it's a soul n not just. idk. stress fumes. I like it but the head on the skin is too big. Maybe I'll try it again someday
Why'd I make it: More depictions of stress!
What did I use: Indian ink, Winsor + Newton inks.
So there's this Japanese artist who keeps popping up on my Tumblr dashboard (I'll link off to them when I can find em again) who likes to draw people violently bursting out of their bodies in layers, sorta. Like, skeleton, skin, eyes, guts all the works. And that combined with how I so strongly associate leavin my body with stress made me think of this thing of a skeleton escaping its body by crawling out of it. also more smoke. But this time it's a soul n not just. idk. stress fumes. I like it but the head on the skin is too big. Maybe I'll try it again someday

What is it:
I called it amanita but that's def not what that fungus is rip
Why'd I make it: I think we've established at this point that I like body horror
What did I use: Watercolours, fineliner
YES it's not all winsor + newton inks I promise. Tho admittedly looking at it now I think those inks would've shown off the vibrancy of this fungus irl a lot better than my limited palette of watercolours. Oh well. I remembered bleeding Hydnellum (also known as Devil's Tooth) existed n thought damn wouldn't it be sick if that grew on someone's face. This one was a lot of fun and a lotta work cos I wanted to get the Hydnellum right but also not ruin the whole thing by adding on too much. I think I did pretty well in the end (tho as I said the fungus isn't as bright as I'd have liked).
I called it amanita but that's def not what that fungus is rip
Why'd I make it: I think we've established at this point that I like body horror
What did I use: Watercolours, fineliner
YES it's not all winsor + newton inks I promise. Tho admittedly looking at it now I think those inks would've shown off the vibrancy of this fungus irl a lot better than my limited palette of watercolours. Oh well. I remembered bleeding Hydnellum (also known as Devil's Tooth) existed n thought damn wouldn't it be sick if that grew on someone's face. This one was a lot of fun and a lotta work cos I wanted to get the Hydnellum right but also not ruin the whole thing by adding on too much. I think I did pretty well in the end (tho as I said the fungus isn't as bright as I'd have liked).

What is it: Lady with "everything is ok" written on her face
Why'd I make it: Yknow like when people put sigils or prayers or incantations on their bodies. But it's just Dutch words of affirmation
What did I use: Omg can u believe it its Winsor + Newton again. The inks not the people idk who they are
I did an earlier version of this with ecoline markers in black and white that I seem to have misplaced that I wasn't too happy with; I wrote the words too big and they warped around the face weirdly. The lady in that one was in more of a prayer pose than miss stare-u-down here though. She looks low-key like an emaciated version of my mother. I swear it's just a coincidence my relationship w/ my mom is healthy n normal. but she rly does, jfc
Why'd I make it: Yknow like when people put sigils or prayers or incantations on their bodies. But it's just Dutch words of affirmation
What did I use: Omg can u believe it its Winsor + Newton again. The inks not the people idk who they are
I did an earlier version of this with ecoline markers in black and white that I seem to have misplaced that I wasn't too happy with; I wrote the words too big and they warped around the face weirdly. The lady in that one was in more of a prayer pose than miss stare-u-down here though. She looks low-key like an emaciated version of my mother. I swear it's just a coincidence my relationship w/ my mom is healthy n normal. but she rly does, jfc

What is it:
Me with my kraken mug makin mistakes
Why'd I make it: Cos I was drinking knowing full well it was a bad idea
What did I use: Midliner Fineliner, brush pen, label maker
it says "Drink! It will make everything so much worse!". I've got a kraken mug even tho i don't really drink rum, my poison is vodka and coke. I don't keep it in the house cos I do dumb shit when I drink but mostly because the next day my depression and anxiety are a million times worse. It took me so long to accept the alcohol was amplifying it so bad. But now I realise that everything I like doing is still just as interesting when I'm sober, n I still stay up late at night but now I don't feel like killing myself in the morning. nyways a while back I bought alcohol and ab uncha junk food kinda to induce a breakdown cos it had been a while and I thought well I'm about to go on holiday and reaching rock bottom then would be bad so lets try to speed it up. Didn't work lol don't try to plan a mental breakdown lads it doesn't work
Me with my kraken mug makin mistakes
Why'd I make it: Cos I was drinking knowing full well it was a bad idea
What did I use: Midliner Fineliner, brush pen, label maker
it says "Drink! It will make everything so much worse!". I've got a kraken mug even tho i don't really drink rum, my poison is vodka and coke. I don't keep it in the house cos I do dumb shit when I drink but mostly because the next day my depression and anxiety are a million times worse. It took me so long to accept the alcohol was amplifying it so bad. But now I realise that everything I like doing is still just as interesting when I'm sober, n I still stay up late at night but now I don't feel like killing myself in the morning. nyways a while back I bought alcohol and ab uncha junk food kinda to induce a breakdown cos it had been a while and I thought well I'm about to go on holiday and reaching rock bottom then would be bad so lets try to speed it up. Didn't work lol don't try to plan a mental breakdown lads it doesn't work

What is it: Influencer cleaning the grave of a spirit who never asked for that shit
Why'd I make it: Grave cleaner tiktok feels conflicting
What did I use: Black marker, white Posca marker for deets
IDK if it's still a thing but a few months back there were multiple people who would find abandoned or just really old graves and wash them. Like they'd have a whole ass kit to powerwash an old grave and shit. And they'd always talk about the name on the stone and shit and they'd imagine who they were or what their life was like and man idk. Like on the one hand its kinda nice they're giving attention to someone who's likely got no living relatives left and probably nobody thinks about them anymore until this rando with a bucket showed up, but at the same time its just online content and half the time they say the same shit over and over, it's purely disingenuous. I meant for the speech bubble to have words but then thought I couldn't really add anything for her to say that'd make the drawing better (since it'd just be somethin vapid)
Why'd I make it: Grave cleaner tiktok feels conflicting
What did I use: Black marker, white Posca marker for deets
IDK if it's still a thing but a few months back there were multiple people who would find abandoned or just really old graves and wash them. Like they'd have a whole ass kit to powerwash an old grave and shit. And they'd always talk about the name on the stone and shit and they'd imagine who they were or what their life was like and man idk. Like on the one hand its kinda nice they're giving attention to someone who's likely got no living relatives left and probably nobody thinks about them anymore until this rando with a bucket showed up, but at the same time its just online content and half the time they say the same shit over and over, it's purely disingenuous. I meant for the speech bubble to have words but then thought I couldn't really add anything for her to say that'd make the drawing better (since it'd just be somethin vapid)

What is it:
Why'd I make it: Redo of the first painting/drawing I did after a rough time
What did I use: Black markers
The first version of this had text of a song i like (something for your mind, which is the file name of this one also) and the rats were silhouetted and in colour. Rats are cool. Also when I first got sick I felt like a trapped rat who had to chew off a leg to get out of the trap. Guess that's transformed into smoke leaving a human now
Why'd I make it: Redo of the first painting/drawing I did after a rough time
What did I use: Black markers
The first version of this had text of a song i like (something for your mind, which is the file name of this one also) and the rats were silhouetted and in colour. Rats are cool. Also when I first got sick I felt like a trapped rat who had to chew off a leg to get out of the trap. Guess that's transformed into smoke leaving a human now

What is it: Me with some utensils stuck
Why'd I make it: fuckin hell is everything on this page stress relief metaphors
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, brush pen
Sometimes when I'm talking to people about nothing and I really want to leave I imagine myself makin a quick exit by jabbing something in my neck. The utensils depicted are all tools I use quite regularly, knitting needles, a nail file, a small kitchen knife. If I'd be out of this conversation I'd find some peace
Why'd I make it: fuckin hell is everything on this page stress relief metaphors
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, brush pen
Sometimes when I'm talking to people about nothing and I really want to leave I imagine myself makin a quick exit by jabbing something in my neck. The utensils depicted are all tools I use quite regularly, knitting needles, a nail file, a small kitchen knife. If I'd be out of this conversation I'd find some peace

What is it:
Me bein a dumbass part II
Why'd I make it: Cos I knew what was gonna happen lol
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, brush pen, white Posca marker
I've got other alcohol markers that I brought with me from my parental home n I'm thinkin of trying them out soon; they're expensive as shit now and I don't have as many colours as these Ohuhu markers but i mean u can see the streaks here. These markers are fine but they're not fantastic ngl. They can get pretty streaky n I think some of them are already drying out.
Anyways yeh I bought some box cutters for cutting paper and it's a fuckin blade and I know what I do with those. Thought I'd make a drawing of my stupid self first, I guess (im fine now btw)
Me bein a dumbass part II
Why'd I make it: Cos I knew what was gonna happen lol
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, brush pen, white Posca marker
I've got other alcohol markers that I brought with me from my parental home n I'm thinkin of trying them out soon; they're expensive as shit now and I don't have as many colours as these Ohuhu markers but i mean u can see the streaks here. These markers are fine but they're not fantastic ngl. They can get pretty streaky n I think some of them are already drying out.
Anyways yeh I bought some box cutters for cutting paper and it's a fuckin blade and I know what I do with those. Thought I'd make a drawing of my stupid self first, I guess (im fine now btw)

What is it: My warrior of light
Why'd I make it: IDK man who else is gonna draw her
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, fineliner
Wanted to practice with filling a canvas with a buncha figures. I like playing Fashion Show when I play FFXIV. Been playing since Realm Reborn so I feel like I got a lotta outfits. Tho this isnt my og character
Why'd I make it: IDK man who else is gonna draw her
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, fineliner
Wanted to practice with filling a canvas with a buncha figures. I like playing Fashion Show when I play FFXIV. Been playing since Realm Reborn so I feel like I got a lotta outfits. Tho this isnt my og character

What is it:
My chars in two other games
Why'd I make it: Iunno
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, brush pen
My character from Fallout 76. Like many ppl I picked it back up after the Fallout show came out (which sure was just ok). Then dropped it again after a week. oh well
The angel thing is from Sun Haven, which I really enjoyed but then my file got corrupted :( It's a really good game tho I definitely recommend it.
My chars in two other games
Why'd I make it: Iunno
What did I use: Ohuhu markers, brush pen
My character from Fallout 76. Like many ppl I picked it back up after the Fallout show came out (which sure was just ok). Then dropped it again after a week. oh well
The angel thing is from Sun Haven, which I really enjoyed but then my file got corrupted :( It's a really good game tho I definitely recommend it.

What is it: The artist from DBD
Why'd I make it: I like drawing corvids
What did I use: Midliner Fineliner, marker, white Posca pen
Iiiiii wanted to draw some crows and somehow it turned into fanart of a killer from Dead by Daylight I never play? IDK. I think it's alright. It was fun to draw tho cos Artist has a long ass neck and I tend to draw necks too long anyway and the ink/cracks on her face are fun. I actually usually play as Legion or Trickster. I bet I can't draw him
Why'd I make it: I like drawing corvids
What did I use: Midliner Fineliner, marker, white Posca pen
Iiiiii wanted to draw some crows and somehow it turned into fanart of a killer from Dead by Daylight I never play? IDK. I think it's alright. It was fun to draw tho cos Artist has a long ass neck and I tend to draw necks too long anyway and the ink/cracks on her face are fun. I actually usually play as Legion or Trickster. I bet I can't draw him

What is it: Hamsters
Why'd I make it: I like em
What did I use: Midliner Fineliners, brush pen
I just really like hamsters
Why'd I make it: I like em
What did I use: Midliner Fineliners, brush pen
I just really like hamsters