Traditional art. As in: on paper
So pls don't be alarmed by the url, thank u. Writing out the whole thing is just a lot to link off to.Note: This page looks a little wonky on mobile; apologies. I'm trying to fix it but its hard
I started painting/drawing on paper again as a way to vent. I was deeply depressed between 2020 and 2023 (and still very much in recovery) and I'd express myself through painting to keep from expressing it in shall we say more harmful ways.As such, some of my art contains depictions of (body) horror, allusions to self harm, and in one case actual blood.
If that is something that you're not comfortable with, please feel free to click off. Otherwise, I hope you like my work. It's done me a lot of good making it.
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What is it: A yellow, red and orange butterfly
Why'd I make it: Cos we just moved and I wanted more decorations for the walls
What did I use: Ecoline markers, whatever fineliner I had lying around
Ok so all three of those are actual butterflies, but I don't remember what kind except the orange one which is a Monarch. They are currently up right next to the kitchen. In the kitchen we actually have three pinned insects now! But we didn't at the time. I was kinda inspired by framed insects when I painted these so I considered writing the names under it but decided against it (either cos it'd look bad or cos hell maybe they don't look close enough to the actual butterflies idk).
Why'd I make it: Cos we just moved and I wanted more decorations for the walls
What did I use: Ecoline markers, whatever fineliner I had lying around
Ok so all three of those are actual butterflies, but I don't remember what kind except the orange one which is a Monarch. They are currently up right next to the kitchen. In the kitchen we actually have three pinned insects now! But we didn't at the time. I was kinda inspired by framed insects when I painted these so I considered writing the names under it but decided against it (either cos it'd look bad or cos hell maybe they don't look close enough to the actual butterflies idk).

What is it:
Tsuki with pumpkin plants, Hydrangeas, Moths and orange Amaryllis
Why'd I make it: To relax, mostly
What did I use: Ecoline markers, that same random fineliner, a labelmaker
OK SO I actually swap these out sometimes! This is a shelf in our living room with three frames on it and I put whatever work I did I'm the happiest with in there. The oldest one is the one in the middle, because I hate performativity in any form and idk it's like a little reminder to act that way as little as possible myself. And also recognise it in other people cos I can't fuckin stand it.
On a more relaxed note the left painting is of my cat. I was kinda afraid of painting/drawing anything but flowers at the time because animals are expressive and therefore a lot more daunting, so this was kind of an early attempt at making more animal drawings. It was october which I think you can tell pretty easily.
The right painting says "un/happy" on it cos depression is a bitch. I also really like drawing/painting moths still. I think I might replace this one soon.
Tsuki with pumpkin plants, Hydrangeas, Moths and orange Amaryllis
Why'd I make it: To relax, mostly
What did I use: Ecoline markers, that same random fineliner, a labelmaker
OK SO I actually swap these out sometimes! This is a shelf in our living room with three frames on it and I put whatever work I did I'm the happiest with in there. The oldest one is the one in the middle, because I hate performativity in any form and idk it's like a little reminder to act that way as little as possible myself. And also recognise it in other people cos I can't fuckin stand it.
On a more relaxed note the left painting is of my cat. I was kinda afraid of painting/drawing anything but flowers at the time because animals are expressive and therefore a lot more daunting, so this was kind of an early attempt at making more animal drawings. It was october which I think you can tell pretty easily.
The right painting says "un/happy" on it cos depression is a bitch. I also really like drawing/painting moths still. I think I might replace this one soon.

What is it: My eye and a buncha Purple Emperor butterflies
Why'd I make it: Fucked up my first attempt at this and wanted to try again
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
Purple Emperor butterflies eat corpses. They're also purple but I thought the painting would look nicer with a monochrome colour palette so I used reds instead. The original attempt I messed up by adding way too much water and trying to add details with white acrylic paint but the whole thing just ended up looking like a mess. I was also drunk, so. That probably didn't help. This attempt was made with a lot more thought and care and no alcohol
Why'd I make it: Fucked up my first attempt at this and wanted to try again
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
Purple Emperor butterflies eat corpses. They're also purple but I thought the painting would look nicer with a monochrome colour palette so I used reds instead. The original attempt I messed up by adding way too much water and trying to add details with white acrylic paint but the whole thing just ended up looking like a mess. I was also drunk, so. That probably didn't help. This attempt was made with a lot more thought and care and no alcohol

What is it: My wrist, sorta
Why'd I make it:I wanted to paint something real bright and not flowers
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, white acrylic marker
I don't have a ribbon tattoo'ed on my arm nor would I want one there but idk. I kinda wanted to use bright colours I'd associate with magical girls. I always paint the nails on my left hand black, while on my right hand I'll use whatever colour I feel like. I also used to self harm a lot (I'm doing better now but we're not out of the woods yet) and my left wrist is where I'd do it. So there you go. Oh yeah and the thumb ring is a ring I actually own that says "fuck it" on it BUT I LOST IT :( I LOVED THAT RING GDI
I tried to paint this with gouache paint I bought but then said paint turned out to be complete garbage so I went back to my usual trusty ecoline markers. It taught me a lesson to do more research and invest in some proper art tools in the future
Why'd I make it:I wanted to paint something real bright and not flowers
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, white acrylic marker
I don't have a ribbon tattoo'ed on my arm nor would I want one there but idk. I kinda wanted to use bright colours I'd associate with magical girls. I always paint the nails on my left hand black, while on my right hand I'll use whatever colour I feel like. I also used to self harm a lot (I'm doing better now but we're not out of the woods yet) and my left wrist is where I'd do it. So there you go. Oh yeah and the thumb ring is a ring I actually own that says "fuck it" on it BUT I LOST IT :( I LOVED THAT RING GDI
I tried to paint this with gouache paint I bought but then said paint turned out to be complete garbage so I went back to my usual trusty ecoline markers. It taught me a lesson to do more research and invest in some proper art tools in the future

What is it: Birthflowers of each month
Why'd I make it: Cos 2024 was about to start
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, gold ink, blood
I think this one kinda inspired me to start painting other things than flowers. It might sound a little fucked up if you don't self harm but I purposely made a cut for this painting, after finishing the sketch. The idea behind it is that I've made it so far, and I can make it another year, be it with some new scars or not. But I feel like if you remove the dark spots it looks like it could be hung up in an eldery home with how colourful it is. So yeah, it didn't turn out quite right. But I think with what's behind it it's still good that I made it. Here is an angled view if you'd like to see the gold better, fair warning though that the dried blood also stands out a lot more as well: angled view
Why'd I make it: Cos 2024 was about to start
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, gold ink, blood
I think this one kinda inspired me to start painting other things than flowers. It might sound a little fucked up if you don't self harm but I purposely made a cut for this painting, after finishing the sketch. The idea behind it is that I've made it so far, and I can make it another year, be it with some new scars or not. But I feel like if you remove the dark spots it looks like it could be hung up in an eldery home with how colourful it is. So yeah, it didn't turn out quite right. But I think with what's behind it it's still good that I made it. Here is an angled view if you'd like to see the gold better, fair warning though that the dried blood also stands out a lot more as well: angled view

What is it: Girl with inhuman teeth
Why'd I make it:Inspired by World of Horror
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
So this was my first try at drawing a human, traditionally. Um, so yeah. I really love the game World of Horror and the Junji Ito inspired artstyle, especially how blood is drawn in little circles and specks. And with this one i kinda found out i like drawing teeth! How useful I bet I'll get a lotta use out of that. Anyways there's a news bulletin you can see on the tv in-game sometimes about a dentist who's been replacing people's teeth with dogteeth and that inspired this thing.
Why'd I make it:Inspired by World of Horror
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
So this was my first try at drawing a human, traditionally. Um, so yeah. I really love the game World of Horror and the Junji Ito inspired artstyle, especially how blood is drawn in little circles and specks. And with this one i kinda found out i like drawing teeth! How useful I bet I'll get a lotta use out of that. Anyways there's a news bulletin you can see on the tv in-game sometimes about a dentist who's been replacing people's teeth with dogteeth and that inspired this thing.

What is it: Beam of light but instead its skin! ooOOoo
Why'd I make it: Wanted to do more body horror
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
Second one I did of a person after that pink one up there. I like the colours and the skeleton and the flowers in the silhouette but I'm not as fan of the actual human face I drew, it looks so lifeless. And when I found that out I actually felt kinda sad cos I feel like that's the biggest problem with my digital art as well, all my anime portraits I put the most work into always end up looking stilted as fuck. So yeah I feel a little in two ways about this one. But it also makes me think of Delfts Blauw n that's kinda fun
Why'd I make it: Wanted to do more body horror
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
Second one I did of a person after that pink one up there. I like the colours and the skeleton and the flowers in the silhouette but I'm not as fan of the actual human face I drew, it looks so lifeless. And when I found that out I actually felt kinda sad cos I feel like that's the biggest problem with my digital art as well, all my anime portraits I put the most work into always end up looking stilted as fuck. So yeah I feel a little in two ways about this one. But it also makes me think of Delfts Blauw n that's kinda fun

What is it: A guy with a thing in his eye
Why'd I make it:I like octopi n I wanted to draw a dude
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
I kinda forgot what the vibe was I was going for with this one so I ended up with this dude who's super casual about tentacles bursting out of his eyesocket. I still like it and it was super fun to draw and colour the tentacles but I think I might try this concept again with a different vibe from whatever human will be at the center of it. Oh also I used washi tape to make the background a proper square and because I'm impatient as hell I drew on the suction marks on his body at the same time, so they're cut off on his arm. GJ me. patience is a virtue bitch
Why'd I make it:I like octopi n I wanted to draw a dude
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
I kinda forgot what the vibe was I was going for with this one so I ended up with this dude who's super casual about tentacles bursting out of his eyesocket. I still like it and it was super fun to draw and colour the tentacles but I think I might try this concept again with a different vibe from whatever human will be at the center of it. Oh also I used washi tape to make the background a proper square and because I'm impatient as hell I drew on the suction marks on his body at the same time, so they're cut off on his arm. GJ me. patience is a virtue bitch

What is it: Me happy but also in physical pain
Why'd I make it: Came home from a heart to heart that meant a lot to me and wanted to put it on paper
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, labelmaker
I made this after a friend confided in me and I was really grateful for that. But also since it was something deeply personal they told me it caused a lot of strain on my chest and neck which is where my anxiety generally gathers so that really hurt. At the time I didn't really understand why it caused me physical pain. Stabbing myself (as opposed to an outside source) cos I very much choose to make this tradeoff of trust for pain. Also immmaculate heart cos yay catholic symbolism
Why'd I make it: Came home from a heart to heart that meant a lot to me and wanted to put it on paper
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, labelmaker
I made this after a friend confided in me and I was really grateful for that. But also since it was something deeply personal they told me it caused a lot of strain on my chest and neck which is where my anxiety generally gathers so that really hurt. At the time I didn't really understand why it caused me physical pain. Stabbing myself (as opposed to an outside source) cos I very much choose to make this tradeoff of trust for pain. Also immmaculate heart cos yay catholic symbolism

What is it: Balancing the weights
Why'd I make it:Same principle as the previous painting, but with more understanding
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, gold paint
Man I wish how to photograph gold paint. Or art in general rip
So I made this after I learned you can't really listen to someone pour their heart out to you without expecting it to affect you and with how messed up my fear receptors (or whatever they are) are right now it makes a lot of sense I ended up in physical pain from that interaction. So the one scale is holding lungs and a heart and the other one cats to represent social interaction. It's not gonna stop me from wanting to be there for people I care about, just made me more aware.
Why'd I make it:Same principle as the previous painting, but with more understanding
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners, gold paint
Man I wish how to photograph gold paint. Or art in general rip
So I made this after I learned you can't really listen to someone pour their heart out to you without expecting it to affect you and with how messed up my fear receptors (or whatever they are) are right now it makes a lot of sense I ended up in physical pain from that interaction. So the one scale is holding lungs and a heart and the other one cats to represent social interaction. It's not gonna stop me from wanting to be there for people I care about, just made me more aware.

What is it: Dogteeth... PART TWO!!!
Why'd I make it: Cos I wanted to do the toothy thing again
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
I wanted to draw more weird teeth in a human mouth but with a slightly more interesting pose so now it's someone pulling at their cheek! yay. I think the actual teeth turned out worse than in the original but I am pretty happy with the pose, plus the curly hair allowed for some fun usage of the ecoline markers which I don't normally do. Like normally I just kinda colourblock yknow I don't use them to their full abilities or whatever.
Why'd I make it: Cos I wanted to do the toothy thing again
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
I wanted to draw more weird teeth in a human mouth but with a slightly more interesting pose so now it's someone pulling at their cheek! yay. I think the actual teeth turned out worse than in the original but I am pretty happy with the pose, plus the curly hair allowed for some fun usage of the ecoline markers which I don't normally do. Like normally I just kinda colourblock yknow I don't use them to their full abilities or whatever.

What is it: Too many eyes on a fivehead
Why'd I make it: Eyes are cool I like eyes
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
OK SO I'm a big fan of the eyes still, especially the ones that share a pupil on the left. I might do this concept again at some point. I wanted to draw a lot lot lot of eyes on a person in places where they don't belong while covering the mouth (sort of like a speak no evil thing, but I still don't know how I'd depict hear no evil...) which kind of resulted in me having to make extra real estate in the form of a giant head and you can kinda tell cos some of the eyes are angled like they're higher up than they are. I'm making it sound like I don't like this one but I do! I love the eyes, and the hands I'm really happy with the detailing on the hands.
Why'd I make it: Eyes are cool I like eyes
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
OK SO I'm a big fan of the eyes still, especially the ones that share a pupil on the left. I might do this concept again at some point. I wanted to draw a lot lot lot of eyes on a person in places where they don't belong while covering the mouth (sort of like a speak no evil thing, but I still don't know how I'd depict hear no evil...) which kind of resulted in me having to make extra real estate in the form of a giant head and you can kinda tell cos some of the eyes are angled like they're higher up than they are. I'm making it sound like I don't like this one but I do! I love the eyes, and the hands I'm really happy with the detailing on the hands.

What is it: Spring is here. In ur face
Why'd I make it: I wanted to combine something pretty with something grotesque
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
I like bees and I like yellow! I feel like despite the concept being fucking vile it turned out pretty and like, not gross at all. But maybe that's just me! Maybe it does give you the creeps. That'd be cool cos that was the intent. Like i even put larvae in there and i feel like it still looks fine and not gross. I mean I didn't want to be digusted by my own art or something but idk. I'm happy with it though i like the colours a lot and the bees turned out good :)
Why'd I make it: I wanted to combine something pretty with something grotesque
What did I use: Ecoline markers, fineliners
I like bees and I like yellow! I feel like despite the concept being fucking vile it turned out pretty and like, not gross at all. But maybe that's just me! Maybe it does give you the creeps. That'd be cool cos that was the intent. Like i even put larvae in there and i feel like it still looks fine and not gross. I mean I didn't want to be digusted by my own art or something but idk. I'm happy with it though i like the colours a lot and the bees turned out good :)

What is it: Big skeleton. Tiny highrises. Even smaller businessman
Why'd I make it: Cos I thought of it on the way over
What did I use: Chisel marker
Drew this at a drink & draw with friends. It was kinda a test of the paper cos I hadn't used it before and I thought of it in the taxi on the way over. We passed some massive and dilapitated apartment buildings that I initially thought were abandoned due to the state they were in, then realised they were not. We're everywhere. IDK why that made me think of a giant skeleton hulking over the building but uhhh it did.
Why'd I make it: Cos I thought of it on the way over
What did I use: Chisel marker
Drew this at a drink & draw with friends. It was kinda a test of the paper cos I hadn't used it before and I thought of it in the taxi on the way over. We passed some massive and dilapitated apartment buildings that I initially thought were abandoned due to the state they were in, then realised they were not. We're everywhere. IDK why that made me think of a giant skeleton hulking over the building but uhhh it did.

What is it: Tsuki the smoker
Why'd I make it: Cos my cat sounds like a smoker.
What did I use: chisel marker, midliner marker, white acrylic pen
Waht can i say. she meows funny
Why'd I make it: Cos my cat sounds like a smoker.
What did I use: chisel marker, midliner marker, white acrylic pen
Waht can i say. she meows funny

What is it: Me n my giant bunny pillow
Why'd I make it: Cos the pillow is very big
What did I use: Chisel marker, midliner fineliner
Im finally kinda nailing down how i draw myself! to a point where I can make more simplified drawings :) this is one of them. Also yeah i got a giant plush that's essentially just a pillow.
Why'd I make it: Cos the pillow is very big
What did I use: Chisel marker, midliner fineliner
Im finally kinda nailing down how i draw myself! to a point where I can make more simplified drawings :) this is one of them. Also yeah i got a giant plush that's essentially just a pillow.

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