time to watch a horror movie that came out this year that i know nothing about
what is more christmassy than that? (it was late december at this point)

who brought us the masterpieces All Your Friends Hate You (or whatever it was called) and Severance
yknow the shitty movie not the tv show
so. that bodes well
im pretty sure they probably just finance movies out of the uk or something but. yknow

and five million companies beforee the movie starts, my faaaaavourite

i wonder if house parties like this are a thing. i feel like u only ever see them in movies
maybe in college houses or something idk
not really a thing back home, for me

what kinda name is duckett

(he didnt)
(he just went up to his room for some peace)
(fence crash man turned out to be unrelated to the party)

ghosts wanna party too
the hell happened to his back

nice shirt btw

also wheres boy 4
we just skipped straight to boy 5

oop rip duckett he just stabbed himself in the head
quite the intro god damn
where'd mum go..

and a new scene

if youve ever seen any masrketing for this movie you'll recognise her
and by that i mean, i do lol

presumably white sock girl's mother

gj dad
ah her name is mia

who.. isnt at the wake? or funeral? or whatever that event was..

as opposed to your skinny mum...?

didnt expect a literal child

i legit never used it

also really man

oh his name's riley
the lil bro


or the horror suddenly set in for both of them
for. unknown reasons

she didnt hit it it was already there
someone hit a kangaroo
shes. trying to put it out of its misery by. running it over.

idk what the rules are for hitting a kangaroo but i know with deer u gotta call a park ranger
just chalk this up to them being kids i guess
nyways they leave cos mia didnt have the heart to kill it

she tries to impress this girl by telling her about the kangaroo but shes not impressed

teen things
oh if riley isnt her brother that does explain why he wasnt at the funeral thingy
cos it was mia's mum

n jades like ok fine

oh mia gets away from her dad cos he depressed her
guess thats why shes just hanging out here

its a teen party! so bad rap music is a MUST

oh mia :(

demon ghost.
dead people. fallen angels.

they do possessions as a party trick
interesting premise
theyre like ok u can only do this for 90 seconds or youll be possessed forever (or something)

cos theyre dicks

also mia now sees another spirit who looks fuckin VILE
like, waterlogged or something idk

(shes possessed now)
..not by coolcat. by waterlogged ghost.
Majo: I like how the hand asks us to be quiet at least twice
ghosts want their peace!

did they have a two for one sale and the costume department was like hell yeah not passing that up

Lou: hey, in this economy, gotta take what you can get

it does look like a real comfy jacket too

Majo: this movie is terribly unrealistic, 0 teens have tried to use the hand for making a tiktok dance vidya
theres still about an hour left, theres time!

but i presume hes like, behind a screen or something

..why isnt she in jade's room

riley asks what the hand feeels like cos he doesnt know what to do with mia's nightmare and she says it felt amazing
so thats interesting

mia explains her mum accidentally took too many sleeping pills got stuck in the bedroom and scratched at the door. and that her dad couldnt get in the next day cos she was on the other side
so thats fun!

i smoke and cup my genitals in front of you!!!
and sit on cars!
and park in the disasbled spot!
..i dont know if theyre in the disabled spot. just. that sign is huge so i assume its there.

also school uniforms!
also yellow scrunchy! her hair is so short is the scrunchy just cos mia always has to wear something yellow?
idk if thats the case. but thatd be a neat detail if so

she suspects they might be having a party.

oh his name is james

daniel (jade's bf) is super christian by the way. probably cos this is a possession movie
i mean, i assume. idk what religions like in australia

Majo: oh yeah i guess it is a good idea to ask where that hand even came from

and the fingers aree all curled!!!!
dun duuun

tomato tomato

whered u get the horrorclown makeup daniel
Majo: danny needs some chapstick damn
dont worry he's licking his lips to fix that!
and. some other hitngs.
the ghost that possessed him insults jade
prompting hayley to call the ghost a cunt lol

mias like i wanna be possessed again yay! and jade is like dude wtf why
daniel ran out btw

Majo: :((((

even daniel came back

Majo: AHHH french jumpscare!!
the scariest kind!

cos possession has an age limit.
if. if jade's got something to say about it, at least
Majo: this is gonna sound stupid but is it because it supposedly feels good? is this like a drug analogy thing going on
oh actually yeah maybe
shes also the only one of the older teens who hasnt done it herself, now i think about it
Majo: hahaha laaaame
Majo: come pester ghosts with the cool kids!! #yolo
Majo: what a looooooser
oh i think she just explained she didnt want him to cos it freaked riley out seeing the possessions the night before. she didnt say anything to spare his feelings but then riley said something mean to her so she shot back

jeez mia flipflop much
its def a bad idea. but still

is the giant tee over the giant shirt a transmasc thing or is that style back in fashion (not dunking on transmasc people's fashion sense. just curious about the duo giant shirt combo.)
cos i feel like that was an early 2000s thing
Majo: ugly early 2000s layering has been coming back to the youths so maybe that's it?
why are all the ugly things coming back weh
oh i didnt mention i think but they tie people to the chair when they do the possession thing
Majo: the style has potential but as a trans masc person, Im not claiming this representation lol
haha yeah maybe if hayley was wearing more interesting shirts it could work
Majo: YEAH

huh they didnt do the camera flip when riley got possessed. i wonder why

he also speaks in two voices

or.. its pretending to be

i think there might be some interference on the line

but hes in a baaaad state

also this implies hayley and joss know about the dangers of the hand. wow guys
"i mean yes it mightve caused a murder suicide once but surely it wont happen again!"

so yeah police are taking stateements

i cant stop noticing it now even though i have no idea what the significance would be at this point. but im clingin to it

but without jade mia has no connections :( oh dear
in the scene with her dad its made clear she thinks her dad is hiding something about what happened with her mum, which explains their strained relationship some more

she thinks he did drugs btw.
not. ghost hand possession shit
the drug of SPIRITS

at least u still have a reflection hey
thats something
Majo: Mia: 1 Majo: Derealization/ Depersonalization: 0!!!
also mias also rocking the shirt over shirt look how did i not notice OTL
just. one of hers is skin tight
not massive like both of hayleys

mia keeps hearing scratching at doors in different places

i mean, not cos daniel isn't a nice person or anything, more that hes not particularly strongly connected to mia is all
since hes jades boyfriend
she did say they kissed when they were kids so i guess they do have a history. a little

he thinks they might read their minds and i think he might be right there
as the ghost that possessed him started insulting jade. like why would it know that
but mias like hey lets get possessed again i wanna talk to mum
i guess mia's like ehh im already haunted might as well try again

ah nvm they just sat together sadly
tho she did pull her hand away from jade :(

Majo: (mmm hand parallels? in My ghost/demon/medium/satanist/etc. hand possession movie?)
working title for this movie: Spirit Fingers

half of dream: touching danny's hands
other half of dream:

also: a mirror

at least we dont know if you had a reflection or not.

she looks very upset.

shes eating his foot. the ghost i mean.
's not very jesus friendly, all the stuff that happens to him.
christ okay

shes also not literally eating his foot

stupid foot ghost

her nail polish goes from cracked to pristine, im not sure yet if its always intended or accidentally shows when they filmed what scenes

mia asks if her mum intended to kill herself and she says no

they play the sounds of water flowing for one of the spirits, the first one that possessed mia (the waterlogged lady i presume), while for mia's mum they've played scratching noises
i like the sound design
nyways theres water flowing noises right now. so. thats not a good sign

riley is home but appears to be catatonic
or at least he doesnt move much or speak, though he is awake

except to bite his sisters hand
i also just noticed jade has painted blue/purple nails to contrast mia's orange ones

also if this possession thing works the same way it does in some other possession movies jade is screwed
oh hes not home this is at the hospital

they didnt plant it on her

forgot all about that until now did you

the guy frojm the start
wait what was his name..
ah it is cole!
okay cool

i wonder if the ghosts are more dangerous to lonely people or something

cole said the ghosts get weaker the longer they are in somebodys body but jade says whatevers in her brother is trying to kill him
trhey didnt really get any other info out of cole before jade stormed out of the bus so idk what their plan is now

also othering mia after hearing what cole said about how lonely duckett was sounds like a real good idea lads
maybe resolve the whole possession thing before you start having non!paranormal fights
Majo: (mia wearing yellow and jade wearing jade green. nature is slowly healing)
omg just a few more and we'll have a full rainbow. fingers crossed for either red or blue next

u gonna tape the hand to his hand? in the hospital??

"hi were just here to bring the chaos. we're not resolving shit. bye"
Majo: n they're the ones wearing grey and brown... outside of the focus colors hmmm 🤔🧐
omg the colour theory in this movie is off the charts

Majo: man I had a whole other theory I'm glad we got a shot of the candle again

oooh im curious to hear your theory
Majo: it doesn't work very smoothly since I'm not actually watching the movie lol but I thought 1) it was to show Mia clinging to happiness after her mom died and 2) to show the dynamic between her n Jade and maybe Dan? especially since green typically represents envy and jealousy, and yellow in roses means jealousy or friendship. like Jade has/will reject Mia, but Mia is still clinging to hope something something. eventually I'll have to watch to get a better idea lol
ohh that makes a lot of sense actually! I wouldnt be surprised if youre right
i might see if i can find something about this once the film is done

also shes wearing pink. didnt have that one in mind. oh well

as in the ghost said it

we're back at mia's house.
he didnt come to the hospital or something
hes like i gotta tell u something

Majo: ohohoo?
the note says she loves max (mias dad) and mia and that she feels hopeful for the first time in a long time, and that she hopes the two of them will find happiness beyond their years. then the sentence i capped above

mia parental relationship get!
who the fuck is that ghost pretending to be her mom

could at least try to look less spooky

(shes talking to the ghost in her room)

so mia was talking to her ghost mom who tells her that her dad is actually a ghost pretending to be him, then she tells her she needs to kill riley to put him out of his misery, then they show her dad is still sitting on the sofa, and hes just found the hand, and at the same time her dad bursts into her room?
so a ghost might be imitaing her dad cos hes in two places at once now..?

meanwhile, real dad:

mia parental relationship lose.

yellow scissors. yellow whatever that knit thing is there.
yeah i think its a throw or something

and yeah. dont let mia near riley.
if anything i advise u to tie mia up until the ghosts leave her. yknow, follow cole's advice. the whole they get weaker the longer it goes on thing
Majo: just burrito her in the yellow throw 👍 problem solved!!

to get riley alone i guess?

first scene no yellow (the scissors but thats not clothing)

(she asked for some time alone with riley which sue gave her)

im lost.
i thought she was gonna kill him. idk whats going on anymore

sue is right outside and theres a giant window
good plan mia
oh oh!! !the kangaroo!!
she cant do it! she cant kill things even if its a mercy kill

and hes alive! but not doing great
i hope he makes it

wait i know the reason. cos its not clear if it actually hapened or not
this car definitely crashed tho

oh god

god i hope im wrong

Majo: holy fuck NOOOOOOOO

holy shit that was brutal
Majo: oh my god is she with hand now??
yeah shes dead
not sure how she ended up on the road on her own though
Majo: did Jade do it???
Majo: maybe the real yellow symbolism were the bright yellow DONT DO POSSESSION DRUGS warning signs we ignored along the way
im reading some more about the movie and yeah it seems the drugs thing was on purpose
and it is possible jade pushed mia yeah
i think the movie mightve been vague about that on purpose
she seems confused shes dead which would imply she didnt walk into traffic herself
but we dont know if duckett wanted to kil himself and he did
very unnaturally so that probably was against his will as well..
Majo: absolutely wild...
Majo: kinda parallels her mom in a way ig
maaan i cant find anything about the use of the colour yellow :( its so prominent i thought the creators wouldve talked about it somewhere at least
id chalk it up to coincidence at this point if it was just her clothes but cmon the scissors, and the candle especially!
Majo: it's definitely intentional but I'm very curious what they meant it for!!
Majo: for now I'll subscribe to ignoring caution and trying to stay hopeful