today, spiral!

id get a subscription but I am a poor bitch and thats not my fault so sorry lads. No can do

Moe: Oooo not the spiral I thought you were watching lol

no chris rock on the cover!!!
Moe: LOL yeah there’s a more indie movie called spiral that looks like what you’ve got
damn u piratey site u bamboozled me
i might watch spiral the indie movie later but i was specifically looking for the saw one. so. lemme go find that lol

Moe: Tbf I did want to see that one too
Moe: Lol yeh there u go
haha yeah i'll prolly come back to it cos im curious. also ive liked the shudder produced films ive seen so far

hes an undercover cop! why would you dress like that to try and look inconspicuous
Mono: hello fellow non-cop people :) Moe: Tbh the one time I dealt with police they got a plain clothes guy to come with me to point out someone and he was wearing a hat and sunglasses and a trench coat lmao it’s legit
Moe: He was so obviously shifty looking I was shocked even as a 13 year old
omg they were on brand. i never wouldve guessed

its like make it so u cant speak again cos u got innocent people convicted by your voice
so lets see if he succeeds
hes on a traintrack also. like if he doesnt disable his ability to speak hell get hit by a train

spirals' lookin to be a gorefest like the other recent saws. guess we'll see.
not a fan of that shit
>movie opens with chris rock monologueing about forrest gump

i want to point out this movie exists cos chris rock is a huge saw fan.
so idk if he wrote the script but he def had a lot to do with the creation of this film.

.. i guess spiral has its own style, or whatever

oh he did undercover without authorisation
fair enough

they look like theyre about to get into a fistfight
ha will immediately takes the intern route by asking zeke how he wants his coffee

>more shitty rap music

i feel like this is obvious but its pretty sad if its not. this film is from 2021. ffs.
zeke's response is "ur young what do u know. also i didnt say it to their face"
zeke. cmon.
zeke like I have nothing but my job and im bitter but im gonna pretend its a strength cos im a cop
get better zeke

zeke's like if ur an incel u should become a cop
what is this narrative aaaaaaaaaa

poor will.

like i would like to sit in one a these. they look so comforting

ok yeh jigsaws killin detectives. so thats the story i guess

oh the dude who got killed by a train was his friend
so hes understandably upset to find out the train dude was his buddy

she gives zeke the lead which is fair, but hes being an ass about it when he talks to the other detectives. then their boss gets mad theyre not listening to him
like zeke just went "some of u dont like me cos i fucked ur mom" like thats not unprofessional as hell
but uh yeah zeke's in charge of the jigsaw case now.

idk what ur going for chris but i fuckin hate your character right now he's an ass.

ngl movie i like the sidekick more than the mc rn

and zeke is all like YOUR WIFE IS OUT? WHAT A SLUT
and wills just like dude. you better not start a podcast cos your worldview is fucked

so that explains why zeke doesnt trust the rest of the police force

is this symbolism. pig = cop
hm. is that it
I wont screenshot it but zeke was sent a package that contained fitch's fingers. oh noooo
so far this film just seems to showcase cops are violent af even to their own
dunno if that was supposed to be the message.
ugh this film series does somethin to you. like ur rooting for people to maim emselves just so they'll live
anyway fitch is dead

soon prolly.

ah more corrupt cop shit
zeke is the only straight cop so far
and william. cos hes a noobie
oh noooo he cant get a hold of william D:

pls no tell me will is ok

ooh they didnt show more than a detail shot! props to this movie. not a goreporn like the last saw movies, i appreciate that
zeke's dad is missin and now its like. is his dad jigsaw? i would assume not cos thats weird.
is it will even tho he's dead? i mean we got two missing people he coulda just cut a lil bit off and the body is actually zeke's dad. IDK
i kinda want it to be amanda tho idk how that'd work.

jfc jigsaw expects her to sever her spinal cord to stop wax from falling on her face. that is a ridiculous tradeoff

dont tell me its zeke... fwif im guessin and i guess thats good cos im like. interested

ooooooh its playing the jigsaw theme! hell yeah
i mean i want him to get out. but i did wonder where the iconic music was
ahhh its like a darker, slower version of it.... im a fan
i'll try to link it if i can find it

if you guessed zeke you are riiiiight 🎶
ooooh nvm he used the hacksaw to grab a pin on the ground and now hes free!

ooh more police corruption shit
anyway zeke tries to save that guy but he got hit by a buncha debris. but hes still alive rn
oh shit more debris incoming

yeaaaahhh hes dead. at least it wasnt a gorefest. props



will's dad was shot to cover up the crime of a cop
thats the backstory here
ooooh saw theme again. niiiiiice
dude. omg.

alllrighty then
oh hes not saying lets work together as cops hes like bring me the corrupt ones and i'll kill em
lets see where this goes

tldr his dad was a corrupt cop. whodathought?????
now zeke has to choose between his dad and. uh. whatever will is supposed to represent.
its not exactly justice.
Majo: corrupt cops?? in My saw??
its more likely than you think!
tho one of them was on jiggy's side.
yknow, the worst one.
god i hated hoffman.
garbage human, garbage character

just like the dude from 3. which turned out just as well as this will, im sure.

oooooof didnt expect this to end in political commentary....

Majo: :O
the marionette strings made zeke's dad point a gun at the police btw so they killed him.
even though he was clearly strung up and they were wearing armor.
i give this movie a 5 outta 10. its.
it sure exists.
fwiw i'd rate all the gorn saw movies between 3 - 4.5 so its still better than that, I guess.
found the theme! theres also zepp nine right after but thats a more straightforward version of the theme known from the og saw series.