its got that youtube vhs horror vibe to it which tbh i can never focus on either so maybe thats why i fell asleep otl
Acea: ohh ahts the tiktok horror movie thing ive seen on youtube
Acea: i wanted to know how u feel about, i guess u didnt really like it
i tried to watch it but i fell asleep
the movie is 100% atmosphere
you never clearly see anyone. i might try watching it again while working just so im doing something to keep me awake ;;;
Acea: haha thats not really a good sign
Acea: i have no idea what a 100% atmosphere movie is supposed to be like
Acea: can u name another movie like that? that i might know lol
its just sounds, its a dark house where its hard to see anything and its poor quality footage
Acea: sounds kinda like a game
i cant think of another movie that id describe that way ._.
youre a kid in a dark house and a voice talks to you, and i think weird stuff happens but. again. i fell asleep
lol straight up described it as a game there
ugh yknow what i'll give it a rewatch after my appointment at 1. try to liveblog it lol
Acea: yea dw you describes it now! i imagine some horror indie game, but movie now
ok lets. attempt to not fall asleep this time

mister ball
Acea:Kyle Ball(s)

Acea: Oh u r a critic
im practically roger ebert
even though ebert hated pretty much all the films i like :)

its 1995 but the music playing is from, like, idk, the 30s
wheres my spice girls kyle
wheres my. uh

why is there still 1930s radio

ugh fuck it i have photoshop open anyway
Acea: I See nothing
Acea: So scary

ooooh, look at thaaat, its ✨nothing✨
Acea: Omg spoiler that

Acea: Too spooky

enhancing it did diddly squat

am i starting to see things..
Acea: Pfffff


Acea: Sorry sorry

Acea: What is that
i think a kid sitting at the stairs? idk
Acea: I think kyle should show the movie again but every scene is fully lit
fuck it im turning skinamarink into tumblr aesthetic vagueposts

oh no kevin!
kevin is. someone. who was counting two seconds ago
Acea: Kevin noooooo

also: booblamp! i think they took kevin to the hospital cos he fell down the stairs

Majo: i think the tiny tumblr aesthetic text adds to the skatingrink ambiance
Majo: only enhances the skinmarina "I can't see jack shit" experience really

oh theyre back

Acea: Out for what
Majo: our for the skating rink!!
Acea: Oh yes ofc
probably go talk to a demon
go skating with a demon
Majo: better than falling down the stairs again I think

Acea: Did the little toaste or vacuumcleaner appear at any point or not alat all so far
what am i supposed to see
Acea: You should feel trapped
Acea: Or kyle didnt have many locations
Acea: So he films the floor and the the ceiling
Acea: Two rooms boom

that door just appeared
Acea: Wow that truly is scary
oh now its gone again

Acea:Abandonment issues kick in
Acea: I will forever remember this door...

kaylee also wonders where the door went
oh another door just did the appear disappear trick
Acea: Impossible to see anything on ny phone lmao
Acea: Are you scared
my last thought was this is an ugly house
so no, not really

you cant see them but holy shit kevin is a bad actor
the way he delivered one of his lines was so forced lol
Acea: I think thats on purpose

Acea: Hes being controlled by darkness
Actually ver deep
demon through kevin: i cant fall asleep with the lights on :(

oh, no copyright. nevermind

Acea: Better not be fucking disappearing like the traitor doors
id be so sad if the booblamp disappeared

oh, it got knocked out of the socket. SOMEHOW

Moe:Omg you’re trying again. So far aceas drawing emerging from the darkness is the scariest part

Moe: After this and an absolute garbage horror short story TikTok was obsessed with (to the point that I, someone not on TikTok, heard about it) I don’t think I can trust them ever again
tiktok has trash taste in horror movies yeah
theyre always like OMG THIS IS SCARIER THAN [some classic or fucking a serbian film, never anything else] and it'll be stupid as fuck

Moe: They’re duck footed like me…the true horror
Moe: You’re gonna get mad calluses when you grow up kids
they see the chair on the ceiling and somehow kaylee concludes they should be quiet. okay.

Moe: Important addition
thank u

we just do not know.
Acea: Id say no, whete are the ears then
i agree. not a rat :(

Acea: So far this just looks like... Someones edgy grunge Photography portfolio... Maybe bc j only see screenshots

just imagine sometimes a child whispers someting

got jumpscared by the art portfolio.
oh no kevin spooked her nvm
Majo: is there anything spookier than a disappearing toilet??
Acea: Thr fuck Kevin

what am i looking at
Acea: A bed
Acea: Spoooohohohoooky

thats kinda neat ill give it that.
Acea: Is the mom dead or smth
idk maybe
they havent said anything about her except she cried at some point and kayle was like i dont wanna talk about mom
it sounds like her mom was about to tell her something but then a door slammed and she stopped
she said your father and me

Acea: Oh no divorce
Acea: Man wheres the toaster thing

Acea: It looks like that kinda
Acea: The little guy on the cover
Acea: Is it a vacuum cleanet
Acea: Washing mashine
Acea: Toy

ohhh the phone thing
yeah that hasnt happened yet
Acea: Man im falling asleep and im bot even watching it

aaaaand now mums gone of course.
a strange voice says something and then the mom repeats it? maybe the mom isnt.. actually the mom?
Acea: Wjoaaat no way

Acea: Inthink tbe toilettes the mom
the toilet cracked its bone
Majo: me getting up in the morning
Moe: I can appreciate a slow atmospheric horror movie but I prefer if…something happens lol i don’t think this would keep my attention

Mono: What am i looking at in these pics
Acea: Everything
Moe: Everywhere
Acea: Everyw
Acea: Dammit
Moe: Sorry acea I was trying to be your backing vocals
Mono: At once!?

Moe: Mom is stuck under the couch

or rather, kyle's decided he also likes bright corridors.
(nothing is happening)

it seems kaylee has now also disappeared

mister ball.
mister kyle ball.

very impressive.
Moe: Jump scared opening scarlets channel to see ghosts…
sorry! theyre nice i swear

idk why hes lying on the floor in the basement tho

the visual itself isnt really scary but of course its underscored with a loud tone for no reason

i am having a good time. finally something is happening.
only took you an hour kyle ball man.

pretty sure that specific cartoon was to symbolise kevin being trapped, but still

i vaguely remember this scene cos i woke up during it lol

..time has not been kind to matthew bucks hair.

we have now been conditioned with associating that sound with something in the house disappearing.
ugh its looping again..
and then nothing. for fucks sake kyle

me too buddy. im bored.
Mono: This movie looks boring lol

Mono: Saftey knife.....

Mono: :0!!!!!
Mono: Wow gore!!!!

Mono: LOL
Mono: Maybe he already lost an eye and that's why the movie looks like that
uuugh he turned the cartoons back on
he cant even seeeeeeee
well he might still have one eye idk
More happens in the cartoons than the whole movie

god yeah i saw a cartoon of crows carrying off a dead crow, a kid feeding the birds, sleeping kids, a kid who cant sleep, a dog fighting a rabbit..
all in cartoon silly style nothing morbid btw

oh damn hes only four

so i guess the demon took the doors to trap him
Rikki: is kevin doing asmr
the whole movie is asmr except for the jumpscares
everyone whispers all the time

he is here acea
lol the demon laughs and its just kinda funny

Mono: Is this movie just one long shot?
no it cuts a lot

being trapped?
happy birthday kevin!
now ur five

idk what the demons name is, its now kyle, beceause u did this to me. fuck u kyle
i bet hes young as balls too
like, 20
Mono: Oh shit

she appears to be transfiguring into a lampshade

Mono: godddd
Mono: this movie looks like a drag everything looks the sAMEEE
Mono: ... is this an artsy movie?

Mono: ohhh
Mono: scurry..
now its a dude just clocking the lights on and off over and over

he also rang super loud because this movie has jumpscares.

Majo: oh I thought that was our friend booblamp
wait you are right. that is booblamp i think

also lol cgi blood in the corner

but uh. that was. this.
it was fuckin boring
sorry kyle
i wonder what he looks like

yeah he looks like he would make a movie like this
Majo: hahaha he sure does
Rikki: wtf was this movie
Rikki: why is everything so dark
Rikki: scrolling back up i feel like im in adream where i woke up at 3am and went to go get some water
no kyle im just bored
Rikki: im 6 and this is so scary
Rikki: i missed everything bc of my stupid issue
Rikki: liveblogs are the most fun when they are freshh
Mono: how long is the moviee
Mono: im sure this could be like 5 minutes and be scarier LOL
1 hour and 40 minutes.
sometimes i sleep during the day and i think afterwards damn i probably shouldve done something
but this. i wouldve liked to have been asleep for one hour and 40 minutes today.
time to watch wendigoon talk about how much he loves it
>wendigoon calls it extremely disturbing
isaiah, my brother in christ, i love you but no
Joker: Funny thing learned from another review - apparently the movie was based off a mini-film Ball made for a reddit horror group. I think they extended the time for this because they were making it into a film but his style seems better for short 30-min stuff
Mono: i was kinda kidding when i said this movie could be 5 minutes but it makes sense for it to be a short movie that just kinda gives you the weird/creepy stuff, leaves, and lets you dwell on it
Joker: Also they were actually supposed to air the film around halloween, but the people at the film festival it aired at first leaked the whole thing to tiktok, so they had to change course after that
yeah hes done quite a lot of yt horror
like im glad he could make this and i do think it should exist cos theres people who love it and kyle cleary cared but its. not for me
wendigoon talks about how he connected with it cos he sympathised with being a scared child in his home and maybe thats why i didnt connect with it
cos while i grew up in an absolutely haunted forest murderhouse i. was too oblivious to notice lol