i found a movie called severance while lookin for the show severance.
were watchin the movie. u ready for some mid 2000s corporate horror lads

hey you wagie bastard! didnt win the lottery this year? how about we kill a buncha people who are just like you for entertainment :D

which means its gonna be very sarcastic (uk) and extremely gory (nz)

island of islands! they must be some of the proudest people in the world
u say are uffrom the uk they go OI IM FROM ISLE OF MAN HOW DARE YOU
technically uk still but youre not specific enough so they're still ready to beat you up

jeremy clarkson lookin ass fuck im sure he wont die horribly in the next 2 minutes

>priestess expecting a movie from 2006 to do better
theyre in their underwear now and her friend is like if u take of ur bra we can get out

ok sorry lets. ugh lets just. suffer on
maybe it stops being shit after the five minute mark
Amy:the black bra doesnt even look comfy :( bad costume department
oh yeh the costume department either did a shit job here or got absolutely shafted by the script/director
ill fitting bras under a leather jacket cos OMG ITS JUST SO SEXY!!!!

i hope the girls get out. please for the love of god at this point i'll be happy if thats all we get

I wont tell u what kinda thoughts I have when I see buildings like this IRL cos god damn they sure aren't business approved!

(i mighta had a drink before i started this film.

idk his name is george

in the bus, at least
Amy:good old 60s element construction (i dont know whether i love or hate them)
if u can love em i have a lot of respect for you
to me they mean nothing but depression i am sorry to say

Amy:(the actual cannibal??)
(i hope so!)

(i know they didnt)
(little did they know someone who works in crm would watch this movie 17 years after its release!! hoho)

also the video has a single guy in it and its their ceo so to be fair idk what this girl wants

wait is that logo an ugly interpretation of the microsoft logo
am i getting too into this movie

also tiny ass team to send from the uk to wherever they are in middle europe wow
Amy: and a giant bus too
yeah its massive considering its got like six people on it, good point

tho its prolly just a joke about how their team has one black dude on it and everyone else is white

its probably not this film.
cos i dont think this guy owns any nukes
but thats what i thought of
Amy:(i can only think of 'i will bring peace and freedom to my new empire' from rots....)
Lou: what movie is this
it is Severance! from 2006
Lou: ooooo
Lou: sure hope nobody gets severance! as in like. their limbs from their torso. haha. ha.
the poster is a suited man without a head
so if it doesnt happen in the film the poster's got our back
Lou: I am so clever look at me
i bet if u were around for evil dead rise u coulda predicted some evil dead would be rising!

why do we have two nerds. the only difference is ones a woman and the other a man. they even wear the same sorta outfit

this film is the most diverse cast while still having everyone have english as their mother language i have ever seen.

i mean, ok. you do you i guess
prolly eating dried creminis but whatever

the boss is like whe can go down that path and the driver says this in his own language and thank fuck the translaters included it
Even tho yeah of course he's like UHHH IM NOT GOING THERE
Joker: Man, I hope the cheese wheel makes it
if nobody points it out it should be safe. cheesewheel final girl pls

Lou: we love to see a horror movie character with a braincell

idk what this man's job is im just saying director to indicate he's the boss of everyone there, just to clarify
increases the faster you get outta there!!!!
if u stay behind u might still die. but if you leave? ur safe. go esl'er, run to safety my brother

tho i will say if people die in that forest and the driver knows this its a little fucked up if he doesnt stop these people from going there

anyway the busdriver leaves and they are stranded

but bossman is all like NO WERE GOING WERE A TEAM
(also toby is not the characters name. its the actors. i dont know the characters name oops)

oh theyre in hungary.

i mean i know thats easy in mainland europe but cmon

then again why would they all be there if their training is in hungary

if its at a lodge that makes no sense

oh kiwis name is steve. name get
hes fine but he's peeint butassnaked because shrooms except im sure hes just weid

Rikki: why atre they so dirty and in their bras
Rikki: sorry i clicked on this and it was the first thing i saw lmaoi
they fell into a hole
Rikki: in their bras
no they were fully dressed but they tried to make a rope outta their clothes. it was stupid fanservice bullshit
Rikki: im sure the audience feels aroused at these dirty dirty girls Rikki: in a hole

(idk her name its julia now)

i fuckin hate paintball
i'll check the contract to see if i can legally blind someone at company appointed paintball

(his name is actually dick. i didnt make that up for comedy his name. is dick)
>i tell jack what movie im watching
jack: "oh that movie! has the beartrap happened yet?"
Amy: well they did say theyre in bearcountry...
so apparently stupid shit like the opening "hey does this dirty bra scene make you hard" happens multiple times in this film. bah
he said i wont like this film but it might make good content for narrating. look man if im not havin fun im not narrating
i mean yeah blood and honey BUT STILL

also, again, why the ties at a teambuilding event.

Joker: I mean - I understand the temptation of wanting to jump into a big pile of leaves (specifically a huge pool filled with them), but like....what if there's bugs or broken glass hidden in there
Amy: thats gonna be a pit
i think amy is right. risking jumping in there is just not worth it

omg cyrillic!!!!!! so ominous
Amy: it doesnt even have any info on it wtf?? just (i assume) 'classified'
Amy: all the data fields are empty
Amy: bad archives

Amy: cheese!
Joker: 🧀

thats a man who looks happy with his cheese

at least he's alright
Amy: ... is there going to be a beartrap in the pool later?
one would think the pool would come back later yeah (the pool did not come back.)

(im kidding. i just find it funny)
even his tie is cheese coloured!

Amy:(im trying to make a pun. i know its bad)
(im so glad u contributed thats a top tier cheese joke thank u)
i see why jack said what he said. this is stupid.

thats your coworker dick, get the fuck out.
doesnt matter what she says. youre her boss. LEAVE.

(whats going on were not even at the halfway mark)
hes having a cheese nightmare :)
oh everyone is still awake except for dick
that scene sure was necessary and added a lot.

long story short theyre staying in an old sanatorium.
its all just bla dee bla exposition of whatever is gonna attack us with where they are
Joker: I appreciate that they gave the dude in the flashback a top hat. Really adds to the spookiness
if only they had done the whole movie that way
Amy: more effort went into the sanatorium dude's costume than the modern day ladies costuming probably

2006 everybody!
i grieve for everyone who was in corporate around that time.

bitch ur in a creepy ass abandoned shack why would you reheat food you found there

Joker: But Priestess, it's a free pie! Surely that must mean it's sanitary and safe for consumption...
i saw the pie and i was like damn i could go for some pie right now but if someone rang the doorbell and handed me a pie now i sure as hell wouldnt eat it gordon is very trusting

wants everyone to know he denounces the tooth pie

movie does a quick montage to let us know everyone went to bed

Amy: that doesnt look tiny

Amy:omg that nerd girl is more like me every scene XD i also talk to spiders
yeah that was a nice surprise! i think her reaction to the spider was very realistic

why are you buttoning them up.
what were you doing.
you fucking weirdo.
the lads go out to find the man nerdgirl saw

what a weird teambuilding exercise anyway. Shooting each other in a forest.

u tried so hard to stop em from going but in the end.
did it even matter?
(it did not)
Amy: i feel sorry for the driver :( (he took all the brain cells with him)
Joker: RIP Driver, you were too genre-savy for this terrible film
he did! now we only have one to go around :( and most of the time no one is even in possession of it to begin with

oh the american girls name is maggie not jill.
w..why do i just make up names...
i thought it was jill lol

she probably likes none of you cos youre her coworkers and maggie sees you as nothing more than tha t
2006 LADS

its gordon walking into it.

They keep opening it and reclamping on his leg its so baaaad omg his leg is... jesus
how are u this incompetent...

thankfully that guy has a belt so we might be able to tourniquet it but this is a horror movie so rip gordon

cmon steve you can use that in your job reviews for the rest of your life just think of it like that

didnt realise i was watching fucking wrong turn.
Amy: someone forgot this aint the 90s anymore
Amy: (... or something. bad politics related jokes)

and also that you said it to maggie like its somehow relevant to her

do you fucks not know any other women in your life.
leave her alone. god damn.
this isnt as funny or cute as the director thinks it is.

Joker: Directors in the 2000s will go "Woman like being constantly lusted over by their coworkers in dehumanizing and creepy ways right?" and make it the entire male casts's personality
YES GOD its so hard to watch!!!
at least i guess the fact we notice it nowadays means things have changed.. also idk if i made it clear but gordon is missing a foot and i thiiiink they gave him shrooms to deal with the pain?
its kinda funny i'll give it that...

or whatever they are

this better not turn into torture porn
fuck i forgot this is around that time where that was a big genre
cmon 2000s dont let me down....

film u cant call it out and then also do it and go "well they tried!!" no they didnt

oh also among the things i couldnt screenshot: harris going the way of marie antoinette. cos he talked about that earlier in the film. woo foreshadowing!

yknow before the marie antoinett'ing.

they imply shes burned but idk if they dont show it cos the effect was too expensive or jill will return later

eastern europeans BAD
what a wholesome plot.

i cant show u but they carved the logo of the company into gordons belly cos they captured him a lil earlier. i cant tell if hes ok. he looks pretty serene but who knows

must kill corporate western europs...

the team???

steve sucks ass why is he still alive and we lost billy (idk how we lost him hes just gone. he was the secretary btw)
(he died of a gunshot wound. i started skipping around sry movie is bad and i got fed up)

..i say hungarian but one of them very much spoke russian
okay then
they also dont use the cyrillic alphabet
this is some soviet sleep experiment bullshit isnt it

Joker: The only points I'm giving them is for the leather (?) jackets the ladies have - they're very nice
they are!
too bad they take them off in the first scene they appear in.
and all thats under it is bras.

this is a flashback...
i just realised.. it has to be

also the girls are sex workers so i guess thats why theyre just wearing leather jackets with lingerie under it.
they tried to justify it but its still stupdid

cos george is american.

he hit a passenger plane....
i hate to say it
Amy: ...
but that was the best joke in the movie so far
Amy: wow
wow indeed
Joker: Well damn
keep in mind it plays patriotic music throughout all of this

diversity win! the person about to kill you presents as femme
Joker: Was about to make the joke but you beat me to it
heheheheh we are of one mind

im a lil surprised ngl

Amy: so did this movie do 'oh you thought this was a woman lol' twice??
...omg amy yes. yes it did. good god.
(not really. They didn't do a fakeout with this guy

which fair enough

Amy: in his lung too? too dumb to live clearly, giving himself pnoumothorax like that D:<
from the moment we met him steve made bad life decisions. i cant believe hes still with us

thats the hungarian girls.
theyre still alive!!!!!

make it the last thing u do before bleeding out maybe st. peter will let u through the gate for ur final deed of good cmon

what is subtlety???
she goes in for no reason
i mean.. i guess shes just following the trail or whatever
all the cargo in the place has her companys logo on it
what does it meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
nothin prolly cos they killed the CEO.

ngl this film's final 20 minutes are the best so far

whatre u gonna do sweets theres nothing around here

this is going into weird fetish territory. pls stop.
Joker: Weirdly enough, I'm happy about that. Not enough horror movie protags try to ever double tap/go overkill to avoid sequel rematches
...that is a very valid point
she def made sure he wouldnt get up again

I def couldnt have guessed this for the final four tho ill be honest

theyre the sails to our ship.

that was the movie!
id give it a 3/10, though a lot of that is because of early 2000s shitty sexist stereotypes. It has some really funny moments and its never gross for the sake of being gross. But its also just not very good lol
i had a good time watching it though! and that is v important to me
thanks for joinin me!
well, it has gross sexist shit. i meant gross gore shit
[a few days later]
Man thinkin of it I think I have more negative memories of this film than positive ones. It's funny like, twice, but that's it. Every man in this film except Billy and Gordon is fucking gross and the plot is stupid foreigner bashing. Like Hostel already existed we didnt need more of this tripe
So while obviously it's not as shit as Blood and Honey I'm knocking it down to 2/10 I think