before i begin. cos this movie is still very new (it was when i did this liveblog)
as i mentioned im not too excited, i thought scream 5 was just scream 4 again but someone's 22 year old sister broke into the writers room and threatened everyone at gunpoint to incorporate her wattpad story into the plot
which i dont think is an improvement but 5 is generally more well liked than 4 for some reason.
a good thing i will say about 6 before watchin it: the posters are PHENOMENAL

majo: ooooh this one was the one I first saw irl :00

could be applied to all the scream movies. v v good

(the ny subway is confusing af by the way but thats beside the point)
anyway the poster they advertised the most, is, of course, the most shit garbage one.

i hate this trend of faces so much.
fuckin star wars ass bullshit
no creativity. just soulless marketing crap from someone who either didnt care or whos boss beat their heart outta them so hard until this was all they were left with

theyre still standard poster tripe tho so im gonna move on
but uhhh yeah if you've seen four, that is hayden panettiere, and ye she died in four but they dialed that back to her just getting "badly hurt" cos people loved her character (kirby) so much they decided she shouldnt be dead. Honestly i liked kirby so im not mad

ok sounds busted god damn
ok fixed. cant wait for my bluetooth earphones to break again halfway through the movie otl

anyway randy's niece and nephew are in this and idk if i want them to survive or die cos die would be in line with their uncle but also survive would be continuing their uncles legacy
and even tho its fuckin neuken now (thank u rikki) my name was randy of the server for the longest time. so. i feel for that family a little bit

..thats her name right

jfc its laura weaving. I recognise her from Ready or Not
AND the babysitter
shes actually in a lot of horror movies
being the first character to show up in a scream movie doesnt bode well tho

(stabs the in-universe version of scream jsyk)
shes like u can rly see the rules of the time by watching slashers!!!
then mentions nothing but 80s film tropes
even tho the film is taking place in the 2020s.
fuckin. new scream movies

In new yoak!!
I was in new york around halloween in 2019!!!!
im actually kinda excited now hehehehe
saw the parade n everythin
hes like im comin down an alley and shes like i dont see you??? and. theres a fuckton of alleys in these streets cmon

also ive never seen a dress like that in yellow but shes pulling it off! she looks very nice
lil too nice for a first date if you ask me but ehhh what do i know

the stabbing noise is way too aggresive for whats going on

i dont think ours were sparkly... :(

cant be relevant cos he took off his mask within the first six minutes

god i FUCKING hate that plot point so much lol its so fucking dumb

cos. thats a thing.
u ever watch friday n go damn i sure would like to don a hockey mask and harrass some jersey teenagers for a summer
i know i do

and yes im angry about that.

anyway jason is basically the drew barrymore of this film he's so obviously being played with and about to die

Anyway this ghostie is very angry about how jason described his victim as "not a person"
ok the opening was pretty cool I'll give it that.

thats such a stupid line why would you say famous. why not just he killed a lot of people or he was a serial killer
why famous. if he was ur stupid therapist would know him

and not lazy
5 doesnt deserve the credit it got its just 4 again imo

shes like omg doc i liked stabbing my evil boyfriend to death is that bad?? is it cos of my daddy??? is it cos of my daddy's genes that im evil????? omg doc am I evil???????????

woo more pop music!

im sure the movie wont reference the trope at any point.

but uh yeah i hope tara has a taser on her.

to me he looks like basic bitch man without a shirt on but what do i know i only like scrungly stoner types i guess

oh look its the female Randy twin! I forgot randy's last name. Their last name is randy now.

get high and reference horror movies. cos its in her blood or some other stupid shit
i liked her hair better in 5.


which i think is his roommate.
good for them

i kinda want it to be the twins but i doubt it. thatd be fun tho

thats what im callin the twins now. girl!randy and boy!randy
cos i dont remember their names.
the name of cardboard!man is ethan. guess hes also a main character

after announcing that she is going to tase him in the balls.

woo sisterly divide

bumbling shy guy bleh bleh bleh

meanwhile sam gets with the whitebread neighbour.

god hes ugly.
hes not. hes just. i dont like him

sam gets a call from gale but doesnt pick up

from things!

its a pump action type rifle so idk if that means he has to be closer to him or something but then calling his attention to it seems like a bad idea..

wait how did he get that

im thinking too hard about the slasher movie
rip shopkeep

ok the shop scene was really good
it was quite tense

love the stripy action on tara. ortega's gotta look a lil goth in every role she gets, at least a little bit

and shes fbi!!

time to punch someone

and shes still a journalist!!1

yeah, that

but if sidney had a sister.
jfc this film is two hours i only just noticed

gotta break in cos why not

oh this is the psychologist, not the detective, whoops

this happened when i watched 5, too.
makes me feel weird

i stg if the subversion is the randy twins surviving and not them being ghostface im gonna be pissed.
esp girl!randy is just randy but a girl. at least boy!randy has his own personality

and also ur boys are rippin off stab. which have had sidney gale and dewey for like what, twenty years now?
just cos you killed dewey doesnt mean ur redefining anything
hell if anything dewey dying was expected cos hes a man in a slasher movie
the only new members of the group are annika, nathan and quinn.
ghostface is two of them if they wanna be lame
cmon make it legacy characters FOR ONCE

oh btw the killer is leaving old masks everywhere
which. how did you get those???
its quinn she steals em from the precinct cos her dads a cop!!!
haha lol idk

um, moving on

also boy!randy just coined them as the core four but the other three arent on board.
im on board boy!randy.
im with you

u better not. uh. become boring
u can do whatever else, thats fine

im just glad to see hes not dehydrated cos thats a fucking weird thing movies do to actors.
hes still 100% unattractive imo

oh "cute boy" saw him btw

or just the cops
oi theres an intruder across the street
how hard is it
oh he left quinns room
oh she hung up on cute guy. who doesnt pick up?
like just to see whats up??
core four + 1 become coward babies the moment they should do something, gj lads

also it being empty might indicate that its someone who knows she has a tendency to grab knives from there for protection.
which is either the core four or annika (whos is dead), quinn (who is dead) or nathan (who. is not dead)
this doesnt tell us anything really. thats the whole fuckin cast.

(idk who this is. but he dead. i guess its quinns boyfriend)

annika fell to her death. rip

idk what the words are
anyway nathan is here lookin like he walked off the set of 13 reasons why

if it is him is he just gonna go LOL i knew you wouldnt check with anyone i was there!!!

i forgot who ur son was. i figure he was in 5. i dont remember most people from 5 sorry

no sign of sidney which makes me wonder if nev campbell said ok im done no more
and david arquette did the same

keep the leather jacket tho

so. how did they get that

it doesnt work cos skeet ulrich be old now.

and like, him surviving makes no sense.
im not against it.

(he got grabbed trust me)

not to be mean but lights like these really show of the surgeries

ok i feel mean for saying that, she looks nice

aand then the leg cos she cant die i guess

but the athleisure wear....

gale is ok

she called whoever was in the gf costume by the way which tells us gale had their number. she knew who it was
idk why she didnt tell the sisters

hope its nathan and danny and theyre boyfriends or something at this point
its be out there itd be fun itd be camp cmon.
(its def not gonna be that.)
legit tho nathan has no reason to be there

nathans name is ethan.
ive been calling him nathan the whole film.
thats how much theyve shown him.

id screenshot all the costumes but wed be here for another half hour
also ethan.

the subway scene is also a+ btw its a great location rly good atmosphere and during halloween!!! so good

oh yeah wait the movie

WHY DOES SHE LOOK SHORTER HERE LOL (because she is. i cant read numbers.)

almost me height! hoho

n dannys like ok ill go die out here
he doesnt say that but he will lol.
hes actually very accepting of it

ive got personal experience this tanktop business is bullshit

but you do you i guess

they think its kirby but lol theres no way its her.

sorry its funny.

oh no boy!randy!chad!!!

if u wanna kill him go for the throat lads cmon its not difficult.
but i guess gf's MO is STAB STAB STAB til ur nails look FAB
(fab is covered in someone elses viscera)

i mean yeah there could be more technically, but also, there isnt.
because i say so
Mono: what if we both donned the ghostface mask and committed murder... haha just kidding... unless... 😳
they did the couple!gfs before but they were never that dedicated to each other. it would be kinda fun to have two GFs that actually love each other ngl

the cop is a bad guy. in the year of our lord 2023, who woulda thought.
wow, i care so much!!!

i mean ethan.
the guy who never mattered and the movie constantly fuckin forgot about.

as if an incel has the patience to do ghostface murders.

yknow i like the scream franchise but its biggest flaw is that it has not had a memorable killer since the first. fucking. film.
billy and stu were good and interesting. yeah they were the first two which helped them along, but in a series that now has six films, how did they NOT HAVE A SINGLE INTERESTING KILLER SINCE THEN??
i'll have forgotten these three by the time 2024 rolls around! just like how i dont remember the killers from 5!
or 4, or 3, or 2! I only remember their vague motivation for doing what they did!
Scream is an odd one out in the slasher franchise cos while ghostface is iconic, the person behind the mask
its always just some stupid schmo with a dumbass reason for murdering approximately four people
and. maybe thats the point. hell that probably is the point.

maybe im just late to the party
maybe this is me while everyone gets it
if thats the case, guess I'll just rate the scene of these cunts dying.

is this a drama reality tv show
that should not make a sound

i dont buy you as anything but a lil impressionable brother who shows up for maybe a quarter of the episode at most
anyway hes like dads a cop he'll make up a story when we kill you yadda yadda

richie was one of the ghostfaces of the previous film. ergo a serial killer.
this really is scream 2.
murderers family taking revenge on the victim for killing their psycho kid.
thats only 20 years ago and theyre already rehashing it

ur doing it as a joke but do u think all of your audience will get that?
viddy games still get blamed for violent stupid teenagers

i suppose if violent movies dont impact kids characters in movies taunting each other about their sexual prowess doesnt impact them either.
idk if thats true.
and maybe im a hypocrite but i dont like virgin shaming in movies and they should stop it forever :) bye

still wearing that hateful tye dye shirt.

ngl the song is a bop.
uhhh so
it was a scream movie! Just like all of them! I'd rate the first an 8/10.
I rate all of the other a 6/10.
except V. that gets a 4/10.
this one gets a 6/10 again. Lame characters, lame ghostface, but some really really good scenes.
wait i gave deathgasm a 5...
ugh medians man this shit is difficult
ITS FINE. If you need a horror movie to watch with friends on a sofa without paying too much attention to it all of the screams are good for that, including this one
(I actually ended up taking it down to a 5 cos I had a lot more fun with Deathgasm so it just. didn't rly feel right to rate it higher than that rip)