n i remember the blood being orange. but that mightve just been the upload. anyways i also found it somewhere else so im gonna try that first, then jump to yt if this upload is weird
i mean i dont see why it would be but the only english subtitle track is labeled "english 3" with no english 1 or 2 in sight so im a lil worried

how dare u
maximilian von vier i sentence u to guilty of lying on very legal streaming site about what ur movie is
lets at least see if its also called suicide club

its a website in this movie i guess
its not in the og movie

yt wtf i thoughtr you deleted videos about suicide

"u can talk about it but we wont pay you. thats all"
piece of shit website
um. anyway
wooo found it on another website
cos the yt upload is pretty crunchy

also sad music

i dont remember
nowadays i watch an english guy on yt who freaks out about badly placed piercings who also goes by this name.
lot more colourful and less suicidey
actually this uplaod is also super crunchy
guess i'll just have to accept it
i meani t is from 2001 i guess..

i figure it was a trend back then?
Amy: yea the slouchy socks were a huge thing at the time, especially among gyarus

haha i instantly thought of gyaru when i saw the socks
bring em baaaack
theyre in fashion dreamer but i figure thats just a callback to earlier fashion styles cos theyve also got fruits fashion

then again i guess ur all catching the same train to school, so
man i want to play persona 4..
Amy: i think i read somewhere that they were banned in many schools due to unsavory associations ugh typical. lame

Amy: yea esp if its shunjuku station (from the sign earlier) that would indeed a lot of people

ye the movie said it was shinjuku too! but i didnt cap that lol

(i assume)
(i wouldnt know)
(these guys seem perturbed)

i hate it

that movie just showed some sad bitch in front of a pc
like that is not right where is the trainstation

Amy: (i wonder about the costuming. obviously it cant be any real school uniforms but the variety is soo huge :o )

(i mean, maybe they are? they coulda mixed them up a bit. Or theres generic uniforms schools can order idk mayube its only a problem if theres an emblem)

also the blood in this version is very much not orange.
also the whole reason i was like "hm maybe i'll rewatch that movie" is cos the game World of Horror has a questline that references this train thing so there
cant find a screenshot of it rip
anyway the jaunty music continues as the entirety of shinjuku station understandably freaks out

look at that rose
✨ aesthetic ✨

(something loud)
Amy: (if this was an episode of endeavour, the opener would cut between the music video and the train station scenes. sry the lyrics just reminded me of a specific episode there)
(ive never listened to pom idk what they sound like rip) (note: I think i was thinking of mudvayne not puddle of mud)
honestly i think that probably wouldve been more interesting
also the music during the train scene wouldve been better lol
fuckin hell ok lol i thought puddle of mud was heavy metgal or something with a name like that but no its sad rock
well whatever i guess going against j-pop it still works as an opposite type comparison
then again those girls were singing about how it'd kill them to not hear from their crush which sounds pretty on par with the bit of puddle of mud i just heard

(also still skinamarink)
(god damn this movie is fuzzy)
(guess kyle i like corridors ball wasn't wrong about his 90s aesthetic)
he doesnt find anything so hes back in his lil booth

(also lookin up the directors name i found out he's a poet. I wonder if he likes my work I just attributed to him)

yknow the old internet noise
Amy: and here i was gonna say 'but fax noice is different from dialup noise'
in this movie it isnt
Amy: maybe i just dont know fax noise...
i know i sure as hell dont

is it a ghost or faulty wiring? whooooo knows
oh also he's in the nurses room so the other nurse is now also awol

nothing spooky there

like legit its just GOING

Amy: bag has hidden wheelies :'D
oh to be a free bag on wheelies...

i. guess this movie did have a website

for. for the records. so there
i cfant find a modem that looks like that but i guess thats on me

aparently the website shows the amount of suicides
white dots being male, red female

but she wants them to work with her

that is the scrunchiest face scrunch ive ever seen
he cant see it yet tho so its just the smell. but it also doesnt spread enough to hit the other two officers right behind him i guess cos theyre fine
just him getting faceblasted by the wheeliebag

love some clear timestamping in a movie
they really want u to know

(its cos hes not a cop. but yknow. maybe he's also not cool enough)

tehy show it being unrolled on a coroners table which i wont screenshot cos ghuehguhghghghgg but it makes it clear theyre lil bits of skin shown together and rolled up

(they dont say that part. but. but i like to fill in the blanks)
i kinda want a bacon sandwich. is that bad

especially cos judging from that website we havent had 200 suicides yet, so

youd think that'd be one of the first things they'd do
but fair enough
man how will youtube let this be on their platform but someone in a completely innocuous video saying the word "assault" or "violence" or whatever and they piss their pants

im. surprised thats running since its only a day later
very efficient cleaning crew

but it doesnt have any wheels i suppose

is this ur poetry
oh wait they might just be sad cos of the suicides.

Amy: (two months olf crime scene?)
guess its to show its still open

this whole suicide epidemic is hitting him hard

i guess life goes on eh

Amy: this looks so much like the staircase at my dads house it hurts well, not his wife. shes just like oh teehee kids be kids
im going to imagine the static is part of your dads staircase too

(no it looks like a massive tripping hazard)
(mail me my hospital bill more like)
oh the name of their song is Mail Me. idk if i said

we'll never know why he called the family together.
the jpop was simply too strong.

these girls are like uuuugh i hate carrying paper trash up the stairs its so much wooork

hope they dont mind all the trash class 2-b dumps up there
Amy: why is your trash room on the top floor
i figure its not and just kind of a fuck up where the girls are alking about dumping the trash on the roof while already walking up the stairs instead of saying that before heading up the stairs
either that or its supposed to show theyre not thinking about the trash while heading up to the roof

but uh thanks for asking i guess

mind u this is the group of girls that were at least kinda questioning the past events

anyways the whole scene is these kids acting all stoked about dying

id stop screeenshotting but god damn its too bizarre

Amy: (this is why roofs are locked in real life! - except in schools that somehow have whole pools on the rooftop?)

maybe not yet in 2001? im curious now
either that or they just threw it out the window for their movie
Amy: rooftop scenes happen in new media anyway so the trope survives

and, you know, not crazy

well. his reaction is kinda expected. but hers is also a thorough "meh"
while bystanders are all ????

oh her bf died. rip
the police discover a little part of his skin was on that big bubblegum tape lookin thing

i want that shirt
not the. not hte head bandage. thats not been a trend
(who knows)

he asked her why she didnt know he was skin missing btw
n she was like YOU BOAR
very specific insult

also fun fact the main cop actor's also played Manfred Von Karma in the Ace Attorney movie.
so there
he was also in the grudge 1 and 2
tho i dont remember him in that
anyways she had the same tattoo as her boyfriend so i figure they were very close

Amy: oh. email me. i only now got that
Amy: (where 'email' can also mean sms in japan)


also her name is kiyoko i guess

so i figure its a mall of sorts

theyre moving around btw. idfk what this is

(this is still in the bowling alley btw)

that night guard has a tough time.
poor guy

i figured its gonna be a forum

very spooky.
they also asked if kuroda (the cop with the family) is there
also spooky.

who tells him theres many of us (yknow, like him) and that theyre all kids

thats good info
thanks cough kid

its not hard
but yeah some of them think its a prank
trhe kid also said "the 6th chain" so thats another hint or something

what, the 6th bit? ..its more of a link than a chain then isnt it

so thats good
man this movie has like 5 school boys to, idfk, 200 school girls

i kick my lege at you

but uh yeah its not the punk, big surprise

i just realised i forgot to point out the sixth chain (or, well link i guess) had a tattoo on it

ok idk whats going on with him but regardless of his idk, pain? hes like STOP U GIRLS NO GETTING NEAR THE TRAIN

which fair enough cos theyre not se no'ing nor holding hands
but yknow. hes doing his best

that's rough buddy.

haha girls. how funny. what a lark.
if i was shibusawa id shove em
(shibusawa is tghe young cop)

confusing up the scene right there

the cough kid lied to us!!

amy pls what does the sign say

after work drama club for the tired housewife?

most people manage to go their whole lives not doing either of those things
so uh
oh shit it was a performance. They just showed someone doing rakugo and then now a manzai duo
also its being broadcast on the radio

Amy: im actually not good at japanese :'D and 'de' particle is one of my weaknesses. but 'koko de tobe' possibly means '(come) here to jump'

Amy: oops got there at the same time XD
thank youuuuu

this is another scene i remember. i'll just say mom does uh. not stop cutting where you'd normally would.
so there.
all the while annoying childlike music still plays
Amy: oh dear

Amy: (the kanji used in the sign can also mean 'fly', 'escape', 'vanish')

with the theatre moms its not really clear if theyre putting on a performance or actually taking themselves out
cos its intercut with the comedy performances
and as i said they act really theatrical
but i think regardless its supposed to show how the whole suicide thing has just become kind of an accepted thing in culture

theres a limit to the acceptance i guess
uggggh the mom with the fingers is so hard to watch i mean obviously but stiiiiiillll

Amy: that would be the point where i look away too

the film kind of implies Dessert's song is causing people to kill themselves but im pretty certain that's a red herring just back in the old youtube days me and all the other watchers didnt catch that

this isn't a children's hospital, what is this
Amy: ... is that a reference to the tumblr post

playing some sims 1, maybe
who knows

they are not stoked about this, btw

Amy: (translating sign) ' -- ga platform (de?) tobe' = '-- jumping from platform'
Amy: but feels like thats missing idk, like a platfor number?

ohhh there was a sub that read "track 8: jump from here" or something so maybe that was it
Amy: (still trying to figure out the translation) but the first word thats missing might also be a person name?
bat's abducted and taken to the abandoned bowling court. so yeh that's come back into play
also the bowling court has a bunch of animal noises and the moving white bags are still there so im extremely uncomfortable

or rather Rolly and four other guys idk. the blond is that pop star dude i mentioned
i suddenly seem to vaguely remember he sings in this.
i. kinda hope he doesnt
but who knows this movie is bizarre enough

so i guess these guys own the website with all the dots on it and collect the skin from the people who join their suicide club thing
...;.i think
i mean they gotta have some involvement..

he is currently singing.
his eyes are super light i wonder if thats his actual eye colour its hard to tell with the grainy quality

except the bag in front of them. nobody is vibing in there.

also suicide website and keyboard with teeth, i guess

i simply cannot
chain man over here is having such a good time.
theres one bit where im very much lost though. but i dont want to talk about it

like hes singing about death and shit but no death was happening
but also its.. not a suicide.. so... it still doesnt make much sense

(he did)
(and i only now realise he said that as a hint otl)
one of the other cops calls kuroda's family's death murder and shibusawa gets all philosophical on him

i mean can u blame him
where is his daughter.. weve seen his son is dead and she was covered in blood but she wasnt dead
we also dont know where his wife is
im just.. kind of assuming the whole family is gone

so. have that

Amy: philosophy ✨
they actually showed the kids for a split second earlier, feeding some rabbits, but there was no context then
so now we know its those kids. and thats about it
meanwhile kuroda has a massive snotbubble so thats nice.

also nobody stopped him. idk if that was like a "eh its his decision" kinda thing
or just the film being like "we cant have them stop him cos hes gotta point it"
is it intended or just to make the script work? We will never know 🎶

then he offs himself which i think we all expected at this point.
Amy: (weve just proven the mail me song was a red herring, and now that scene (first) seemed to say 'audience is now it bc its been subjected to the song so many times')

there is the boy being on that one website..

im actually not sure if this is her or her friend
Amy: was it ever explained what was up with shibusawa earlier at the train station?
he just got a lil sick

l it sounds like the goons left so i hope that these two can get out somehow
oh nvm one of them is dead. so uh. rip to her

her name is kiyoko so i'll just call her that

tho the gang made her write that so idk how helpful this is gonna be

Amy: ok from this angle the teethboard looks even grosser

i mean they told her to contact the police so thats not surprising

still not a fan of the character tho lol dont get me wrong

he gives the cops their address

his gangs kinda upset at him for doing that tho
theyre like do u really have to dox us

genesis just went hey let me sing this rock song about how death is pretty but thats about it
maybe he included it in the traumadump
or.. it was to put people ON THE WRONG TRAIL
(dun dun dun)
(i legit have no idea.)

he also sings it in the rockiest way possible lol

so hes like.. life is a bitch and even your best isnt good enough.. its like that dessert song, "the world is a jigsaw puzzle somewhere there's a fit for you"

Amy: reaching, but i can see that
which are really hopeful words...
ysee i cant
im struggling
but im wondering if again thats on purpose
cos dessert causing the suicides was a red herring (its probably not we're just wrong here)
so im wondering if genesis is referencing that? ..sort of?
idk ow ow my head ;_;

todays fashion: visors
...and gyaru socks

..where are we going with this girls

Amy: see i was just wondering if genesis was saying its about making oneself into a fitting puzzle piece
Amy: but yeah now the song lyrics def look like removing onself from the puzzle box completely

as you do
Amy: lack of connections could be a lack of belonging, a lack of 'fitting'. esp when jp society is so much about fitting in
what is your connectio nto you
yeah that might have something to do with it
Amy: yea do 'you' fit what you are in the world etc

clearly trhey shouldve just been listening to katy perry
(i feel bad just saying that hguhg)
(not like to hate on katy perry just. that was a bad joke OTL)

oh i think this is girlfriend? yknow whos boyfriend landed on her

her name is mitsuko

looks like her bf was a big fan
Amy: (hm. all those mail me numbers relate to 4 or 7, both of which are unlucky in japan... very subtle)

well. ojnly one
but three of them are doing numbers

Amy: wait its mobile tping code isnt it.... s-u-i-c

Amy: and 33 girl has 1 and 2 fingers

yknow the coughing kid and their gang.

so i guess theres separate groups..
one which uses dessert, maybe?
and then genesis who actually does call it a suicide club and who operated a website
skin roll is still a mystery

this is at the polic e office

ah its shibusawa

the website also just refreshed in front of his eyes
Amy: holyshittwohundred

i mean he did say the delusions of grandure thing, so.
i guess he was pretty straight forward
also means that kiyoko was way off track. rip

also: JUNE 2ND

whoever cough kid and the gang are they sure love their numbers

Amy: creepy minions, one deade early

oh fucking hell mitsuKO RUN

Amy: is this about attachment
shes like move aside you lil shits this isnt about you

contemplating if punting the kid is worth it after cracking all those stupid idol codes


that was supposed to accompany this boy but it goes for all the kids so its fine.

fuckin hell idk why but im so angry at this OTL

Sion Sono saying hi remember i am also a poet

he knew they had to clap at some point, he just didnt expect its be right now.
give him some time.


i mmean the answer is just yes, right
you are you who are connected to you who is related to you.
that is all the knowledge you need
Amy: i think thats when they get the minions
oh god thats what theyre for
how did i not see that

assault on the brain #

just grow up a bit and go teach philosophy or some shit kid then you can bother people about this and get paid
none of this idol co-opting suicide connection philosophy bs
well. still philosophy. just know skin roll up and death.

ugh why am i trying to understand.
lets just see what mitsuko says.
Amy: philosophy horror movie might be interesting. just with more dream locig and less gore/body horror

dammit i was actually curious

sion sono like shit fuck w'ere in the last ten minutes what if the people dont understand i make art???? QUICK THROW IN THE RED BABY CHICK TUNNEL WITH THE GIMP AND THE WOMEN AGAINST THE WALL
Amy: oh those are chickens i thought it was like. bits of wool (note: i. i dont know what amy means with this.)

doesnt explain the minions or the baby chicks or the gimp though.

remember her bf had the same tattoo and this is also the bit of skin they took off him.
Amy: but its so pr- hey it looks like it could be from madoka too. witches kiss and that
for some reason they use cg in this scene and its done really poorly
idk why the effects so far have been generally decentr
only the train had cg too and it was bad too
weird decisions

the police are gonna be like "ugh fuck"
"guess we're not done"

the coroner looks unnerved more by shibusawas behaviour than the roll lol

just wants to go home.

they answer but nobody says anything

except none of them is happy.
so. kinda not like the beginning.

wonder if they did that to hide the mc cos shes off to the right looking unimportant as hell now

and also there twice

did the cough kid teach u that mitsuko
do u get magical powers after cracking the code
god i should finish the movie sorry

hes like NO YOU DONT

like girl u are on the notorious platform, standing in a row with a buncha other schoolgirls
can u blame the guy

this girl looks so scornful like, all the time

nor do i

sorry i am calm i promise i am calm

also now they cant be used for suicide messaging anymore and thats good too, i guess.
but mainly the shitty music thing.

so that was suicide club
im gonna need to let that one process for a while.
not sure how long
that was A LOT
Amy: it def was an movie
it certainly was

but i also found out he voiced Tamatoa in the japanese version of Moana! so thats fun.