dwarf 5 lads. lets do it

oh jesus thats a human body in the bg
i forgot this movie opens the way it does

i guess thats the point

ooh i did remember the shower filling with water scene! I just forgot which movie it was in

ah yes, unhinged! pulls a face and does jazz hands
ok how did i miss that alice is amanda krueger in this scene

uh, alice woke up. this is no longer the nightmare lol
dan is still boring
oh nvm that was still a nightmare. alice is alone

sidenote dan's jaw looks like you could use it to slice paper with. god damn.

thats good, i suppose. they didnt abandon it
alice tells dan she had a sorta nightmare about fred and wasnt in control for the first time since she beat him
dan goes "ehhh im sure its fine"
oh dan.
you card.

the 80s sure said "if we gotta end were gonna go out with a bang"

i was gonna make a daydrinking joke but its straight up in the script

im gonna say tennis tie
i miss alice's reddish hair but the hairstyle is def nicer compared to the last film

i mean its likely to be a painting but the shot design is still very beautiful

as far as i remember this film doesnt get to a point i cant handle but also its been aaaaages since ive seen this film so idk :c

(oh also now alice is watching, shes not on the table anymore. its the nun)

[discord bot level up]
ooh leveled up with a picture of a nun and a wicked quote. can't be mad at that
love how they imply freddy's messed up cos he was born upside down
tho they clearly exaggerated it for nightmare reasons its still amusing
Mono: where's a nun-skin for freddy 😩 [dbd]

how about nun charlotte with freddy baby victor

and so is the church. considering its prevalence in the sequels im sad they cut it in the remake.
i know they tried to go a scarier route but cmon.

alice has been given a quest to find amanda krueger's bones
or.. something

this scene is yet another exposition dump where they establish that
mark is afraid of blood and a geek
greta has a stagemum (shes the one saying she cant mess up her hair)
yvonne is very good at swimming and diving and practices a lot
im sure none of this will come into play later.

these films are creative. i love them. fuck the ratings
Mono: i wanna rewatch them because i genuinely dont remember just that they were wild and fun and had creative death scenes lol
Mono: also freddy's great
yeah hes fun
i like him and chucky for their banter
i like silent killers as well but i love that the slasher genre has different kinds of killers

i vaguely remember this scene
i wonder if dan's in the same state as alice where freddy can appear to him while he's not physically asleep

>the track that stars playing sounds suspiciously like a synth version of metallica's master of puppets
oh dan.
you poor thing.

jesus the special effects. so alice is told (?) possibly by dan or freddy that. well, dan just died

oop there he goes

just the whole becoming a motorbike didnt happen

omg new raccoon city map????

so yeah alice is preganante
and the doctor thats with them just said that its normal for her to be in hysterics and talk about how a dream man killed her boyfriend cos shes pregnant
what. the. shit
Rikki: But just a little pregnant
just a bit!
barely pregnant, really

like i know in some slashers characters arent given the time to mourn cos it all happens so fast but like, films like scream take their sweetass time and i think i know what you did last summer and urban legend did too? tho i dont really remember the last two
well. not the og scream. most of that happened at a party

she looks so good

we should bring that back
alice is all like do u know jacob and yvonne is like theres no kids in ur ward

is that the director of photography whos in charge of that? hes done some fantastic shots for this film
alice rn:

Greta basically saying hi im Deb for this movie.

so alice asks her dad if hes disappointed she got pregunte right after high school and he says no, and that he sorta hopes its a boy
which initially had me a lil peeved cos ugh what is it with men wanting boys

rick :c
good callback movie
now im sad

shes 18 here. what the hell
anyway greta fell asleep at some point (prolly cos the dinner is boring) and freddy forcefeeds her to death
im not screenshotting that for, once again, obvious reasons
oh irl it looks like she choked on something?
alice sees her friends right when they die btw, i guess to show she still is connected to her friends like she was in the fourth movie

kincaid give mark ur candy canes
mark's like sorry i got angry yvonne can you stick around and shes like nah i gotta go die now

what the fuuuuuuuuuck???

te ne ne ne ne ne ne, ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne....

love a creative person

omg she saved him but his hands are bleeding and he fainted cos of the blood

apparently freddys been tellin jacob alice doesnt like him
so. thats a thing

so alice realises jacob is her baby at the midway point. thats nice
since its super obvious

ha so cool, never realised I'd actually seen it in something
ok thats.

carry on

still looks good tho. u go yvonne

but i appreciate the attempt i suppose

hes supportive of anything she wants to do they made that clear but also hes her and dans friend so its not really his business, kinda a weird shot to choose

interesting choice
dans parents are like ur doctor says ur crazy so give us your child cos hes half our boy
and theyre being shitty about it but the film does a decent job of showing they obviously want to keep something of their son with them
so theyre in the wrong but you see why they do it

tho this is a nightmare movie and friends sometimes do survive those. so we'll see
alice just told mark to stay awake and watch her while she sleeps. lets hope he's better at that than quentin
who instantly fell asleep in the remake lol

(looks fantastic tho)
Mono: god, i love the dream sequences in nightmare
theyre so good
Mono: they can basically do whatever the fuck they want and it makes 100% sense since it's dreams
yeah as i said i love how creative these films get
Mono: and freddy's just having his best life
Mono: one of my favorites ones is the video game one with the stupid powerglove
its baaaaaaad
yeh thats six. and breckin meyer is the victim! funny how some well known people started off in horror

did i make it clear i hate capeshit? god i fucking hate capeshit

and now hes swole

ok i got work tomorrow and i should really go to bed :/ i'll finish it tomorrow. Also its weirdly nice sometimes to cut a movie or tv series off right before the finale idk
[the next day]
ok lets continue anoes 5

alicei s also there but she is asleep. it seems like she needs a tether to reality to do this or somethin

freddy u weakass griefer you

the 90s are calling. shes ahead of time
i dont like that yvonne and alice arent together
alice is trying to goad freddy into coming to her and not yvonne but idk man i dont expect that to work

regarding that i do find it interesting whenever freddy looks frightened. it seems to always be a fakeout but i still go "ooh did they get him???" whenever it happens lol

i thought they made that up all on their own
[I then went off on a tangent about tamagotchis, deleted a screenshot from the film due to another person's arachnophobia, and quickly tied up the film's end...]

Salsa: what a happy ending
it is! It was kinda silly at some points but i forgot whether alices dad or yvonne made it and its nice to see they did
cos i love when horror movies dont just go NO EVERYONE SHOULD DIE ITS SCARIER
i mean. itd be happier if everyone was alive but. yknow. the genre
Salsa: the genre