Acea: Oho
i never saw nitro. since its made in 2017 i wonder if its aged less poorly than the 2010 one [idk where i got 2017 from at the time, film's from 2011]
>eurodance over the opening credits
lets gooooooooooo
Acea: That is to be expected i guess..l
Acea: Both statements
the 2010 one didnt age that badly, they just have a disabled character they kind of use as a joke. but even then he's not depicted as incapable or anything, hes just hard to understand
god damn theres a lot of company logos at the start
makes any movie that just has "unvierlss" or whatever at the front feel weird to me now

oh no
Acea: Is that ice cream or chicken
its chicken

i think we can all guess where thats gonna go

(the cop did it. by accident)

yeees theyre all like. snacks i think you can only get in nl/be? maybe germany?
its low quality and so bad for you but ugh. want
Majo: big mood...I completely Understand

theyre from another town
also today i learned maaskantje really exists OTL i thought they made it uuuup

i like how the rival gang has a different style. they look like chavs
its a nice detail
idk if theyre gonna fuckthis up later but his relationship with his mum feels really realistic for the kind of people they are


oh god i hope someone uploaded the bit where one of them sings in a car cos its prime average dutch accent..
so the plot is people keep getting run over in their town.. but also somethng about radioactive cows in the north? idk

>gabber danceoff
alright then

het volume is echt 200%, constant, zoveel geschreeuw
uh, the movie is loud theres a lot of shouting

ok the humor is the same level as 2010. they made the same joke OTL
Majo: rare dutch priestess!

(who is this)
(im so lost)

jesus im not evn a half hour in i need to screenshot less

oh its like. the same area
i shoulda known
somehow its 30mins from where my brabant family lives by car but 7 hours by train?? wth

oh i didnt notice the flask.

ah phew they just destroyed a car

ah, makes me think of my parents..

Mono: OH MAN
Mono: OH MAN
yeee mono i was waiting for ur arrival
Mono: this was the peak of dutch comedy for my teenage self
Mono: ahhhh yEAH it's a real place
Mono: hell yeah barry!!! the best
yeah i like barry haha
maybe cos he's very quiet idk

my point is:
why is he there
just. standin there
Mono: the new paranormal activity looks different...
Mono: i watched nitro but like... when it came out lol i dont remember
Mono: was that the one with the zombies?

guess we'll see what happens
oh theyre all frysian, not just the kid with the flag on..

and by it doesnt mean shit i mean the directors most definitely are taking inspiration from that
>try to prove my point
>they're in the middle

i dont know what im talking about clearly
well. both have an establishing shot that is just the mcs (or side characters in j and sb's case) standing around so uh. theres that

oops went into a philosophical discussion with jack and got sidetracked. anyway m back

maybe the camera man will make it this time at least on the account of that hes got a bit of the tarantino scowl (idk)


>w h a t
>zombie break out
>government decides to do nothing
alllll right

friesland now has zombies and they just put police tape to block it

houdoe he
people need to say that more
in this movie, i say
lotta kut, lotta godverdomme
not enough houdoe

>gerry mistakes a table tennis table for a person
yeah i can see why teens liked this movie

i told u. he really cares about his mum


love the brabant flag motif in the coffin though. dedication


these fuckers immediately want to help
love how one of them has a flare with him for no reason.
at a funeral.

also, one of the two directors.
thats gotta be a reference

the other director is robbie btw. i think thats his name not sure. the one on the left

they changed the colour grading/aspect ratio to reference another film but i gotta admit i dont recognise it
doesnt make me think of zombie films..

how is he ok
i still want deep fried snacks.
the fry cook is trying to tell the mc not to go get his zombified mum cos he'll have to shoot her head off


though I dont know why.

>full frontal shot of richard
this movie was way ahead of a24

they have a running gag of rickert (have i. even said what theyre all called. the dude in the round sunglasses is rickert)'s co-driver appearing out of nowhere and i gotta admit its a great gag
>the cars drive off to start the race

why did this turn into mad max

oh were back to normal film style. also that ended with an extremely poor taste joke
well the ending was kinda garbage but generally that was.
look man im just happy theres a film about the dutch south
thats my judgment
ok more seriously its stupid fun. the movie lacks a heart imo but if you want to watch mindless shenanigans its worth a watch