Mother May I

Lou: does it open on the g note
[in a response to a tweet] seeing gallner called a scream king is kinda weird
its not entirely inaccurate cos hes in a lot of horror movies but hes rarely the mc or heroic
also maybe just me but i kinda hate the term scream queen theres something off about it
srry tangent about nothin
speakin of im watching mother may i. dunno if I'll liveblog it yet or just watch
i thought this was a24! its not quaint start our mc is just handed his mums ashes and. no. i would like someone elses ashes pls thanks i mean ok i knew he meant that but im funnier. box is too plain i guess. estranged dead mom oh u will after i kill myself over that awkward ass blunder
i like how i said i might liveblog and then just immediately full ham go into it nyways this girl dances weird in her car idk who she is no i was just temporatily getting possessed by a particularly jittery ghost
oh shes his partner
that makes sense but i thought maybe she was his sister cos they got the same hair colour thank u mom for birthing me time to feed the fishes
half expected a backdraft to blow her right into his face
but nope. maybe a bit too awkward thats what i said!
nyways hes like "man i cant believe this plastic box is gonna outlast my mums ashes" and his wife(?) looks at him like dude ominous car drive of the horror movies! ok ive never seen a copyright like that on a title.. its beautiful - wife about this blue ass horror shed
its the house the guy's mum left him. TIME FOR HORROR
and solar panels! oh that is actually kinda nice. except for this. what the hell mom
is that a death mask. what is that would kill for this place
ok maybe not to the point of being ok with being possessed with my husbands dead mom
but yknow. still oh no, she sees something!!
also they put on mock irish accents at points. i... dont know why oh shes staring at this
are we gonna get a ferris bueler moment i was joking. MOVIE
oh his mum was a ballet dancer and thats her
ah her name is anya and his is emmett. there we go a writers retreat. girl dont make me hate you i guess i cant be mad these bitches have two houses cos inheriting a house cos ur only parent died does seem like the only way our generation would be able to somehow end up with additional property
but im still annoyed OTL
oh theyre trying for a baby. oh god not with the mother horror a ghost!!
wow they didnt even fix the chair the mum fell out of. jesus oh. wait that was probably THE GHOST
cos thats a weird thing to leave that way wow they. jeez. not even a clean up crew huh.
oh she cant handle seeing blood loook at this place! god im so jealous lotta pretty wide shots
anyway his mum was controlling. maybe thats why she did ballet
cos wed go ah yes of course a ballet dancer is hella controlling
(idk i had a friend growing up who did ballet and her parents were actual demons) >trying for a baby
>clearly doing couples therapy
guys i dont think those are life events that should cross i dont know what chair reversal is i just assume its a couples therapy thing lol
whos chair is being reversed idgi oh. they legitimately swapped chairs.
that answers that then you.. pretend.. to be each other?? ah its for a plot dump alright alright hes going to therapy and cos HES A MAN he a course, does not believe in it
cos thats manly!!
sorry im not giving the movie credit lol now im just personally griping
maybe he has a bad therapist, whos to say
damn shes like u want a kid to project the childhood on u never had
then he gets mad cos gallner is good at tantrums and does them in a lot of movies lol [full line: you ever thought that -]
yeah i did that and then something very bad happened :)
not my wife t urning into my mum though so theres that shes holding some kinda plant bag but idk what it is
oh she cant swim. wonder how that'll tie into it
i like her she does a very good job (the actress i mean)
he t ries to help her over her inability to swim
its obv to redirect from his own trauma but its kinda sweet
also damn i could make a tumblr gifset outta this movie and u wouldnt even know its a horror film. oh. uh. shrooms? idk
yep. wonder what the point of doing that is oh hes actually opening up now they need drugs to get him to do that, is that it
how.. shes half gone coS A COURSE SHE IS U DID A PSYCHEDELIC DRUG, IM SO LOST is she doing the eye press static thing..
so he stops talking. gj lads man how big is that fireplace that mask looks miles away movies like ye i know u think the mask is spooky
thats why we put it there HO HO
i would like for it to stop being used. trhank u ..maybe not right now. shes got pin prick pupils while his are massive idk if thats done on purpose
also the mask is broken yayyy now no one can put it on ominous shot of a house with a bath tub running!!
can u think of anything spookier.
man with this light he looks more like a rembrandt self portrait than ever before omg the chair was on the ground again!!
oh no wait thats cos emmett knocked it over earlier.
SYMBOLISM woo more chair reversal time!
maybe u guys should go to bed it looks late as balls out there
shes attacking him super hard and i dont think thats how therapy works im ur mum now says anya
suddenly a loud noise! a door violently being shook in the background
is it a ghost? no, it's sigmund freud trying to break the door down man looking through window shot for the collection oh no shes still wearing the doily ass cardigan his mother owned! hello hi i knocked on ur door so this movie has more than two characters in it his name's bill n he drives emmett to town so he can drop off some stuff at a charity shop and he just wont stop dropping plot about emmetts mom oh theyre not married yet
im gonna keep saying wife and husband idc sweets udont have to tell the man you just met fifteen minutes ago about ur ovulation app.
glad to see everyone in this car is oversharing today
bill's like phones kill ur fertilisation.. uh.. thing
bills probably unvaxxed too ominous face of knows things
man i need to look up some synonyms to ominous masn i know its trhe us but if it werent for the powerlines this environment looks super english to me i am becometh tracy
his mums name is tracy. not particularly spooky
coulda done with a margaret or a dahlia angrily eats burnt ass pizza idk if its the running clothes but he legit looks more like he'd be her son than her husband
ii am unease u havent finished ur burned pizza yet
then again i guess cigarettes are burning too.. so..
he then smashes a plate cos he doesnt like her acting the way she does
quite casually. not in her direction, mind
thatd upset me tantrum-y mows the lawn nother window shot
he initially thinks shes doing it outta some therapy kinda thing but she wont stop
so now hes like omg its the shrooms
biggest red flag rn is that she has no ear piercings but now she suddenly does and is wearing hus mums earrings
where is this goinnnnnng countrysiiiiiiiide
having men flashbaaaaaacks
pls nobody give birth to other people in this movie pleaaaaase
theres enough freudian subtext as it iiiiiiiis
well not really. some other parental hangups
not whatever freud was smoking lads no shade if you dont but who doesn't know how to fry an egg i know the robe is supposed to make her look more like his unhinged dancemom but its a nice robe and i want it. she keeps a diary and he read it
i kinda hope hes judging her on the way she worded that cos i sure as fuck would
its a diary bitch just go "ugh why do i love him" like a normal person ok well she does acknowledge it as hers
and emmett doesnt remember his mum so her acting like her is possibly extremely off
but then she needs some serious help. also still doesnt explain the earrings
oh no wait, thats his mums diary
i forgot they showed it earlier
maybe she was talking about bill. yeh his wifes diary is brown hi im the realtor! Bill already left so im here to once again remind the audience that there are more than two characters. emmett deciding things need to be hella awkward between him and the realtor
idve just gone "no" i think oh she doesnt think its weird the realtor is all like i gotta liven this place up but tracy!anya just walked in so that doesnt bode well also everything this woman said so far is just wrong
wshes all like, the only people buying houses now are young couple
bitch where
she said all they wanna do is settle down and have babies
bitch in what economy
then shes like we should get rid of the antiques no one likes antiques
who have you been talking to young people love old shit i know shes supposed to look weird and out of place but this outfit is so good
except maybe the jewelry i love it
and ok the sunglasses are a bit much
the realtor leaves cos anya's acting wild he finds anyas satchel and finds out shes already pregnant
then he gets mad cos she did shrooms while pregnant
anya meanwhile still acting like tracy she accidentally pricks him with a needle and its a bad moment but him going LOOK WHAT U DID with the tiny needle stickin out of his hand looks too funny to me
oh yeh cos it bleeds! hes doing this cos anya has a fear of blood time for some more field tai chi
or yoga idk relaxing activities judging by the length of the grass he never got that mower to work hangin out with bill to talk about his mum
oh yeah anya wouldnt know his mum did that field thing.
except his mum kept extensive diaries
so. she couldve known the plot thickens!!! i know i also said yoga but i dont think its yoga bill
guess the movie decided to get that outta the way now
oh he knew his dad.
wonder where he is
oh absent dad
she had him but the dad was never rly in the picture omg thats what anya called him earlier
hes got a rather visceral reaction to this nickname oh he also thinks shes just reading his mums journals
i like that the movie knows where im as a viewer am at heheh anya!tracy then reads mockingly from anya's diary now hes humoring her while talking about his wife, im guessing in an attempt to upset her into dropping the act ah yes of course.
so no relationship therapy, its just anya using what she knows from her mum to try n help with her own relationships anyas a poet as a job apparently n i was right in that emmett's now tryna insult her in an attempt to make her stop pretending to be tracy
this movie is very pretty i think thats why i screenshot a lot
well. i kinda do that in general dont i time for the do of ballet anya!tracy asks why emmett doesnt just walk away from the relationship if theyre having so many issues and he says this
aaah! the horror of childhood trauma welp guess if this is therapy its startin to work cos he just asked his mum a question
but what if its a ghoooOoooOoost?
or a really bad shroom trip thats lasting several days even though thats not a thing??? jeez quite the answer
bill also said that about her earlier at camera stare of seeing something ??? is it. is it gonna be the chair?
oh shit
dun dun it was a nightmaree!!
look man if u dont want ur cool plant filled antique ass farmhouse I'll take it ?? oh hes worried he also nearly tripped on a table cos another thing besides angry tantrums this guy does a lot in movies is trip over stuff and fall down oh damn shes just going for it ?where she go oh nvm shes good so yeah she knows how to swim. which anya doesnt
ok so now u stare at her in disbelief for twenty minutes while we slowly zoom in on ur face we hear emmett breathe heavily as anya!tracy puts something in a syringe
which were lampshaded earlier btw i just didnt screenshot em he also keeps saying this what the fuck is going oooooooon 💀 🎸 🎵 🎵 oh yeah they got drunk lol i was wondering why the hell she was walking like this
..not that you can see that from a screenshot. oh shit shes acting normal again shes got a moment to herself n is clearly freaked out by the makeup on her face or the cigarettes in the house weaaaait i dont wear my hair in a bun
aaaah when she takes the earring off its all bloody udsdjhsdjdshdsh
look man i just wanna know what the hell that injection was mixing rembrandt with some van gogh by throwin some depression bed sitting in there ugh all i can think of is tumblr gifsets. stop me
also jack also has freckles on his shoulders. i always think its really pretty when people have lots of freckles
we have like half an hour left to this movie to somehow get this resolved
whatever it is
shes like pls dont shut me out but he shuts her out even harder than before cos she was his mum for like, three days ooh he put his mums classical music back on. oh nooo
i feel like this would be really good for his trauma if it wasnt through a fuckin. tulpa his wife created of his mom, or whatever is going on
i mean, being able to work through it, not. the mom thing hiiiiiiiiiiiie its me again. did you wanna sell the house or what huh, guess not. ooh no im scared dont look at the water like that sorry i inhabited the spirit of your mum for three days idk if its supposed to mean anything but emmet is barefoot and in loose clothing almost every scene
idk if its like, a dancer thing, or a child thing or something o hhes gonna do the ballet thing! she starts acting funny about it so he stops
:( rip to that idea i guess
i mean its not her fault! she obviously doesnt know what hes tryihng to do
(unless she does cos then what is wrong with u. but. probably not) angrily eats bagel angrily cleans crib ah chair reversal time again!
maybe now emmett can pretend to be someone else
like bill. or the realtor woo trailer line, probably shes all like ur really angry n i dont know why. all we did was shrooms
great start great start girl no
(shes pretending to be him btw so shes speaking of herself in the third person) oh hes crying so shes all yay emotions and feelings! # wait where is this going
(shes speaking as herself again now btw) okay.. oh they both left
are we just not gonna get into why or what
we know she found the photos emmett found so whats goin on now oh no they just swapped for the therapy thing nvm. now he has to pretend to be her n hes all like i think u just wanna be a poet and impress people n not have a family. SO THERE i guess they thought mommy issues the movie wouldn't be a good title hes mocking her for her own issues with her mother while pretending to talk like her so he's jazz handsing it up like crazy and its not supposed to be funny but sorry the omg gurlll gestures are sending me oh anya has neuroses like uhh
trich..trichitillomania? is that what its called?
she pulled out her eyebrows
tldr emmett is like "u got so many issues u got no time for me or a family which is your problem" anyas like but my eyebrows grew back real nice u didnt have to be mean about it yknow i ... dont think.. that is what emmett thinks it is.. oh.
shes infertile
but emmett doesn't believe her?
oh he's quoting his mothers diary at her as if she wrote it ignore the drama and cast your eyes upon the poster instead. I love posters like that! we got a few about sea life
my mum has some that are plants like this
theyre so nice
anyways emmett is threatening to burn anya's notebook/diary
which has her poetry in it wow he did that mighty fast. ok thisd is either gonna end up with a fire, homicide, or a fire and homicide
im kinda thinking the notebook he burned was probably one of his mums to fool her but idk careful now
idk where emmett is he ran off into the forest or something we hear something dripping (no hoh subs.. i miss u my hoh subs :( ) the house is being too spooky so anya's like fuck this im leaving
lets. see how far she gets probably not very far cos shes dicking around with a bag for like, two minutes
oh cos she cant find her car keys !!! its back on the wall somehow i guess we lost electricity at some point
emmetts in the basement or somewhere. idk he said her name ah yes, the basement of exposure!
with the folder of plot twists
and.. developments oooo...
also: ghostly whispers theres photos of emmet as a kid with signs of abuse on them uuuuuuuuuHHHHHHHHH wtf she ran outta the house and bill knows her name even tho they never met? yeah! oh hes just there to bring emmett back.
i guess he knows her name cos emmett told him ah, her car keys. also that chair had fallen over again.
anya smokes now
shes talking to bill anya was about to kill a moth like the barbarian she apparently is but bill quickly protects it
whats ur problem anya its just a moth oh he did it cos tracy said this this is about emmett. apparently he was impossible to discipline as a kid which is why his mum used to sedate him and how he got hurt a lot
he needs her anya says
idk what to do with that ok so. now what oh she stays
she then blows at the camera and we hear a moth flutter away
man i have no idea how this is gonna end ?? tracy? nope just a nightmare. he asks her to sedate him.. i guess it straight up knocks him out but idk why he wants that the hands!!!!!
thats so cool
i mean oh no!!
(but thats neat)
she gently puts anyas hands on ems head
i think. there legit was a ghost lads you burned her diary and ran off into the woods idk if that'll fix it
maybe get an apology bagel oh shit yeah he didnt burn hers!
haha i just gaslit you into believing i destroyed your diary :)
you still love me right?
u pretend to be my mom, i pretend to burn your diary, we all go a little crazy sometimes hes like this really helped me ah yes lets go to the middle of a lake in a small boat that seems like a swell idea after the week you two had she is hella scared
also idk when i started saying hella unironically but here we are oh. shes like i was scared-
ur on a lake u could just throw it in there if u want.
anyways theyre both venting about life now hes like i would be cold or tired and shed say not now and she says "you were needy"
isnt the most emphatic
is someone gonna end up in the lake
then again only one of them cant swim oh no she said the thing! hi he got super close to the camera for like t hirty seconds before finally saying something i legit backed up lol
traumas: unresolved
issues: grown
sanity: out into space
things are not looking good he then asks her if shes anya and if shes sure and she looks very distraught
maybe realising now shes in a boat and that she cant swim oh no. aaaaand there we go. maybe you should go get her finally, jesus NOT THE TIME FOR A THE NOTEBOOK MOMENT u should get that engagement annulled
good god oh shes driving off lol i guess thats kinda the same thing i knew it was somewhere near new york. im surprised at how much it looks like english countryside
well. not that near. but close enough ...miss tracy? oh she drove back? i thought initially this was a flashback but they cut to emmett and his hair is clearly wet
she also says that "her problem is that she needs a child"
oh no
nooo dont tell me hes gonna say what i think hes gonna say.... please no
I MEAN SEPARATELY THATS FINE BUT NOT LIKE THIS aqt least he looks fucking miserable about it
well that was really fucking weird
man how is a24 not the distributer on this this was the a24iest movie that ever a24'rd
also i stil dont know why they did the irish accent gimmick both of them are american with both emmett and his mum having noticeable northeastern accents so idk what the irish thing was about