im still cold ive got the brain zaps lets watch a movie to distract from that

woo please be good.
or, yknow. at least dont get stuck buffering every minute.
streaming sites istg

aw its shudder. i do generally like the movies they back

oh well thats a new one

aaaand this logo was entirely in stopmotion.
ah indie films..

oh i guess its the future. ngl i thought this was another studio logo

oh it was. they fooled me
fuckin hell we're up to like, ten at this point

wwooooo television!

thank u thats useful info
this is just a segment of what the 70s were like in the us
including satanic panic
i never really thought about when that was... ngl i thought it was the 80s

this movie is about a night time tv show
well. from what i gathered

hi im the main character lets see if i make it through this

hee hee he told a funny joke its just like the real shows

look theyre planting horrible animals on him just like the real shows!!!


oh dear.

but also jack is in a cult named the grove. cos why would he not be in a cult

oh look one of them is dressed as an owl. and his late night show is called night owls.
wonder if the devil's just gonna be offended at the imagery
"owls jack, really??? the goat symbolism is RIGHT HERE!!"

oh well ok scrap the wife storyline then

ooh thats a good cover

oops its jerry springer now
so his show went to shit ratings fell through the floor and now we get to watch te tape of the episode he filmed in the hopes it would turn around the shows ratings
thats a great setup im excited

ooh behind the scenes. so exclusive

oh its a halloween episode
that does explain the theming i suppose

god damn poor cleo all the guests are spiritually themed charlatans and then theres just here tryna keep the vibes alive with some music

oh yeah they have a live band. thats usually a thing with late night shows right
idk man the netherlands only has one, its only a few years old and it definitely doesnt have a live band
i. get most of my dutch news from it.
itd be neat if they did a demon themed thing at some point actually

i dont know what that means :)
who is reggie jackson
what is the yankees parade
>priestess watched an american film and is surprised when she gets lost at cultural references

gotta say i think night owls is a really fun name for your audience
i'd love to be called a night owl

his first guest is a medium whos like I CAN HEAR THE DEAD but also when i dont wanna hear em anymore i can turn it off!!!!
wonder how thats gonna go

oh he's a cold reader.

hey ur not supposed to guess that ur supposed to let someone from the audience do that so u can hook in on that

the medium's bombing. he guessed the name of someones living ex wife

ok tried peter time to try another extremely common name

yeah i'd say that too buddy
the devil leans forward in his chair

a messenger u say

jack meawhile decises to clowsn on a guy with a very nice skeleton costume

whyre u bein a dick to him jack these guys back here didnt e ven bother
just sittin there in their 70s best

omfg he knows we read the twilight series together how did he know!!!!!

oh no he got a hit

he somehow guesses edmond ended his own life without fault so that's interesting
unless he knows these people but idk what angle theyre going for here

god i hate spirit mediums you gotta be sick to be able to do this to grieving people

guess we'll see where the movie takes this

girl in the audience didnt buy that for one second

oh. hes having a bad time now. that's fast

ok well we're trying to cut to ads sir and our ratings are already pretty bad so if minnie can wait a few minutes that'd be great

ok well if he's faking it he's doing a great job of it.

ok well tell her we're back in five minutes if she wants to try again

omg bts! how special.

ok so thats for the next guest which.
for late night television.

the medium wants to leave but one of the producers is like NAH SON UR STAYING

aw man i wanted him to just be a charlatan.
i mean he still might be but i doubt that with this line

we find out the main funders of the show are in the front row
jack isnt happy about it is that ai art
those are really weird looking pumpkins and bones.
cmon lads you didnt have anyone on the team who could draw that... that a dig at james randi
magician who made it his life's work to unmask mediums and psychics

ok well randi didnt look like this guy ever

or penn and teller.
idk if randi ever had vegas shows.
but i know penn and teller continued his medium/psychic debunking

oh they might be a little more. "psychic powers are real we are just trying to find them"
as opposed to "people who say they talk to the dead are hurting people and taking their money"

yeah hes. hes a believer

oh nvm he straight up IS one of these liars
aw man
idk if im relieved or disappointed

fucking hell ok no he's some weird mix of james randi and a regular charlatan, this photo is him debunking uri geller (its kinda hard to see but the guy is holding a spoon and he just mentioned spoon bending) which is something james randi did
i shouldnt get hung up on this but here i am rip

ok yeah no he's just james randi. i think i miscronstrued his comment about the warrens and he was making fun of them and their ghost hunting

ok yeah they even included the money randi would award to anyone who could prove their powers (surprise no one ever claimed it)
hes just james randi lol rip i shoulda let this scene play out and wait
idk if im just overly passionate about this shit but the netherlands has given a lot of spirit mediums a carreer when they're all just charlatans that thrive off of people's suffering by lying to their faces like its nothing
so Ive always liked James Randi's work in debunking these frauds
but i'll try to stop going on tangents about that now during this film

meanwhile the medium proceeds to continue his pre-ads coughing fit

Car (his names carmichael and i forgot his first name sry) explains cold reading to us in an attempt to debunk the medium
cold reading is guessing for information until your target (yknow, another person in the room) reacts to something you're saying and then sticking to that information and developing upon it to make them think that you know things about them while in actuality they gave you all of that information themselves
its really common with mediums

not even 5 minutes later too god damn

the medium walks away in offense cos i guess he thinks hes on the jerry springer show

then jack reveals the medium's fit was likely about his wife, who he nicknamed minnie
dun dun duuuuun

these two talk away while we hear the mediums stomach roil away in agony becuase 1970s tv show microphones were just That Good(tm)

then he vomits some black goo
i think i'd ask the medium to leave at this point, idk

hi let me remind everyone ur in a cult


we'll have to wait.

squinting in is this ai generated suspicion
i mean if thats a pumpkin its kinda gotta be right
what is that shape

ur new jacket doesnt go with ur pants either mr car

why are there four glasses weve only had three people out so far
i guess maybe t heyre prepared idk

oh yeah one of their guests is an author and
im not an expert on 70s book covers but idk man that just doesnt look 70s to me

like this is a really similar cover from around the same time
idk i feel like it shouldve looked more painted. coulda prompted ur midjourney or whatever you used for that

woo a satanic cult! whats more halloween than a satanic cult

or. an abraxan. cult
who is abraxas
oh the satanic dictionary
srsly how many ancient demon books are there

the cult burned to death but hail they managed to save a child from the ruins.

here she is in a stark white gown as is uniform for the possessed young woman.

here we cgi'd her onto a roof cos. we couldnt get the actress to stand on the roof, for some reason
oh the writer of that book talked to the possessed girl btw.
the doctor's name is june, the girl is lily

aw shes even dressed in prime fashion for demonic possession. how thoughtful.

also thats the lady whomst the doorst shutsts on in the previous behind the scenestststrs

man why is it always girls or young women. why cant demons ever possess a 55 year old overweight road worker with rhinophyma
nah gotta go for the cute girl in the onepiece dress and the occassional pinafore

god damn lily u gotta make it awkward right off the bat

shes like my whole cult died n it made me sad but you'll make it through this mr delroy

my boy abraxas talked to your boy satan and he said so

stares at the camera


i somehow know which camera is currently active

is it ai art or is it noooot? lets haave a loook

what is this?

what is going on with the inputs?

why does the owl have 9 toeeeees????
its ai!
movie why did you do this
seriously i'd rather you have no cutaways at all
now im sad ;_;

they got turned off and abraxas is very confused

jack im sorry but lily is hella possessed rn and i cant control her

june tells jack that lily was saying jack's name and that it seems she remembers him from somewhere
so. thats a thing

fuckin hell what indeed
oh christou is the medium. i dont think i said his name

they keep having lil talks and props backstage during the bts scenes relating to whatevers gonna be on stage later and its very funny

meanwhile not!randi is still trying to debunk the medium (he doesnt know he died and stuff)
the movie does imply christou was a hack who had a script to help him along
so who knows! maybe satan killed him for being a lying dick.
or abraxas.
or someone.
maybe even jesus
but probably not jesus.

so lily is uh. psychi..cally.,. infested
i guess
oh lilly has two l's oops

oh jack asks so is it abraxas psyuchiciaslly infesting her?? and june says nah man its just one of his cronies and idk about lilly but if i was possessed by a demon id be fuckin pissed off someone tried to downplay it like that
fuckin hell theres a lot of history on abraxas
i knew about how old the ars goetia was but theres even more and that is a little spooky

lilly's like i call my demonic infestation mister wriggles cos im thirteen and thats not stupid at all
(that is stupid)
(especially when youre thirteen)
(cos then everything is stupid)
(and also lame)

omg juuuuuune you cantg say that
someone should make a uquiz "which demon is inside of you?????"
get some taylor swift lyrics in there for some of the questions

anyway the sound system malfunctions, glass explodes, Car tries to explain it but Lilly says it was her demon

jack's like can we talk to ur demon pls it'd be killer for our ratings
June's like no
Car's like yeah lets do it this is bullshit anyways :)
the audience is like HELL YEAH

cant forget the sponsors. gotta go to ads rn. we'll make crazy numbers we're about to summon SATAN
or abraxases crony who cares it'll do the numbers

disapproves. does not think we should be summoning abraxas or satan or anyones cronies
i took the devil costume off after act 1 for a reason jack cmon this is too much

hell yeah time to fuck shit up

june be angry

i am so ready oh my god pls powder my face so im ready for the cameras

yeah so gus (the music guy) is upset

jack's like look man if satan comes out the exit is over there n u can leave and also sorry if the world ends rn

im a douchebag, gus! Cant you tell from my sidemouth cigarette?

gus tells him most of the crew is scared and knows about the medium's death
obvs this doesnt stop jack

were gonna go talk to satan now. or abraxo. or whoever

gee i wonder how that'll go

no need miss june im already here :)

demon cant get out of the chair cos it possessed a 13 year old girl
seeu wouldnt have this problem if u possessed a burly person but noooooooo

oh no an eye!!!!

omg she upset the demon. that wasnt very nice of u dr june

ooh demonic mockery.
why dont they ever do that in the churches for real
like ppl only ever seem to scream and then fall down
live a little at first at least, cmon

omg abraxos dont tell him!!! kyaa so embarrassing

june tries to bring lilly back but it doesnt look like it worked

lily starts flying like a right little alice in wonderland

it seems lilly is back
or at least car and jack seem comfortable enough to intervene

jack's like hi im evil can we get u to do that to the little girl like, once a week pls
we do this at my cult alll the time dont worry about it!!

then hes like ok lemme cut her free with this real ritual knife we have for halloween for some reason

meanwhile gus is told off for not liking the satan shenanigans

also doesnt like the satan shenanigans but for different reasons
at this point in the movie i feel like if satan were to manifest car would offer him $100k
oh but we did just learn car didnt know the medium died until just now. so. lets see if that comes into play

but uh yeah night owls doin numbers. so jack and his producer are very happy

fuckin hell cleo is still waiting to bring the vibes
poor miss cleo the more shit goes down the harder its gonna be to bring it back with those soothing 70s jazz tones
Acea: yeah let her sing gdi

lillys like idk what happened also look from this angle it looks like my nose lights up hee hee

car is like "i wanna make it clear i care utmost about this girls wellbeing [about to go off into a debunking rant" and june takes offense

lilly pulls away from junes hand
which isnt surprising rly since june wrote a fuckin book about what she went through and, yknow, is now on tv with her
junes all like weh weh jack we shouldnt do this on tv this is evil but THEN WHY DID U WRITE A BOOK

car is somehow going to prove that what happened with lilly was bs
by using gus as a volunteer

he said it was hypnosis so thats what hes doing now
to gus i mean

Car hypnotised Gus and and the audience to somehow all see the same thing

gus does not think his wife would still love him if he was worm(s)

oops Car can't snap Gus out of it. Lilly is having fun tho

oh nvm he's fine. the effects just went a bit wild :)
that was gross and kinda cool
im glad hes ok

i mean at this point who knows
if u can do that

couldnt see it. disappointed.
or did see it and is disappointed it was fake. who knows

they show the tape back and that Car suggested to Gus how to behave
which is kinda cool like it means he hypnotised the audience at home as well, so yknow, the viewer

Acea: Whys there a lil monkey

its a tumblr meme

live gus reaction

gdi well u better pay her for waiting

they show lilly's tape from earlier and omg shes still possessed so that wasnt hypnosis.

ffs jack was like pls go one frame at a time!! and i thought it was gonna be subtle but NAH MAN HERE'S A GHOSTLY WOMAN WITH A SOUND EFFECT TO BOOTH
its his wife btw.

still in full debunk mode

lilly electrocutes jack somehow

this is a thing she does now
electricity up the wazoo

its probably a bit late for that

cos. she looks like this now

yeh im sure if christ didnt work "lilly to me" will work
just as well as it did the first time

ffs can u stop with the gods please

but uh yeah hes a satanist now cos of course hes a fraud.


but yeah it didnt work theyre all dead except for jack and the background music as demonstrated by the hard of hearing subs.
and the audience is running out so theyre probably ok too

took u long enough, god damn

stares demon down
still grateful for the ratings
this should be good

pondering if he should mention theyre about to cut to ads or not


its gus! I miss him already.

jacks like nani but everyone died and lilly had two faces

jacks having flashbacks to his older episodes

please bring back the tarantula i do not wish to have the giant worm upon me thank you

oh yeah he also kinda exploited his dying wife for television cos she came on an episode and died two weeks later so, theres that

terribly sorry were subjecting you to the memories of our host that wasnt supposed to happen
please standby

omg its perpetual tv
i. assume
are we in jack's hell

look man give me nine more minutes and i will

oh u know only my soul


hey its skeleton guy! knew you shouldnt have made fun of him

what could his sacrifice beeeeee

dun dun duuuuuuun

lilly's eyes turned green when she was possessed, just like minnie's eyes

he says to the camera

he imagines mercy killing his wife at her request but when he snaps out of it its actually lilly??

...thank you for watching everybody this was Night Owls with your host Jack Delroy

hes trying to break out of hypnosis


omg siblings again. maybe i should try to write a movie with my sister
Joker: Honestly, this feels like this should have been a tvshow rather than a movie - like each scene should have been an "episode" of Jack's old show while cutting back to the behind the scenes with the "final" being that weird recap-mishmash
Joker: Also no AI art eye-catches
yeah i agree i think that couldve worked real well
have a bit more of a slow build up
and yeah no ai art haha