i mean it was my first question to him on his personal number but still
Salsa: Tim wtf this is important

next on the list: the fever dream that is killer klowns from outer space

a cop just called a random guy a son of a bitch even tho he didnt even do anything
"friday now is just starting" oooh i picked a good day to watch this

cos idk how they were raised but somethin is up there

and i thought our ice cream man was annoying
like he comes through every single day even in winter, its weird
but at least he doesnt talk

i mean. im watching a movie called killer klowns from outer space. idk what i expected.
the title is straight up like "they kill theyre clowns theyre aliens fuck you you knew what you were in for when you put this on" which fair enough i guess

ngl tho the visual of an icecream van at a lovers lane was pretty amusing
lovers lane? is that what they were called? idk.

the english language sure is a beautiful thing.
[lou is typing...]
[also i saw u type]
[did i summon u with the clowns]

this man belongs in stardew valley not fuckin killer klowns from outter space
im gonna call it space murder clowns now that name is way too long.

>touches electrical wire
ok well that probably wasnt the best way to go about it

i say violently but to be fair boys dont cry is too cheery sounding to be described that way. but you know what i mean

>just established theyre in college
anyway the younger cop stopped the older one from assaulting these two and now the old one is upset

dunno how i missed the lil skeleton hanging off his coat. FASHIONNNNN

my skirt has safety pins. were practically soulmates now
Ive found my favourite character

Moe: (That skirt is v cute)
(thank you!! )
>calls em kids again
dude the gothy one has the strongest widows peak ive seen in a while

like in what world would you relate those to each other

>proceeds to describe violently painful circus stereotypes for the next minute
god damn

so the tent is a spaceship. alright

as am i. who thinks that? nobody would
got some serious steve/nancy dynamics here. im gonna call em that from now on
his name's mike idk what hers it but fuck it

like dude have u ever seen stored cotton candy. like for real. u think thats how itd be done
i know ur a 35 year old pretending to be 17 or whatever but god damn
oh shit theres people stored in the cotton candy. id be more shocked but i happened to already know that
but still
rip nice old man :(
im getting some serious teletubby vibes from this
why was uk kid television so fuckin weird >they talk like jawas ok then

thats weirdly non grotesque for this movie

that was fast

the ost is charmingly campy 80s mixed with "man fell through roof onto keyboard and we happened to be recording it"

prolly smart since their story is "hey uh space clowns are putting people in cotton candy"
someone jst called one of the clowns cute (thinking it was an animatronic)
i know its a long time ago BUT IN WHAT WORLD ARE THOSE THINGS CUTE

I feel like space clowns is a good enough reason to beat up these suspiciously old looking teens. cmon dave
i did a title drop n everything
the old cop might be a dickhead but hes got a great voice. i wonder if he did any va work

oh horror movie characters. why are you like this

wow they really do spin people into cotton candy coccoons. i thought this movie was more violent

the cop is her ex and hes all like lets take u home to safety and shes all NO DAVE IM GOING YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO

everyone underreacts massively to these horrifying clowns

another one just delivered someone a pizza and they just went ah yes. pizza
theyre all like im not gonna knock peoples lifestyle choices if my delivery guy wants to dress up as a clown he damn well can

oh like. weed or sex or something
anyway the clown knocks a bikers head off
that took a turn

i get that thats the point but ugh
omg her mum got her. thank god

steve id like you to forget about nancy and date me instead

makes me wonder how the police responded to the horror clowns back in 2016 now


to be fair a clown sprinkled something inside before this happened but god knows what ronald gets up to

enemies to lovers. cmon killer klowns from outer space. lets do it

theyre like a sleazy version of the weasley twins

what is this casting
huh now i think about it idk how old everyone is supposed to be so might be knocking it unfairly

someone hes on first name basis with called in and he still disregarded it
i dont. i dont even doubt it man i feel like a wikipedia article could totally be like The 1988 St. Hornswoggle Clown Massacre (quote) "The deputy on call didnt believe the callers despite numerous reports of violent activity in the town and resorted to not picking up the phone even though new calls kept flooding in [35]"
and id be like yeah that sounds possible

the effects are actually quite creative they really doubled down on the clown stuff but like, make it dangerous. thats kinda cool

great job dave

so uh. gj
hahahaha jesus if you break their clown nose they explode

jesus i thought there was only three or four but theres a ton of them now

i mean with the amount of time that has passed its more than that

other than "the plot wants her to not be dead"

also damn the green one is small
they.. threw pies at a man.. and it killed him

i see

so weve got
nancys boyfriend
nancys ex
ice cream lads
place ur bets whos gonna make it

that did nothing btw. was just steam i guess

and a lotta sugar

why isnt he doing anything. huh. just like pennywise they have spiderlike qualities. interesting

cos of course

this movie cant seem to decide on a tone

more consistent with the movies tone anyway
well that was.
the title tells you everything you need to know honestly lol
i give it a 5. ill never rewatch it and i cant even say im glad i gave it a watch, i dont have a fear or hatred of clowns but they just look so gross in this movie idk something didnt work about it.
but its fine for what it is. if you like stupid horror you'll probably like this movie. its not particularly violent either so thats nice
oh also the dialogue is terrible
yeah what the fuck is accurate