happy 2025. im gettin married this year
its 2 am on jan 1st i just came back from a party im not tired cos i live at night im gonna watch when harry met sally n try to not get angry over the age gap

hell yeh hoh subs are backkkk

ooh i didnt know she was here.

wait is this a recollection

ew calm the fuck down i just got here

harry you look so old oh my god.
oops i immediately did it
i mean she looks older cos of the hair but not cos she has any wrinkles cos she has none cos shes young.

sally who is a baby with also 70 ass hair
and blue eyeshadow
do u think that'll ever come back. the blue eyeshadow.
its so. nothing
even on pretty people

brown hair girl is harry's gf, sally is driving him somewhere. they probably said why but i was too focused on the eyeshadow

nice gate. gotta appreciate some good architecture

sallys like we gotta roadtrip to wherever were going so here's my schedule for us both and harry is like here's my jean clad ass

harrys extremely uncharming right off the bat im just gonna assume its on purpose cos its 1989 when this shit came out and i like. dont want to instantly turn it off cos the bar for straight men is in hell
not right now but yknow. back then

we started five minutes ago u slag just tell me where u met ur girlfriend
wonder what hes gonna say to that

u do have the hair volume to hide all the headlines in so good job choice i suppose

harry says some gross doomer shit and keeps spitting out part of the grapes hes chewing which is fuckin diabolical cos you can eat grapes whole, the fuck is wrong with you

chicago!!! maybe
i dunno
no lights on. fall out boy lied to me
no big occassion just signing the papers and hopefully a small party after but im very excited c:

thats a flaw harry. you should work on changing that.

fuckin hell thats like holding a cigarette n not lighting it while u have cancer for the irony of it levels of nihilism

do u think doin this much to ur hair will ever come back. i mean, it did give it a lot of personality
i dont have the patience for it but i think its pretty cute
or maybe hair that springy and curly is just fun to draw idk

harrys like ur not ready for death u pleb n sallys like ur ruining your whole life waiting for death
n im with sally cos harry spits out grape parts like a maniac and she doesnt
not that im surprised their first interaction isnt very positive i cant be that snobby about it cos jack and my first interaction was. sorta similar
just no gross grape spitting

then they have a discussion about a movie n sally makes her hair extra flammable cos its the late 70s and that is how a fashionable human do
i mean! he wasnt mean or bad or anything he was just being contrarian about stupid shit. it left an impression
thankfully shortly after we talked more one on one
theyre at a diner and harrys like well OBVIOUSLY youve never had great sex and sallys all :o how dare u n its building up to the famous scene. u know the one

shes like i was with a man named sheldon n harrys like u cant have cos his name is sheldon and its shit yknow like, olives friend in Easy A, when she said like, a man named george is dopey
tho im with harry on this one. thats romantic suicide namin ur boy sheldon

harrys like ur attractive. like empirically, ur attractive, n sallys all offended cos hes dating her friend amanda
hes gonna be all oh its not my opinion, its just statistics or some other bullshit
god i feel like this movie is gonna be hurt by the way men mightve watched it and copied harry's behaviour on unsuspecting women who just wanna be left alone
keep an open mind priestess keep an open mind..

i mean fair i guess but ur gf isnt gonna take that well..

god the set up is just. like why is this the set up

harrys like we cant be friends cos im man and ur woman and man woman no friends not possible no sirree so sallys like well thats that then

oh nohhh theyre their only connections in new york.
whatevers gonna happen.
when harry met sally harry acted like a total fuckin redditor ahead of his time in the worst way
also blue eyeshadow

meanwhile louis armstrong is like ehehe word differences
oh she didnt do the diner thing yet btw. prolly cos it woulda been a weird moment to do that to be fair


oh these shots are just random old people.
i mean ,theyre sharing their love stories and they are very sweet
dont get me wrong.

five years later lads!!
its the 80s
um... 82 to be exact
if my extremely shit math isnt off

oh no sally is mackin on some guy now (did i get the lingo. idfk) and also harry is there
i like the 70s hair. idk about the inward bob curl of the early 80s...

ugh nvm meg ryan looks cute as hell with it.
its just. kinda massive. like anime hair

hes all like oh hey dude man guy i totally know acting like he doesnt remember sally BUT HE TOTALLY DOES

what a weirdo. i hope i never see him again

oh sally

oh sally this is what all the early 2000s emo bands wrote their shitty songs about.

but they somehow place the blame on you.
ugh my friends are making grilled cheeses rn. maybe i should make one
i will make one later

shes on a plane now and looks ready to be in a japanese ps2 horror game

as does harry. as the fuckin. little guy carrying scissors

..u can ask for a cocktail on a plane?
wildest ive ever gotten was a mini bottle of red wine
which i then didnt drink
Joker: Hmm - ultimately depends on what air service you're flying (One I flew sold Non-Alcoholic mixes)

oh sally has this thing about extremely specific orders that are annoying for staff to fulfill. she did this in the diner too

so harrys like omfg heres my moment
guess he wasnt sure until just now. to be fair all he could see was her intensely big blonde hair

bitch let her just sit on the plane and have a quiet flight. good god

oi baldy why are u grinning
u disgusting fuck
how did women women in the 1980s good god

grinny mcfuckstain gives up his seat so harry can sit next to sally
so romantic.

yay she reached the goal she set out to get. go sally

sally just told him shes been with her current man for a month and he instantly acts all high and mighty about it and asks her weird fucking questions

hes marrying a lawyer but with a name like that im assuming he made her up for some weirdass 4d chess move

then he asks her the question how long she wants to be held at night by a man
cos all woman want a man to stay all night and a man wants to return to whatever the fuck man did in the 80s instead of sleeping
i know now this rhetoric also fucked over men cos theres so many men who are affection starved so the idea that this "least affection as possible" thing is normal is extremely damaging and not the fuckin norm for a wholeass gender
im praying harry gets better as the movie goes on

sallys always mindin her own business and harry initiates the bothering of sally so im assuming thats supposed to show his infatuation with her or something

i like this womans fedora.

harrys like hey yo we can totally have dinner cos were both in relationships w/ other people so in that case men and women can totally be friends
ugggh time to tell my single male friends they cant be near me or i'll get a restraining order
nvm like a true redditor he immediately reneges on it and hes like AKSHULLY my proposal STILL wouldnt work cos why would you want to hang out with someone of the opposite sex???? are you missing something?????

i am missin something harry ITS MY FIST EMBEDDED IN UR TEETH
ok im. im gonna try to not cap it for 10 minutes i feel like i need to give it more of a chance
this movie is a classic come on

ok but bnefore the 10 minute sabattical. sally wants to die

then she tells him to fuck off in polite woman fashion. i have high hopes for this move cmon keep this up

OK WELL its another flashback so pls forgive me. the old people recounting got less romantic too what is going on
also like. unrelated. but harry sounds like hes from NY and sally does not
theyre both city kids just. one left theirs and the other did not, i guess? dont know if that means anything
i got no love for my hometown so idk what thats like.
also movie is super heavy on dialogue which i do like. i do like character based movies

sally and harry meet up again like six years later n harry's divorced and sally is also single and wearing the prettiest red knit sweater i mean look at it

gotta make that shit some day
slight improvement also cos harry just listened and didnt say some dumb analytical shit about sally's life for once
maybe he learned

ugggh he instantly ruins it again by going UHHH WELL AKSHULLY getting the apartment easy just get one off a dead person
stupid bitch this is why ur divorced at 36

sally acknowledging negging, 1989, color, idfr what studio
source: harry said some dumb shit about her liking him when they were younger when she said she didnt and then he called her softer now

woo more old couples give me their story
new york edition. i like american accents i wish i could place more of them

wondr how much this cost in 1989.
or. 1982 when this was set
..i think. i dont think we had another timeskip. maybe we did
now itd be six apartments at 1k a month. half a window each apartment

collection of them just. yknow. hangin out
most of it is harry staring at sally existing

oh fuck off u little yankee prick

oh theyre on the phone. how cute

then after the movie is over harry moans to himself while sally actually goes to sleep
she does look cosy.

i. hm. ok idk about this sally fit


they hang out and do some goofy accent shit
i guess its cute. except its once again harry dictating shit to sally oops how does this keep happening
i think hes helping her let loose a bit but i guess i dont see her as that high strung
she sleeps fine, all we know is she likes to calculate numbers properly and shes extremely particular about her food
also harry needs to FUCKING change in some regards and sally's the only one whos been forced to fchange so far

oh look its the sweater everyone loves rn.

i can make that. the ribbing in that is so fucking agressive it wouldn't even be that hard to replicate.

hell the one ben schwarz got a bunch of shit for is more complex!!! that lil V pattern hes got going on is way harder than the ribs on harry's actual sweater. Harry's just looks bulkier. if Schwarz's had matching poofy sleeves nobody wouldve thrown a fit like they have now
(gonna make jack harry's even tho i dont like harry so far i just think he'd look amazing in that sweater n i can also, yknow, actually make it)

i can do patterns and shit. i know how to do cables ILL BE FINE

harrys hanging out with his new yoak friendf and like omfg its so cool to have a girl friend who is not a girlfriend yknow we talk about anything
and he doesnt get it blah blah
some boomer shit

ugh i want that sandwich. it doesnt even look good i just want to eat it

oh nows the scene.

id be all like "girls, never fake it" but i think im like the 1% of none gays here so i dont need to teach anyone shit
(tho still. regardless of sexuality)
(dont fake it)
(if they didnt get u there they need to learn)
(dont feel bad it honesty helps u both in the end)

she does this thing
cos harry is a pleb loser who thinks too much of himself
n he has to accept hes a shit who doesnt know anything

nyammm lovely salad

heheh hell yeah old lady

does the american northeast still get snow around new years? im so jealous

oh nooo its new years were only halfway through the movie n he loves her oh noooooo

shes like ah shit what do i do
cos she likes him too but she also knows this could fuck everything up

theyre running outside for new years so fuck 1983
no wait.
oh! the year the movie came out.
1988 maybe
i think the movie ends on another year

ok well i still think ur beautiful sally but im not sure about that ponytail
harry sure is also there. in another gray suit.

they do like a normal new years greating
for my 2025, i had a french friend when the new year happend (i mean before then too. but it matters rn) and he was like "so what do we do now? we hug?" and i was like "yeah i think thats what they do over here" and he was all like "oh god dammit what a pain in the ass" and i have so much respect for him for saying that
but the dutch kiss for new years so honestly the English new year hug is respite to me

wooo more greatest generation love stories.
i think
hang on.

ok well this ai is shit but im gonna believe it on the basis of me thinkin it was the greatest generation so im biased

oh also carrie fischer with the worst hairstyle of the 1980s.

ohmygoddd harrys best friend is carrie fischers uh. mis. shes his mistress

harry tells him shes attractive (sally) and has a good personality and arthur is like harry we're boomers women cant have both. its either or and its best you kill your existing wife if you find the "or"

blah blah shit conversation
as in, the movie makes it clear this is a shit conversation

hella full glass of white wine also

ok WELL i cant differentiate east coast accents ok im foreign

i thought new york but i guess it was new jersey

it looks kinda backhanded but harrys clearly trying to big up sallys taste in food here and its quite cute
but both her friend and his friend dont pick up on it so they just have an awkward dinner
realising they like each other but their friends are kinda shit
i didnt mentionm it cos of the 10 minute time out i gave myself lol but sallys friend only goes after married men
so both her and harrys friend suck

months later harry n sally are getting their friends a gift and i realise the mans name isnt arthur, its jess.

alrighty then

then harry suggests they get them a karaoke machine and they sing together and oh no its cute
sally showing harry women fake orgasms seems to have really shown harry that theres more to women than sex and feeling sad.
oh no harry spots his ex wife.

oh no helen has big blown up 70s hair whatever shall we dooooooo

he has no hair but my GOD hes rich

theyre somewhere else n harrys dissociating about his ex marriage while his friends fight about their boomery marriage where they dont even know about their slightest of differences

harry goes into a manifesto about how theyre gonna break up

oi harry can u have this word vomit literally anywhere else

good. get that outta the way now
way healthier
they have a wagon wheel coffee table that i didnt picture btw.

oh no time for the friend fight

ooo hthere goes the one fuck allowance. gave it to meg ryan.
u go meg ryan
four for u meg ryan
got to say fuck in a movie with a one fuck limit

she then calls harry a slut. shes been alone ever since her last relationship 6 years ago and harrys been sleeping around

ooh he apologises. i hope its legit

oh shit it was? healthy relationship alert? in this healthy economy? in the year of our lord can afford a house in new york just fine??

wow next scene. harry legit apologised.
im. speechless

go away im actually team harry and sally now
that relationship has shown GROWTH

well they are just friends now. so i guess it makes sense theyre dating other people

suspenders? yes? no? i like em
they look nice n fancy
to take off too
we should bring em back
both on men and women. they are good

its funny she says that cos meg ryan is way younger than whoever the fuck played harry HAHAHAHAH
lemme have this ok i didnt say shit for over an hour
i'll stop here

marie looks like every mother of every friend i had in elementary school.
we get lil scenes where harry n sally show they dont like each others partners
cos trhey love each other omggggg

oh nooo did u break up wha happen


oh her ex.
shes not over him.
like harry said.
even tho its been 6 years
guess thats how the boomer do
wheres her boyfriend

i8 mean i guess if ur whole social circle is a single fucking city its gonna hurt when they meet someone else.
cant relate, thats all.
shes like its not about him loving me or me loving him but why didnt he want to marry meeeeeee

oh sally's supposed to read as 32. they made her older..
but shes all like, mean to herself and harrys all like no ur worth it ur cool pls be nicer to yourself
cos he like
knows her and stuff
yknow. so romantic

ok well. theyre just friends here and it is really sweet
he gets what shes going through n hes there for her. no snooty ass shit remarks
its nice
i was hoping the movie would go there
oh then they start kissing. never mind

hes immediately unhappy

guess new york tapwater isnt drinkeable

oh no hes leaving what a cunt.
you had sex with him and its just the straight man wayyyyyyyyyyyyy

oh but then hes like ill take u out to dinner after work
the fuck is this relationship
when harry met sally:
autism 101: but nobody told u

oh no best friend talk at the same time isnt that funny

well at least marie is not making a big deal out of it

they have the dinner together n just like. u can have those at home
but i guess harry is matching sally's meal which is cute
i feel like i should pay attention to find out what they offer now

theyre speedwalkin n theyre really showing the city life cos i didnt know that shit was a thing until the 2000s

basically theyre both upset cos they loved being friends and now they like. overstepped a boundary

marie n jess get married and sally and harry are the first. maids and mens idk what its called its their best friends

look at us all single at a wedding and stuff
wonder if sally is still a newscaster

harry insults her cos all the progress they made should be regressed back to 0 i guess
boomers dont know love only mild tolerance
im doing a horrible job

blah blah fight dont like each other
except they do cos its a romance movie

she got another fuck! u go sally
EIGHT for you sally
i mean technically two but still!!

its a year later n sally has to carry a tree to her house all alone and omg its so hard

harrys leaving her messages on her phone. how romantic

hes like i'll say sorry cos a man says sorry for stuff he doesnt understand all the time. its his plight
women be angry amirite

he juyst keeps goin
very romantic
very persistent

i8gnore the scene just look at the hot dog stand MY GOD i want a hot dog rn.

i guess her not disconnecting her phone indicates she still likes him

dun dun she picked up.

hes like hey rememebr we said a year ago if we didnt have a date for new years wed go together

ah fuck i gotta actually think about my actions and not just sing into my phone to get through to her

woooo ny party in ny except harry's home

half assed sally dancing
curled ur hair so might as well

hes outside now and the new york city streets are dead which
sounds. unbelieveable to me
but ok
maybe 1989 was different

now harrys runnin and sallys leaving the party
while bing crosby sings a tune

they found each other.
time for the big scene

hes like i love u shes like what should i say n hes like how bout u love me too and she says im leaving

yeah ask her that'll go over well

yeah use your stupid head u balding troglodyte
the crowds just happy about new years by the way. not sally's response lol

woo time for tumblr gifs.

omg everyone saw it except for them.
and harry had to get over himself to finally say it
happy new years everybody

legit what he says is really good. sally has a boomer response cos boomer marriages are bound to be doomed
but the little moment of real feelings is still nice.

bloo bloo friends to lovers
another classic finished.
it sure was a movie.

wait thats billy crystal? huh.
guess i learned something today.
Its very funny at points, it shows the romance of new york city as someone whos only visited it twice, it has some legitimately sweet moments between harry and sally
but man. i'd love to hear another peer's perspective on it cos i just don't see their relationship as particularly romantic. they keep refusing to understand one another even at the end
i cant find a pattern for harry's sweater :crybebe: i found out its a fishermans sweater but the actual pattern for harry's seems unfindable. But i recognise all the stitches used, i might be able to try it on my own if i can adjust an existing fishermans sweater pattern.. but that is a pretty daunting task

Back panel done baybeeeee
With. Some mistakes im kinda glad its the back i need to be more careful with the front but im still happy with it!
this is the pattern btw. so it doesnt look exactly like the one from the film but it was inspired by it