for some reason the camera is clearly handheld and its makin me feel a lil sick

doesnt work lads

now im wondering if close up intros are super common and i just forgot
oh its the same director as brain damage btw thats why im watchin it

haha fuckin christ the news broadcast about the girl's death said "a berserk mower caused her personality to rain down on her horrified family" could you imagine if they did news like that
>calls her a tossed human salad

i went on a date with a boy once that almost had the same first name and his last name was also franken. hope hes not into making berserk lawnmowers now

what is this town name.
come on

thanks mum.

this feels weirdly junji ito esque so far
i like how he told his mum i think im going crazy when hes already so far beyond insane hes going on a date with a head
also everyones got a thick nj accent

he pronounces stewardesses as stoodesses
cant wait to hear this man say hooker

oh they did show at the start he has knowledge of brains and where to hit them to make certain things happen
still. weird
also what is it with this director and brains

i assume this is new yoak

piece of cinematic fiction.
anyway jeff is making a extreme version of a drug now cos everyone from the environment hes getting them from is addicted, i guess. I know the director made brain damage as a metaphor for addiction as he used to be an addict himself so I guess hes used that once again for this film
also legalize prostitution. that seems to be another message
interesting way to represent it.

oh hes justifying it cos theyre already addicts so hes just speeding up the progress
i realise now i should maybe check the trigger list again i dont remember if anyone's uncomfy with the subject matter of this film oops
ok i checked and i dont think so lol

he did something to the guinea pig. :(
the effect was beyond silly though so it wasnt bad i suppose
dont ya love horror movies
Lou: oh my god
aaaah. with titles like that how can you not
Lou: when did this come out????
so its not even that old really
Lou: love it. we love 1990s camp and other bullshit

they think he rented the mfor a party btw. i dont know why theyre ok with him measuring them but i guess as long as he pays

one of the girls has nicknamed jeffrey jersey boy which would indicate they interact with so few men from jersey its worthy a nickname which.
like idk but seems unlikely to me
wait why am i thinking about that

oh he only meant to kill one of them, not all. if only the title didnt betray the plot
Lou: "It's super drugs! Holy shit!" is such a 90s-2000s phrase
hahaha ill see if i can screenshot more silly sentences

i was wrong. he was however in brain damage, where he is buttass naked as hes taking a shower and the camera lovingly records his backside as he does so
which i didnt screenshot. sorry
today i learned some women can flex their pectoral muscles.
somehow. that never occurred to me.

reel of moving images.
>they explode
the effect is so bad HOLY SHIIIIIIT
suppose it'll make assembling his gf outta them a bit easier.

i swear they made them outta paper mache, then blew up the paper mache.
thats what it looks like.

havin evil dead flashbacks here.
i would not pay that special effects artist much for this one tho. god damn.

id censor it but cmon those bits dont even look real.

oh he did say he was gonna do his gf first.
like how are u gonna put the rest back together then

i still dont know who spike is. hm.

maybe jeffreys really good at space management

why did you bother to put all of them into that bag if youre gonna carry one leg around by itself.
mr franken.
what is this.
i should really call this "scarlet taking the bad movie too seriously" the series

gotta give it to our main man he fits the ridiculous script really well with his acting


that ive drilled holes in.
multiple times.
and i thought youd lose respect for me for trying to watch little nicky. now look where we are

ill admit if it doesnt work I'll be disappointed. but i figure the bodys just gonna explode. dunno what jeff's gonna do after that...
drill himself some more, i figure
the gore is bad but the set design is pretty good at least
he better shout shes alive or something

Majo: very pretty, wtf??
might just be cos i really like frankenstein monsters tho idk.

anyway she knocked jeffrey out cos i guess she doesnt have a personality

suppose u cant blame her those legs did not come from the same person iirc
oh god the whole fridge is alive...

i wonder whats gonna happen. like shes technically a zombie but. idk
oh one of them did try to kill jeffrey at one point tho so maybe she'll channel her at some point

also elisabeth appears to be on fire or something
idk theres smoke
uh. she somehow redirected a current of electricity into him and he exploded.
but he was ok with it. he is dead. but happy about it, i guess.

also lookin like michael j fox here
..jesus christ i think that big guy was supposed to be dutch. weird

oh shes taking his money but i mean shes just standing there

so many short kings
oh. hes not much of a king
and now hes dead
if she gets close to people she electrocutes them i guess

the first thing we see her do is beat a man in arm wrestling

why can i still believe it.
(shes eating pretzels btw. they set it up at the start that elisabeth really likes pretzels. COS SHES FAT)

another line for u.
ok so her pussy just electrocuted someone to death because its this director.
in brain damage someone dies via dick so. guess we're even now

that. but with a lot of electrics

"i didnt want you to turn out this way" says man who put his fiancee in sex worker clothing
huh thinkin of it they still havent shown the inside of the fridge.

lookin at it funnily enough jeff looks healthier in this scene than he has for the rest of the film

i didnt even consider that
then again he hasnt told her the part about how her body isnt hers. so. uh. yeah. hm

dunno why its wrapped in a shell of frankenstein horror but here we are
oh christ this has turned into silent hill/the thing
just. with a lower budget

>she put him on a female body
shes clearly teaching him a lesson for trying to put her into a "perfect" body
haha god. that movie was stupid but fun. i think i like this directors work
i think i like that the director clearly knows the plot is fucking insane and stupid and he uses it in the best way possible
idk maybe its cos i grew up with dick maas' work but I had a lot of fun watching it
as i said i do think there was a message, brain damage had one too, the way he depicts it is just really out there. which is kinda neat

also she doesnt appear until past the midway point so its kind of a spoiler in a weird way
Majo: this seemed very interesting!!
its fuckin wild lol but if you like bizarre horror that doesnt take itself seriously its a good watch
i think i recently discovered im a big fan of that genre