
ugh sleepy lemme find a movie opensubs and new line cinema. name me a better duo
the movie is companion btw. i couldnt find it on my usual site so im a lil worried about the quality ngl
cos its a 2025 title n were only two month into the year so who knows omg the whole thing turns black and white when i pause it
thats aesthetic but also the movie isnt black and white aaaa
like the mc of the movie im gonna shop around a bit i like the poster btw. very 50s. very unsettling. im a fan
colour, bigger subs hell yeah
letrs do this oh no, he dropped a thing and she met him
and it meant a thing in her life ok well spoilers Iris god damn
(her name is iris) ooooooh big fan of the colours here
some red on some light pink gotta love it
i went to design school in 2011 - 2015 which was the deadest time for design cos that was when more is less reigned and anyone who says more is less deserves a tooth ache that requires a root canal to fix.
i know this looks minimal but trust me my teachers would have a heart attack at the serif font combined with the red/pink gradient.
iris tells josh she had a dream about how they met (the supermarket) and i feel like the tumblr gifsets ruined hte movie for me
i hope the bit they like to clip isnt a massive twist cos i'll be going for some throats if it is god dammit this movie is two months old at most you whores give it a rest ahhh yes modern abomination of architecture in a beautiful green location cos why not.
josh must be rich
kill him now iris its ok
he has no taste
at least get a lodge you troglodyte do u think they included the giant floating title in the listing
gettin mother may i vibes without the mother
oh tyheyre just there for the holidays
n josh is all like OMG ITS HUGE!!
its cos ur in a movie josh they dont know how to do normal budget things :)
so ur in a huge vacation home no one can afford oh no nonononno if this is like that awkward english film about that guy who thinks everyone hates him im leaving shes like what if they dojnt like me and hes like act like youre a cast member at disney world! thatll make everything ok hi! im new and you should hate me cos my intro sentence included the word "fuck" josh shirt looks like pajamas. idk if its just me but. it does kats a bitch this guys name is patrick idfk what else to glean from this except open plan kitchen cos rich whores
is this another film about killing rich people or whatever ohmygods its harvey guillen! i loved u in what we do in the shadows
look at u making waves
for real tho i hope hes doing well he was so stoked about wwdits n i like him so uh yeah thats everyone and also this russian eurovision entry is here.
his name is sergey cos why pick something new when you fcan just go with sergey and have him say privyet as his opening line
Lou: he really does look like a russian eurovision rep. even down to being named sergey. everyones talking about iris like shes an object and considering the title and all that good god i hope thats not gonna be a twist.
i hope he sings later on. like im not expecting to be a fan of whatever he produces but i still hope he does ORENJ
(josh is complaining about how far out it is)
(hes very upset about it, idk) ooh i like her trousers! they look veyr comfy
with the hairband i thought she was dressed all 50s wife
so the pants are a nice surprise the film focuses on trhis... thing
the metal object on the blouse iris takes a shower n shes got all this waterproof makeup on cos u gottqa look good for ur man at all times
or something idk
it bother me so much whenever movies show women in the shower and their face is beat for the gods
like are you fuckin serious
maybe shes got the eyeliner tattooed on i guess idk lemme reflect in the mirror
in. multiple ways hee hee ill pretend i find this interesting and funny cos i dont want ur friends to keep being dicks to me these two are a couple and to be fair their story of getting together is very cute
it was a halloween party and right stood on lefts dino costume;s tail.
im hella biased cos left is harvey guillen i'll admit then later someone talks to sergey n hes all like oi i got all dis land cos i did bad thingks
he even has an automatic de-corker. like do u even need that?
it shows his wealth
sergey is a bad guy
he did some bad things but iris is like uhh he seems nice. thats what u want to hear right? lemme sit five kilometers away from u this girls like he has a wife im just a side piece cos it gets me this luxury
yay such relatable nice people!
id be so sad if they all died.
(this isnt a slasher afaik. idk whats gonna happen. I just saw like. one gifset over and over)
oh her name is Kat. i forgot kats like i dont like u cos u make me feel replaceable and iris tries to reinflate her but i doubt it works. anyway shes got really freckly shoulders n i think thats pretty
and i also like her 60s aesthetic. its cute n i like its coming back a little bit
iris also says she wishes she could be more rebellious but she feels something inside of her is holding her back omg a CD. what year is it??? vibes ngl im not buying his bf
harvey ur too good for whoever he is
i forgot ur character names im sorry but now everyone but the russian is dancing go away sergey! let iris vibe oh is that why movies have bigass modern houses? cos they have bigass windows they can film through?
suppose this movie at least explained it with sergey
hope his wife is having some fun eslewhere
yknow at least do this shit mutually cats talkin to josh iris is worried
cos kat made it very clear she doesnt like her < so she pulls josh back who is surprised??? like dude cmon it then cuts to the ugliest orgasm i never consented to seeing so i guess she got him to stick with her. or. something
im gonna sue for emotional damages
and then we got the shot of him falling off her shes like yay he stuck around and he immediately goes to sleep in the most bleak depiction of a straight relationship ever
iris has a rly deep voice and its beautiful i want her actress to read me books
her voice is very soothing reflects the next morning while josh brushes his useless teeth shes happy tho. god damn u got some patience
cute outfit too. love the checkered pink shorts
god i still feel i know the twist cos of tumblr. just random little moments
i swear if its not revealed before the 1 hour mark ill be so annoyed oh the thing from the suitcase was a usb i guess ?? iris has a switchblade on her oh no a european!!! the most expendable of peoples in american movies. i dont recognise the bottle hes holding but i wonder if its vodka cos hes russian.
Lou: i can try to use my alcoholic expertise to find out if u want
i mean if u want to, they are very deliberately turning the bottle around in closeups lol
Lou: i feel like i recognize the label but im on my phone rn and cannot make out the text iris wants to leave to check on josh but sergey successfully pressures her to stay our of politeness and like. put suncream on his back hes like oi kat gave me permission to harrass u and iris is like uhhhh no
gee i wonder if we'll see the switchblade again soon hardcut to breakfast! who knows what happened
(i dont) oh but. i have an inkling now fuckin hell iris this goes a lil beyond self defense
like im not saying i condemn it but god damn
did u fall into the crime scene she apparently hit him with the bottle which is conveniently turned away from us
then he attacked her n she had to defend herself she tells josh she killed him cos if she let him kill her shed never get to see him again and she couldnt bear that
thank god he was russian and no one would ever think it bad he died oh thank god. ok well i dont know what that means
but thankfully the movie confirms before the half hour mark
iris is a machine.
i havent seen the scene ive seen giffed on tumblr over and over yet, but i was worried they were gonna hide this until the end
this explains josh's friends apprehension towards her, or why sergey hit on her (he says to her this is what you were made for right)
it doesnt justify anything it just explains it
i mean the movie's called companion theyre tying her up and josh is like lets call the cops n tell them what happened harvey calls the cops while josh says goodbye to iris
while shes "asleep" idk what the point is. for his own psyche i guess oh he woke her up
i forgot he can do that iris says "sergey was gonna kill me u gotta believe me" and josh says this she. apparently didnt know this josh tells her shes a robot (in the most incel way he can) what the fuckkkkk why did i say thatttt
idfk why youd build a robot who doesnt know theyre a robot but here we are. i guess iris didnt know
(this isnt the incel way im referring to btw he straighjt up goes 'ugh i dont wanna call u a fuckbot but you are an emotional support robot who also fucks :))))')
i dont like hyperviolence but i gotta admit if josh doesnt improve during this story i hope iris brings josh to a very painful end she tries to explain to josh that she has her own memories, that she cant be a robot
this is a rly cool premise
im excited to see where it goes
also poor iris josh tells her the way they met is a fake memory, that he picked it from a list
that it couldve been anything the way they really met is some tech guys wheeling her into the aparment, in a box, and him naming her iris cos he was blaring Goo Goo Doll's Iris in his aparment at the time. the main techy explains to him she doesnt know shes a machine
so josh telling her is probably not something they took into account
which is really stupid but. whatever oh no be so careful iris
they explain iris cant lie, she cant hurt people, and the smartest she can be is an ivy league grad
which would mean she shouldnt be able to kill sergey but uhhhh here we are clips his gross ass toenails right next to her cos the movie rly wants us to hate josh they did a good job with the apartment. it looks very single man-like. except the living plant. maybe a friend gifted him that so to her this is just like looking at a partner shes been with for a while, who she met at a grocery store
to him its like staring at an iphone after he just told siri what his first name is we go back to present time and kat is like uhhhhhHHHH josh why havent you shut her down???? and josh goes with kat while Iris is like wtf shut me down what does that mean? DUN DUNNN the knife josh is upset with kat cos kat said "shut her down" in front of iris they had a plan of some sorts
i think the plan is just "iris kills sergey"
idk how that helps them. kat is just a misstress. whats the point of killing sergey iris' nickname is beep-boop and i didnt screenshot it cos i was worried that was a last minute twist reveal lol
but hes been calling her that all movie
dun dun she cut herself loose!! she also stabbed him and took the tablet with her controls. hi kat. but she doesnt want him to die
oh cos i guess shes acting within her programming
so she cant kill him
cool cool josh explains to his friends that the reason iris could kill is cos he jailbroke her programming to make her capable of doingf harm and defending herself
but now hes like oh noooooo were gonna get into legal trouble sergey had a hidden safe and lolololol GEDDIT COS HES RUSSISAANNANANANAANANA
good god americans went from doing these jokes in the 80s to knowing better to fucking doing them again in the 20s cos wow isnt communism just so cool and ok. money and a gun. ugh i love money im so gay but also evil oh. okay
so. were gonna set up iris killing all of them and us, yknow, the viewers, rooting for her. then they have a fight cos eli (harvey) thinks patrick (his bf) should get a cut and josh is like UHHHH NO we didnt calculate for that oh patrick is also a robot.
i didnt know that so. wooo. secret twist i guess josh is like "i know u coulda traded him in whenever u wanted" and eli says this and lololol geddit so up to date vernacular tee hee shaming amirite
no one would ever love eli if he didnt buy a robot.
god damn harvey fire your agent theyre a piece of shit n u deserve better readin about herself he had her set to 40%
her limit is still human, so
what a dick
i thought this was a horror movie but i think its just a comedy:?
its got some marvel ass dialogue
does that mean i have to accept ppl saying dumb shit just cos its the 2020s
cos i dont want to i'll be honest wow its not even got comedy listed as a genre. huh. oh nooo she cant hitchhike cos blood. eli rants at his robot that josh wasnt gonna include him in the millionaires money stealing plan
blah blah everyone sucks. what if. i am a robot oh nooo but how this isnt detroit become human how could you knowwwwww eli's like u cant lie n yesterday u said the way we met was real n patrick says "to me it is" and we get a lil flashback into how they met
this movie is all like oi kill all the fleshbags its circuitry n metal to the end lads
eli tries to reassure patrick he loves him and asks patrick to describe love to him and he describes it as pain, as violence, and that its bright and then he kisses him
this movie has me bouncing between "ugh stop making people say stupid funny shit" and "i feel for these robot people i hope everything will be ok" iris meanwhile like ok well im happy for u but also i never consented to bein a part of this runs while the robot gay and the human gay are ready to shoot her good thing hes a bad shot n i guess revolvers are loud or whatever eli n iris roll down the hill the gun is. right there they fight over it while the script torpedoes some more iris shoots eli during the scuffle
he dead. rip
ur last line was shitty. sorry man ok well idk what to do when the admin of my programming is dead my outfit has changed colour but lets pretend its just cos of dirt and blood she manages to alter her voice to get josh's car to drive away he tries to get her to come back by saying theyll blame everyting on patrick
she then does a basic "we dont work together" break up shpiel i figure cos she cant do anything else lol [her talking] lol josh jailbreaks patrick and puts his aggression from 0 to 100
makes u wonder why a company would allow that but i guess the idea is that its locked behind programming one would have to hack to get to patricks not moving so josh resets him with the finger behind the ear thing they showed us at the start oh no he loves josh now.
also my GOD hes orange. oh noooo now he has this memory with josh instead of eli.
poor robots. what a terrible way to do this.
i mean we lie to chatgpt to get it to tell us how to make molotov cocktails so who knows maybe this isnt too far off. he even says the same thing
Lou: oh god why is he orange
i guess he is a very tan machine shes pulled over by a cop and says GUTEN ABEND which unfortunatley was translated in the subs lol
she can change the language she speaks
now shes german!
maybe she will ask for some mehrfrucht knusperjoghurt :) blondest moustache of the midwest
(idk where they are)
(..maybe they said and i forgot. i bet his moustache still outblonds the midwest tho) so she cant lie but shes saying everything in german and the officer has no idea what shes saying so gj iris she says sergey and hes like oh shit i remember sergey!! remember she's saying all of this in german.
hes like wel shit ill drive u back to sergey eh and everytghing will be fine :)
and she all germanly says nooo i'll be killed tghere which he obvs doesnt understand but then he sees the taschenmesser in the car with all the blut on it u cant be good people if u hurt the good citizen that is sergey smirnoff
(they didnt give us a last name ill just. make up some stuff pls bear with me) !! who dis oh nein! its der terminator
also known as patrick time to point my shootbangs at him patrick beats the cop to death cos hes at agression 100% and iris skedaddles cos. idk. guess he didnt know he was supposed to catch ehr oh nvm he shut her off. takes pills. also more unlabeled vodka ew kat. ugly ass outfit. i mean also ew josh but he was dressed lame the whole movie i bring u: the other machine theyre upset patrick killed the cop and stuffed him into the car like its not their fault
u made him super aggro. stop being stupid kats tryna outtie 5000 cos too many ppl died and then confesses to josh that sergey wasnt a criminal, he was just. a guy
the film wants to make 100% sure we are ok with the robots killing these two
yknow, just like, make sure every dumb idiot is rooting for their death
bleh so now we hate Kat for getting a regular cheater killed we gotta make sure we also all hate josh for being a mysogynist incel.
i already liked the robots more movie. stop insulting me josh tells patrrick to stop kat from leaving then gets upset when patrick stabs her LIKE HE ISNT THE ONE WHO SET PATRICKS AGGRESSION TO 100% its not instantly dead tho i guess patrick left some room for drama cos hes courteous like that. kat has some time to berate josh jesus why does iris look so zombielike
why is she blue
orange and blue! omg its just like portal
iris and patrick can be like peabody and atlas. solving puzzles together in place of human subjects. yay! josh wakes iris up after patrick buries kat and this is the one german sub we get untranslated
i know fick is german for fuck but i dont know if germans use fick the same way? (acea help) yeah that its not this actors fault but i hate him and i will forever :) he tries to put eli and kat's deaths on iris but shes not having it and also this then he says this
can. u guess. what he says next then he pity parties even harder by saying he doesnt own iris
then he says she knows him better than anyone, and... good GOD i hope that if/when we get to this stage of replicating people we stop real people from getting to the point that they can say shit like this
"i stopped working on myself cos i found a machine that justifies my actions" iris says ur right i do know you and then.. this chaotic. why games?? WHAT A NERD HA HA i mean. she. she can just google that, so. so yeah she says i know ur using this money u hope to gain to cover up that youre a sad, weak, bitter human being writes it off oh noooo he made her dumb.
"dumb" means she just follows commands, essentially siri level so he makes her burn her hand cos she said she knows pain meanwhile patrick in the bg like its the menu or the bear iris burnt her arm and now hes making her point a gun at her head,,
while the company that makes these robots is on their way to take her in, idk hes so evil and so orange!
.. maybe its my screen settings she does it. but she says no. noooo did it work josh does some shpiel to the police and dressed up patrick to help him out but obvs patrick cant lie so. he has to work aorund that kid deputy looks at iris body [i say deputies but theyre technicians. oops]
while head deputy and josh joke about recognising patrick. like hes an actor.
if i look it up and hes in a thing i swear to god. they take her out, after just informing josh that their units (yknow, like iris) record everything they hear and see
oh they just know
guess. hes somehow not worried aqbout that
its me
hi! im the problem its me
oh he realises now where he recognised the face. oops death. terminator programming taking form
Lou:he even looks slightly orange tinted in the fog.....
its a very powerful tan
he doesnt even need the sun to look sunkissed meanwhile iris has just woken up the intern is still alive, iris deters patrick from killing him with a stungun she got from. sonewhere oh no now he has it cos shes been reset which means she cant hurt him. cos he said so 2 seconds ago. (source)
she explains to him that what he feels for josh isnt love, its like pain then uses the words patrick used to explain love to eli oh but then she also says you said that to eli
so. love is pain is valid, maybe?
but you dont love josh
idk she reminds patrick that she cant lie, by saying josh is using his feelings against him, and that eli truly loved him but josh doesnt
and that patrick loved eli but not josh patrick even remembers eli the movie showed that iris was justified in shooting eli cos he tried to stop her, but he did love patrick and saw him as a full person, even knowing he was a robot, eli loved patrick he remembers he then electrocutes himself which i figure takes him out
iris is upset but i mean, eli is dead, its not really surprising is it stealing sergeys money cos hes a shit the kid from the van gave iris control so now patrick cant do shit josh tries to use her programming against her cos even tho shes free its like she was in a relationship with him he points a gun at her chest
and i dont know what is coming but god i am hopeful cmon cmon cmon cmon
ok so
i cant rly screencap it
but remember the corkscrew
the automatic corkscrew
she just stabbed him in the temple with that rip hee hee its like when they had sex except he fell the other way. yay symbolism. plot twist the opening shot was actually the end
she peels the fake skin off her robot arm
which is the shot i saw on tumblr.
the final scene
god damn
5 outta 10 id say
i liked the robots, the humans were shit. the writing was pretty basic
its a nice little time capsule for the now though, thats neat
ill give it that
oh. patricvs actor was in white lotus and euphoria. i didnt watch any of that shit.
but i figure they thought i had
so they had that bit to be like OMG what a recogniseable face
huh. he was also in smile 2. guess i didnt make it to the point where he shows up.
oh wait no i did. hes the lil baby drug dealer
i just didnt recognise him i guess
Acea: Guillermooooo