they picked goofy "oh no oh geeze oh what do i do" mcbear when it comes across a human as opposed to "MY NAME IS URSA ARCTOS HORRIBILIS BITCH LET ME SHOW U WHY" bear

(it is. im sorry for making fun of it but.. its a funny name right?)
wait wait fuck elizabeth banks is effie
i thought nahh no way but it is her
i support her even harder now

she offends her fiance by saying she doesnt want his brothers band to play at their wedding cos hes bad, which obv offends him. the only reason im screenshotting this is because i noticed a credit for an actress named Hanna Hoekstra, who is dutch. And this was the moment i realised this scandinavian girl is played by her.
northern europe, the netherlands, its alll the saaaaaaame

Matt: Chattahoochee is indeed a real place, and yes it is very amusing to say lol
oh thank god lol i felt like a bastard after i found out it was real

lol elsa (the woman) straight up has a dutch accent. tho.. i also mistook it for scandinavian so good on them i guess

so. fair enough

..oh but now his name is olaf. i stg it was kristoffer before
its the dude its not like it matters what their names are at this point

uh anyway his gf is being dragged off.

Acea: Is the bear a drug addict
Acea: Or a seller
nah just an addict
it didnt offer to sell it to the euros at least

Matt: lmao the title just kills me honestly
Matt: it's so straight and to the point
Matt: "yep. got a bear on cocaine here"
i know right

i got faked out by the fact that everything looks like its the 80s again.

did i miss a timestamp? why does a teenager have a poster of young madonna on the wall??
oh. its 1985.
that explains that.

im sure thats impotant later

why do they even serve that
cocaine bear has decided its like jurassic park if we replaced all the dinosaurs with a black bear off its tits on cocaine

and he really wants a dog!

i hope thats it for the mcs for now
its a lotta people

(thats not what it is idk what she is sorry)
also this is georgia so please read all of these subtitles (except for the two europs up there) with the appropriate accent, thank you.

cmon him and her are gonna get eaten by the bear right
i know my campy horrormovie rules

who dis.

idc about stupid 80s hat tho
>theyre bonding
dont do this to me movie
Mono:i like this silly outfit tbh
its so extremely 80s i feel like even people who were that age durin that time would be like god damn that is 80s

(is it still dare? sry guys all my absorption of american culture comes from pop culture or, well, u guys)
wait it would be dare cos its the 80s lol

hes tryna look cool
i feel like everything thats about kids these days thats not aimed at kids is set in the 80s.
millenials are between like 27 and 40 we can make movies about our childhood, what the hel

quick, give it its fix
oh they run the bear sneezes everyone is ok. phew
cant wait to get back to work on tuesday, have our weekly "what did u do this weekend" talk and i get to tell my team i watched cocaine bear.

dude on the left is the son of the guy who is the head of the org and on the right we got daveed just doin his job
theyre "bonding" by fighting


to let us know daveed is totes gonna fight cocaine bear..
Who i will now dub Coco.
cos thats a lotta letters. Coco it is.

he's got painted nails so thats kinda cool
but i guess the fashion notes for this guy were "looks like a raver"

cos hes a good guy who loves dogs
so many people just there to get killed, god damn
(not bob)
(pls not bob)

everyones still ok. the ranger wandered off after coco lost interest in her
the bear eats ugly hair guy cos he smells like cocaine

he steals some ammo. idk
anyway hes dead now

Dream: Is this that new bear movie???
yes it is! if by new bear movie you mean cocaine bear.

..ok NOW all the rangers and ambulance personell are dead.

Dream: I like how this frame here shows yep the bear looks fake.
oh yeah its 100% cg every single moment.
which is good, i wouldnt want them to use a real bear nowadays.
Dream: Exactly!!
Dream: Honestly I'm enjoying this as frames then seeing the actual moving scenes.
Dream: I get comfortable with horror stuff when its just pictures or words no movement

over nice lizards and having a tattoo that misspelled ur gfs naaaaame

theyre looking for a gazebo
for drug reasons cos its supposed to be there

also, behold:

god damn bob get down already

apparently coco abducted dee dee?

what is this, Bong Joon-ho's Host?

could be another black bear, to be fair
this one seems pretty chill
hmmm shes scarred but im not sure..

im just assuming shes a girl.. hang on
>they dont specify
>ok female pronouns it is. cos thats my default
also unsurprisingly the real cocaine bear was found dead cos it ate as much cocaine as it could. so no rampage

god this movie

(were back with dee dees mum and henry)

but still!
idk how by the way cos his head is like, under her chest. but whatever

are you for real

also give raver an oscar for bodylanguage, god damn

hes alive just. in pain

i stg this feels like a Rockstar game sidequest taken up to eleven.

we got like, 20 mins left
his dad's like we gotta go get the coke
or were in trouble
like what ur gonna get it from coco's bloodstream. whats ur plan syd

reba where is rosetta cmon we gotta see her lil tootsies in action

how could u do this reba


oh no bob died :(

and also heroic music COS WHY NOT

they also find. well.

(theyre ok)
(i just didnt expect them to follow the people)
oh also olaf died off screen, cos of course he did! he isnt american ,after all.

reba outtie 5000s which
i hope coco kills her
fuckin turncoated all over goddamn everyone
pick a side, god damn
wait. where did the raver go...

i dont know.
that was a really weird sound choice.

(this is henry delivering the moral to syd. wow)

Majo: don't deal dads!!

but thank you.
(seriously who the fuck wouldnt have got that by now)
(except sleeping people)

but itd be kinda funny if it wasnt.

(she was shot by syd)

syd gets killed by the whole bear family and its pretty graphic so i'll not cap it
everyone else is ok tho! yay

fuck you reba i hate you dont be all like here you go take the dog YOURE A TURNCOAT AND YOU FUCKED OVER BOB

(i forgot who gabe is.)


thats all we really wanted to know isnt it
happy bear family. wooo!
ok im gonna give it a minute to give it a rating
but god damn im so happy silly horror movies like this still exist
Dream: Glad dog was okay. Other wise I'd be traumatized for life
dog did so good!
she got a sweet new owner and everything
bears also ok
one thing i immediately like is that the bears are just animals. theyre not treated as evil or good, theyre bears.
bears on coke, but still. bears
also i doublechecked cos this guy just disappears but literally the raver runs off after the detective tells them to get out of there. That is where he leaves the movie. Wow
Acea: I think the bear should havebeen a dealer instead