A Quiet Place: Day One


ok im gonna see if i can find quiet place 3 or whatever number it is
i could try and find longlegs instead and watch something i actually have faith in being good, but no
ngl the moment joseph quinn's character bites it im out yay we're out of camrip territory.
when i was in london with my mum and sister every other bus was plastered with this film
i didnt like quiet place 1 and i didnt see 2 so iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim. not sure why im watching this
saturday boredom we'll say huh i guess viruses target macs now too? I remember one of the selling points used to be how almost all viruses were made for windows pcs
gdi already getting distracted oh damn its hd but it does have baked in korean subs. whatever she has a cat on a leash n just called someone out for walking weird when they have to poop
idk its some kinda institution i think the year is 2005.
or whever ipods were a thing. i dont know aww, baby
new rule
i will also turn it off if the cat dies :) city!
also: massive graveyard good god this guy is also there and took them to a marionette show or something
idk vehicle to get them into the city for the main plot i figure if my parents took me to a puppet show id also be way more interested in the random lady's cat his name is frodo
the cat, not the boy
this marks the third pet i know named frodo
two cats, one dog helo
is it symbolism cos marionettes dont talk.
n. its. its a quiet place. hella into it
its 2005 all kids had were ipods and puppet shows
(idk what the year is they didnt say) ugh not me actually finding this endearing
u stop that emotional music movie
is someone gonna fly away from the monsters using a balloon the balloon popped loudly n she left the theatre so thats def gonna come up another cat! oh my god i feel so catered to. damn now i cant rely on the subs to tell stuff
shits going down and hes like we gotta go back now so we cant stay here
shes like u said we were gonna get pizza
n hes like we cant
shes like I CANT BELIEVE THIS sad on bus. pizzaless. ooooh its going doooown ...?
i thought the threat was monsters dusty running peeeeeople
oh no where is frodo jesus what is going onnn oh no they got grabbed.
its like the mist.
if the mist was dust
and instead of a supermarket it was all of new york city la creatura
they react to sound which has gotta be equal pandemonium to them cos shit is loud as hell everywhere rn i wonder if the rest of the movie is gonna be silent now
iirc that was a big thing in the first one some time has passed and people are sheltering... somewhere and trying to be quiet
u could call it.
a quiet place
i think the army is bombing the city to get rid of the monsters or sometrhing
idk we hear bombing and shrieking a cat!!
!!! its frodo!! ooh bloody handsmear. havent seen that in a minute. very retro frodo's like fuck the apocalypse i wanna go outside monster opens the door for him. how polite ooh they walk on their knuckles! thats kinda cool
they are also entirely cg which is lame as fuck but not unexpected
considering i figure this shit is super big budget hey kids u ever seen alien we're doing an alien reference!
kids love the 80s were gonna make BANK
so yeah they have weird demogorgon type faces. yknow from stranger things not vanilla dnd obvs
dunno what it looks like there ngl the army decides to be loud so the creature runs off to be a menace elsewhere does lupita get cast cos shes super good at looking horrified
im always surprised when i see her in a horror movie it fucken dumsty
(yknow like wimdy)
(..maybe i shoulda made that joke when she was still outside) ooh puppets! maybe this is the theatre.
also she had some kinda medical patch on that got ruined by the dust but i kinda missed what her condition is OTL itll proooobably come up army's already relaying instructions to the peoples using radio0
like its 1942 they bomb the bridges i assume to keep the htreat from going outside of nyc but i think they already showed the whole world is dealing with this shit so idk how useful that is
then again with the first movie being the way it is its a foregone conclusion so. i wont harp on it maybe ugh i just wiped the dust off are u serious this guys about to have a loudass panic attack so this other guys tryna quiet him cosy. ok i dont know why ur doing that but it'll be more interesting than if you stayed here all movie so woo go sammy
(thats her name she is sammy) good enough motivation for me!! oh no a loud ass generator! instead of using it as a distraction i will run to the incredibly loud noise and turn it off. gooodbyeeeeeee nurse no longer wants pizza nvm she still wants pizza and is taking frodo this reminds me fallout london is out n i kinda wanna play it.. man frodo is the chillest little cat tsuki would be lying down like hell no im not going like, the whole time tho he does got a little bit of that "cat wearing a sweater when it doesnt want to" vibes goin on with his back here yknow like the cat from stray ever since i started knitting i cannot look at a knitted garment and not look at the stitches and how its put together n what stitches were used aaaa damn she figured out the waterfall thing very quick
i remember in the og movie they used that to talk
the movie went downhill when they started talking. sheh ands these kids her chocolate bar cos apparently theyre too fucking stupid to take food from the fivem illion abandoned food establishments in NYC
why are kids like the worst thing in all apocalypse movies ugh please dont become characters.
Joker: The problem is that writers don't know how to use them right/can't write kids well. They either act as annoyances, improper comic relief, or damsels for the final hour battle with the monster

im honestly so glad they were gone after this scene its kinda inconsistent with its sound rules
sammy opened a can all quiet and worried like but then we got all these people walking in the same direction in droves like that doesnt make noise ooh. aesthetic.
guess harlem's the other way. ..why arent u doing anything? are the footsteps too much noise? [on the right building there's a creature]
like zebra patterns but sound..? oh nvm it jumped down to attack.
maybe a thing about people being herd animals and that being an issue in this case
but idk if i believe people would walk in a giant mass if they know the thing hunting them is sound based
like our instincts are not that strong that we'd ignore logic !! where is frodo?
ah he ran off
phew hi i have returned now the stampede is over wait where the fuck am i oh the subway is flooded
they mightve said how or why but.. i admit i missed that
oh wait the monsters cant swim maybe they ddid that to keep them out of the other parts of the city suddenly joseph! found her somehow hi sammy its me ur cat also i brought u a semi-drowned englishman.
bit different from the usual mouse she was like LEAVE (but without talking) and he follows her
its like the cat distribution system worked in reverse
cat assigns u man
instead of cat assigns u cat
ok thats not really reverse but u get it its raining so theyre probably fine for a bit.
she asks his name cos heaven forbid we dont know film characterses names
its eric. eric and sammy woooo shes like u gotta go to the evac place, its over there, im going to harlem to get some 'za and you cant come shes like stop following me n he's like thats not how the semi-drowned englishman distribution system works i am so lost he just keeps saying ok i dont think he can do it hes gonna be psyching himself up under this construction bannister thingie until the end of time
i also think he's american. theyre whispering its hard to tell
does this guy ever play english characters.. did i misremember where hes from no i didnt
america is so big why do u keep hiring english actors to play urselves oh no wait i think he has a foreign accent!
idk why i screencapped that the subs are in korean
he says hes scared so shes like OK FINE u can stay apparently this is her apartment n its massive Oh look its my own frodo come to hang out
as i accidentally blind her with the automatic flash.
we would not make it trhgouh a quiet place i tell u
cos she yells n im dumb
ah eric is english! that does make sense
cos hes super scared about where he is cos he has no connections in ny whatsoever
which is why hes stuck to sammy shes again like im getting pizza adn erics like uhhh the world is ending n shes like bitch im getting pizza so he makes this face
her quest for pizza is a weird one but. honestly idk i kinda like the idiotic motivation for staying in a super dangerous place
maybe just tired of "i have to go save my mom/dad/baby child/insert loved one here"
nah just "im gonna get some real good pizza even if it kills me" apparently sammy is/was a poet
that book is hers
also he went ok lets go get pizza then and shes like NOOO im getting pizza not u!
too late this man has bonded to u frodo gave u this man now hes following you to get pizza.
his parents are in kent didnt u hear
ur all he knows shes like "read this" and he reads a passage from the book OUT LOUD
not even a whisper just full volume
eric what are u doing then she screams cos the thunder covers it i guess
idk seems risky af but go off
daddy trauma or something
ngl i kinda needed the subs cos i struggled understanding quinn's raspy read in combination with the rain and thunder OTL
so im not sure what her problem is then they both scream
lets say its apocalypse frustrations
but it comes off like erics mad about what happened to sammy even tho he doesnt know her
oh her dad used to take her to the pizza place oh the road again
left lost englishman behind in the apartment on the road againnnnn yknow since they cg damn near everything nowadays im glad frodo is a real cat haha they filmed this like he's a monster
WHY DO YOU KEEP FINDIN ME look im sorry but idk where else to go
also since u mentioned pizza ive been really craving some a loud noise was made n now they have to run
also im pretty sure ties are uncomfortable why hasnt he taken his off
frodo frodo frodo :) oh i guess it was just that one station that was flooded. frodoooo
so cute :) oh nooo we have to stay very still or. just keep walking oh it is flooded.
bigger station i guess.
thosde things cant swim apparently so theyre safe here
omg are they gonna show frodo swimming oh nvm they can walk oh no a growling hole in the ceiling! i think hes afraid of water cos he looks like hes about to have a panic attack
...probably cos he nearly drowned in the subway >near water
>cant swim
idiot see now ur in the water. stupid dies IMMEDIATELY
guess all of his five million ears got clogged at once or somethin is frodo ok?? please i must know oh thank GOD
hee hee they only made him a little wet. they were like were not gonna dunk him in water just for a movie thats mean yo what the fuck theres even a priest here
oh i guess theyre just praying cos its the end times on a quest for meds
sammy is still in the church
too sick to come along wow they even built barricades.
it looks war-y i guess thats why boo! frodo jumpscare yknow if u cut out the attacks you could use this movie as a sleep aid with how much of it is whispers, breathing and a cat purring meds aquired frodo ran off and erics following him to what looks like a dangerous place n dude its a cat! frodo will make it home
dont do anything dangerous were in the homestretch cmon its only 20 more mins :c oh yeh this place def doesnt look like theres a ton of potential to make loud noises. oh its a nest or something? frodo u lil shit
i told u he'd be fine!
ugh ugh shit now theres even more of them climbing down. oops.
also theyre eating the egg things. idk why
maybe a rival nest or something. who knows
(not i) they show superfar inside this things head i guess to show how their hearing works
they did that in the original film as well
idk they kinda look like hella rotten pineapples on stilts to me
tho the knucklewalk is still neat. makes me thing of pterodactyls idk man i thought maybe if i saw concepts id gain more appreciation for them but they look super generic to me.
also theyre called death angels.
fucking. death. angels.
that is such a stupid name. yo i got ur meds look i know ur like out of ur element and super lost but you could look a little less dopey while you apply her fentanyl patch for her finally. now i can get my pizza cool shot for the tumblr gif girlies
(there havent been any)
(i havent seen any gifsets of this movie since the trailers came out)
but then i did have to see five million gifsets of the lamest fucking villain in the history of vampire villains from abigail. unfair
oh sammy has cancer and is dying
so she wants to go to the pizza place one last time oh.
i kinda.. somehow didnt consider this ._. took off the blazer but is still wearing the tie
emotional support tie loud ass fire in the road so she can safely cry friendship
ngl i care a lot more about these two than the fam from the og film eric asks her where her dad used to play piano so they go there instead
cos thats what they used to do before they got pizza omfg i had this ipod!!!
this exact one! down to the colour hahaaaa
oh he found another pizza place ..are u gonna bake a pizza
oh hes just gonna pretend
well thats very sweet im still not sure how he got a pizza..
haha ok its either bad or just cold and old haha
her face is perfect hell yeah frodo u get urself some soggy old pizza! hes like get on the stage!
idk what for
gonna play piano and die maybe hehe hes mimicking announcing her to the audience oh he's doing magic.
ngl that really suits him from what little we know of eric theyre also getting super drunk btw. might be important to mention omg the evacuating ferries
guess theyre not worried about la creatura leaping onto the boats cos theyre blowing those horns like theres no tomorrow o: is he gonna wear her cardigan fucking hell i actually like this movie. wait are they actually gonna try to get to the boats chillin vibin
everything is ok oops erics having a panic attack again beauty.. oh noo she gave him frodo.. hopefully just to help calm down nooooo
shes making noise to divert their attention and told eric to run
so yeah she gave him frodo to keep this guys like stop the boat theres still someone in the city
they only have one boat? man theyre like. idk. four legged spiders. but less interesting i know this is a dire situation but this guy in a yellow cardigan cradling a cat to his chest as he runs is very cute theyre like african wild dogs once the prey hits the water all they can do is stand there and yell at it
(so yeah eric made it into the water) :( man frodo is hella chill for a wet cat
then again hes a support animal so probably trained for that or something he made it to the boat
i mmean itd be kinda a letdown if he like. drowned right in front of it. imagine if they did that lol :( IT WAS HER DADS CARDIGAN yknow i dont cry easily n im not crying but damn im actually sad oh she wrote him a letter
mainly about how to take care of frodo
and to thank him for taking her to her home listening to her ipod
the green one
the best one she pulls the earphones out so the music is played loudly around her (its that im feeling good DUN DUN DUUUN DUDUN song) and one of em lands behind her and the movie ends
cant blame her for not waiting it out i suppose, they do seem to kill quick
well shit i really liked that
i was honestly expecting a bird box type disaster with this being the third film in the series, a prequel and also featuring characters not related to each other
instead it was mainly about the friendship between two characters at the end of the world and the life of one of them
tho it did take about a third of the runtime for one half of said duo to show up and i didnt like the first part to be honest
but honestly that was fun
and kinda different too to have an mc who is already dying so she doesnt care about the danger, she just wants to visit one place one final time

hi its like a week later but how the fuck did i miss that the cats name is frodo and his owner ius named SAM