This log contains multiple pictures of syringes going into people's skin. [WARNING]
me: i like indie horror movies!
also me: somehow keeps watching nepo baby projects
maybe im not being fair. I'm gonna watch Antiviral, which is by Brandon Cronenberg, who also did Infinity pool which, isn't infinity pool seen as like, a really good movie. I've never seen it
this marks my third cronenberg movie if we mash brandon and his dad together into one category, with my first being Crash and the second being Scanners. gonna keep up my "lets watch Cronenberg movies in an unhinged and non particular order"
idk if I'll liveblog this one much cos. it looks. VERY artsy
and ngl im interested cos it has Caleb Landry Jones as the main character and I liked him a lot in The Last Exorcism and especially Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri
he's the evil ginger in Get Out also btw. but. well. yknow.

i figure

figure the blonde is hannah geist

so what is this like a high end brothel or something

lets tick all the popular horror boxes about 10 years before they become relevant

some weirdass form of bug chasing i guess
its like im watching crash again but with diseases.

thats a fucked up concept. but it is interesting
oh what everyone who does the infection giving job is a man? i find that hard to believe for some reason

hm, probably not when im sick though. that doesnt sound nice

ok i dont think they'll ever say the MCs name so i just looked it up cos I forgot and its Syd. so i'll stop saying caleb

also that machine makes those weirdass photos they put on the boxes with the celebrity diseases

the machine also somehow makes the disease noncontagious.
how would you assign a face to a disease.. like what would it highlight in the face to represent the disease..
kind of an interesting idea
even if the execution isn't rly clear to me right now
Moe: I didn't like infinity pool. It was fine, but I hated all the characters and was so exasperated with the main guy. I hope you like this one tho! I haven't seen it
Moe: I'll wait for your ending review to see if I should take a peek
i think ive heard some negative stuff about infinity pool but it was mostly about mia goth screaming a lot i think? Im not sure if it was positive now, maybe i just heard a lot of people talk about it in general haha
god yeah i hope this'll be at least a wortwhile watch. so far im worried cronenberg might just be one of those people imitating their parent :(
BUT I WANT IT TO BE GOOD i like caleb landry jones
i want him to be in good stuff lol
Moe: I think a lot of people liked it! It was well made, but Mia Goth was a bit much for me in that one and it was weird (I hate using such a vague word but I don't remember much about it besides the wtf factor). If you want crazy bitch mia goth go for it lol I liked Possessor by B Cronenberg but I think that might be all I've seen
ah yeh possessor popped up as well when i looked him up, that makes sense
is mia goth in a lot of his work u know? or just happens to be in two movies he did
shes not in this one afaik
Moe: I think just infinity pool, she wasn't in posessor either
oh oops i misread what you said
I loved Mia Goth in Pearl and I'll def watch Maxxxine but Im not really interested in seeing her be crazy and scream a lot if its to the point that it annoys people, I dont have a high threshold for that sort of thing generally so Im quite confident id have a bad time
Moe: She does a very good job, it's just that her job is to be unlikable lol
damn u brandon cronenberg. i blame you

like. to stick on a jar on the mantlepiece, or something. idk what do u do with a celebrity organ.

he also picks up his diseases for the day from this one lady, as do all the other guys who do his job. idk how they decide which diseases to request, wonder if they'll explain that

like aside from the whole disease thing. just the box with a mysterious content

..water u doin

is he like. giving himself all the diseases

also the shot of the needle going into his arm looked really real, idk if theyve got like, amazing fake skin or they legit just pierced someone's arm [fun fact: they did! the closeup shots of needles going into skin are apparently all real.]
its an art film so i could see it being the latter

man they all made for awful looking meat

jesus christ my first thought was "i could see that happening".
human meat makes you reek though. But i guess if everyones eating it you'll only smell bad to vegetarians..

better infect urself again.

oh yeah my manager told me all about flower mutations! and how practically all the tulips at work are not natural.. sort of.

(the one syd has)

the other guy is from some other disease company cos why would there not be a buncha those

or a. the thing where you have a dead person displayed so people can say goodbye i forgot the english word

idk exactly how taking blood works but it almost looked like he pushed air into her arm cos the syringe wasnt fully "empty" so to speak when he put it in her arm, but maybe that was an oversight
or that is just safe to do and idk those things which is also very possible.
ive had blood taken but i didnt look at it so i dont know rip

gotta be on top of the market n all

also not white! look at that.
still very close to his hair colour though. cant have too much variety

doing his "ur favourite celeb is perfect" script
do u think getting a disease from a sick guy makes it feel more legit or like. nah

its. hardf to tell here that hes not at the office anymore cos both places are equally void of colour
so. just trust me. he is home

its not much of an expression i guess but.. does that mean anything

his mouth is a bloody vent btw. wont screenshot it

i might put that on a wall.
no i wouldnt its too depressing.
is it like.. he's using his body as a vessel to sell a product so he can keep on living, dehumanizing himself like how the celebs are dehumanized.. sort of
i think. maybe thats it
idk this kinda shit always needs some extra time to think about after u finish the movie not half a minute after it entered ur brain

i always liked that we were birthday neighbours.

yknow, next to the possibly deadly disease he infected himself with.
cos we dont know what tf it is right now
i get it now.

hes not passed out i guess.

from the start of the movie
i was gonna say wouldnt people who got infected just sell it on to other people but i just remembered they pointed out Lucas makes the diseases non infectuous
they capitalised on diseases.

[get it]

arving wants it
i guess syd could sell it to him but whatre u gonna do with that one week left. Well. maybe get top doctors. get sued out the ass by Lucas but hey if u live u live
even tho this seems a pretty shit world

cultivating illegal celeb meat or pirating movies whats the difference reallyyyyy

they gossip and shit. Glasses calls Syd a kid.
I wonder
jesus. hes only 35 now.
that made him...
23 when this movie was made. yeah ok i'd call that kid too thats fair
idk if any of u get this experience but you see an actor youve seen before and you look them up and find out damn, theyre so much closer in age to you than you thought

celebs arent people theyre a mass hallucination or whatever the movie said at the beginning

did. did u get a dog mind reader or something.

(his last name is march)

JUST. less white. lil white

and now the chef who cooks up her cell meat is all upset and stuff

just. a thing i noticed.
i mean brandon's a cronenberg but i figure that still counts. i hadnt heard of this film until someone made a gifset on tumblr, so.

tho i think the computer guy did say he had to go somewhere first so. I guess this is that
>computer guy
thats the fuckin butcher.
god im so bad at recognising faces sometimes.
guess Syd had slightly more reason to stand so close to Arving cos they know each other

didnt think id be bringing up david lynch twice but here we are. oops

maybe not today, but it will. Keep that thought close

this is whos behind that curtain
guess.. celebs were also selling some "POV: you abducted me and i plead with you" videos?

then again theyve got the cells of someone who died in the 50s.
wonder if they'll show why anyone would want to be famous in this world

oh wait hes a pirate so he's obviously not corpo.

and then he says this line cos dignity is dead and we're cloning it to sell at the butcher shop

the competitor is called Vole and Tesser, thats who rivetchair man worked for.
idk if itll come up again but yknow, just in case.

which. remember. isnt enough time
arving promised Levine a copy of Syd's disease as payment for the part which Syd obviously doesnt want to give cos its the whole reason he has the machine, is super sick and might die within a week and if he gives it to Levine his blood will be worthless to him.

like some druglord shit

they even take the rash
its like hes being harvested good god
i mean he is theres no other word for it

got a valuable disease n all

i kinda hope he makes everyone around him sick. he didnt make the disease to not be able to infect everyone, after all

ohmygod its already begun.

man why have ur hair that long if ur always gonna tie it back.
unless he was planning to grow it out to sell i guess but i feel like im being generous with that interpretation

they explain to syd the death story is fake but she is dying and they dont have a cure

u did this to urself tho buddy cmon
when arving stole ur blood u could be angry i get it but this is just ur own doing really

idk why tf in this world theyd want to assassinate some randomass starlet

then hes like i dont believe in god yet i believe i derive some strength and power from these skin grafts.

more time for hallucinations

teach me this power
idc how sick the plant i need those
the red hydrangeas tell me those are all sick plants cultivated for their sick beauty
tho to be fair there was a tulip for those who only had the tulip scene to go by too.
oh this is where Hannah is sleeping, its not his apartment. that makes more sense.

thanks coworker im so glad thats why u talk to me

is.. Derek working to kill the celeb disease industry?

aw he just dropped it on him. i thought he was gonna reinject the blood.
i mean if its ur own blood its not gonna kill you right
feels like a good threat cos itd hurt
but yeah he doesnt do that

maybe my screen is just hella dark i was impressed by that otl
damn on my other screen u can see more
oh well

wait is hannah called Geist cos its german for ghost. that'd be a bit lazy
well. maybe not to english speakers. but it seems pretty obvious just from how similar they sound even if u dont speak german, right

thought the disease was sentient for a second ngl

very evil, very uncorporate

how long does he have we just do not know

no hate to him i like malcolm mcdowell he just doesnt sound german is all

they dont know why yet though, cos if its deadly that's strange

theres some synth playing over her sick body
ive seen synth be used for hospital and sickness scenes in a lot of movies
disease is natural. but somehow unnatural music seems to fit. its unnerving
its a genetically manipulated disease, i suppose

i think he was just trying to feel her breath, like that one guy in the diner said

you know the one

i know liminal spaces dont generally have giant pictures of faces in them
maybe they should. as a new development. yknow
spice it up a little.

did they dump Syd?

i mean its a wide shot that fits with the rest of the film but his lil face in the bottom

dont lie to yourself

or just delirious. but i like to think its the former

or maybe its been happening for a while.

like in an ophelia sort of way. if that makes sense

hes talking about virus penetration. that its sexual. stupid shit

but maybe he got his blood in his mouth???
ohmygod he was holding a syringe and he stuck it in Levine's mouth
hell yeah

idk where but ruuuuuuun

that theyve been taking from syd

he stumbled into the waiting room

i wouldnt be. Jam ur diseased hand in her mouth dammit take em down with u
u might be a disease pirate but ur small fry they deserve it

they just showed Hannah for a bit there

syds talking this shit so hes not as chaotic as id hoped it seems

shes like well were not responsible and hes like i have something to barter

they also sort of accidentally killed Hannah with their new disease. That wasnt their intent. But Tesser just went "oops! you'll hear from our lawyers :) "

innovation is such a dirty word ugh

more body horror i wont screenshot, I was hoping it'd not go ham on the bodyhorror cos cmon brandon that's your dads thing.

Syd looks healthy again so I guess they found a cure

then we see syd drink blood from the machine like some kind of vampire.
and hannahs body is inside but thats not really surprising.

I. frankly really like the concept
I love how grotesque it is
I need some time to think about some of the scenes, but I'm definitely glad I watched that
ok its been a few days i really liked that movie. id recommend it if you like quieter slow burn horror movies