tho the firstg looks like a disney movie so idk


thats. different

so lollipop up there (she ate a lollipop earlier idk i didnt get a screenshot) has a gun and now a box with syringes and two dudes also dressed in black
where the fuck are we going

oh yeh tyler gillett. i always get him mixed up with ti west
but iirc..
yeah ok fuck
he did the recent scream movies
which are really lame
ti west did pearl
its like im setting myself up to be disappointed

ok that pic is kinda unfair he was very young there. he looks like seth rogens slightly less younger brother nowadays.
>theyre the same age

i thought oh shes rich shes at home
but nah she did all that, alone, in some strange place
ok then
i mean she clearly is rich so idk why it wasnt like. a home theatre or something

i trhought she was gonna be like IM GAY but instead she just doesnt answer

well it was goon 1 but not the hacker but who cares

>gets home
>immediately goes to bed

wouldnt. the pencil just break

most of the tumblr gifsets i saw of this film were thirst posts on this guy. so. idk what to think of that

now with hair.

so. i guess i'll start calling them that if they dont get names
so goon 2 is driver. hacker is still hacker lol. goon 1 is leader. goon 3 is muscle and lollipop idfk no ones addressed her yet.
Tyler Gillet's type lets just say that
fuckin guy only casts olive skinned dark eyed dark haired mid twenties girls for his movies judging from this and the scream films he did
shes gonna be in a tank top sooner or later you'll see

except theres like. different wallpaper i guess
and more yellow

so uh yeh thats everyone

why do you care just do your job
why do u do this job if you get soft the moment a child is involved
(cos shes nice)
(and pretty)
(and a girl)
(and goes to church every sunday)
but yeah its just a normal random kidnapping. tryna get money from her parents yadda yadda

dark out there for 10 am
or is she too stupid for military time
..or is that just common in the US in which case i didnt say a thing
ok fuck well lambert just gave them nicknames but fuck that im sticking to their job names

im both annoyed cos its impractical for their job and happy cos its a cute outfit
so. im conflicted i guess

also the only one who asked if the girl is okay after lollipop checked on her

i. also dont know where driver got the tricicle. he. he just has one now

hes also got a bigass scar on his head but i imagine thats somethign the actor actually has. i wonder what happened
oh yeh i forgot to say but they have to babysit the girl until her family pays up
or. until lambert returns, im not sure.
fucking hell im blind i guess lolly is literally the same actress as Sam (the mc) from Scream.
Im not changing my mind on tyler gillett tho hes got a type and i irrationally hate him

shes so smart yall! cool smart girl who is cool and who loves you!
what is this fucking 2001
am i watching resident evil
or ghost ship
or any of those other garbage film with poorly written cool girl MCs
i stg i went into this movie thinking i would like it now i cant stop hating on it OTL were not even 20 minutes in ;_;
i just hate this bitch and the director (the character not the actress idc about idfk her name)

apparentlyu hes the only one there who isnt "a professional"
how professional are you that you cant even kidnap a child without getting weak in the knees
then she calls Driver a sociopath. nice

id be all for this if abigail instantly kills her here but from the gifsets i know we're not rid of lolly yet
or ever, most likely

so uh. good on u there movie i guess
still stupidass character so far regardless

oh no wait shes supposed to be bound and blindfolded so thats why hes surprised

(i assume we got a john wick situation here)
(but whomststs)

yknow where the mob boss is all like noooo my son why did you kill john wicks puppy hes really strong and mean now hes gonna fuck us all up
and the audience knows theyre in for some actionpacked fun
tho idk how thats gonna work in a vampire movie. but im curious

so that sorts that problem. except it didnt cos literally everyone sans him and lolly can still leave
so they better try

cos the money they'll get is worth their lives i guess.
most a the mdont know who lazaar is but muscle does so idk why hes staying. just leave dude

like not bad movie resident evil just regular resident evil i mean
lolly being a shit MC like Alice from RE is separate from that
seriously the more they show of this place the more the evil vibes resident
simultaneously i feel like im watching 13 ghosts
cos of how low quality this whole thing feels lol
except that movie had cool lore and also young matthew lillard and in this movie i have nothing.

man were a third trhough the movie and no fuckin vampires yet what is this

didnt know woody woodpecker was creative commons 0 yet but i guess it is
or hes universal idc
Mono: Maniacal laughter over TV and it's woody woodpecker

people watching old cartoons and videogame consoles making pew pew pew!! noises like its 1950 are tropes that need to die.

dont even care hes like, badly hitting on her or whatever

oh thank fuck we're sticking with driver ands not hacker who watches the shitty tv

why is driver the most interesting character in this movie so far

i dont think driver ever saw her face so idk how he knows its her but whatever this movie has bigger problems

wonder if theyre ever gonna use that thing they said about him being a sociopath cos so far hes done diddly squat indicating that

probably not the rat doing that

i can forgive the skirt but not the three belts or sparkly top cmon lads

i mean i like wearing rings on a daily basis so maybe im not being fair but. idk man it bother me she looks so out of place
aw rip driver. he dead

also, lazaar. like lazarus? like resurrection..?

thatd be.. something

that was kinda funny
i like these two even if hacker is inexplicably stupid and watches annoying cartoons
muscle is also dumb but its more acceptable for him he just needs to be strongk

i kinda hope he legit gets to go but i figure that means hes just death no. 2

you dont kill a buncha deer and then do this with their remains cmon thats just disrespectful

peter is leader btw. but im sticking with their jobs as i said

oh peter is muscles name, not leader. oops


but leader being a vampire would be a cool twist
i kinda doubt they'd do that though, that sounds too fun for how the movie is going so far

asking the same questions the viewer would have
eg. then whats the point of the kidnapping

though what the fuck is going on is by far worse lol

she isnt just a good girl whos a cool girl who has morals and goes to church shes also a healer!!!!
shes just the goodiest good that ever gooded!!
and took part in a kidnapping she was fine with until she found out the target was a child.

ngl i do like sniper tho he's cool. this random putting these two together just came outta nowhere is all
i mean. i dont really like him. i just also dont hate him. im neutral
hacker and muscle are funny so i like them a bit beter
lolly is annoying and leader is just a caricature of an angry ex-cop so far so eh fuck them

sniper is dead now too rip
something ripped half his face off
not very vampire-y but who am i to judge

guess cage was too busy being in other mediocre films and making them less mediocre with his presence
probably woulda helped this film too

or something
idk how they think thatll help them when theyre already being attacked but whatever
oh hes not gonna kill her just question her i guess idk.

and totally not a fetish particularly pathetic little men have--
ok sorry its just.
this feels like such a typical wet blanket guy type movie
with cool strong petite little women who save the day and say fuck sometimes cos theyre so cool

why did you wait so looooong
what is the point of any of thiiiiiis

tyler's like i already wrote the cool latina i have no other archetypes left for female characters so what am i supposed to have her do
so just standing there it is

im. gonna skip ahead a little
this is boring

also crosses and garlic and all that shit dont work on her cos she is Just That Special and Cool

also damn shes not wearing a tank top.
id be losing a lotta bets on this movie

if this came out in january im gonna feel stupid
ah no last month
guess they actually had faith in it (tho i think i read somewhere april is also a dump month. so maybe not.)

except it was fucking stupid when megan did it and its fucking stupid now as well.
tho to be fair abigail has a bit more of an excuse cos she does ballet unlike megan who did it for no reason
man i didnt think a movie about a little vampire ballerina could be boring but they somehow did it

why would you do it that way it doesnt even look good

(sammy is hacker btw, not lolly.)

script on every page says to just stand around. not sure what to do now

why would you make him say that
god the writing is terrible

what happened abby
unless that wasnt her i guess

and totally not overdone

tyler you hack
anyways hacker got bit

the casting call clearly said jodelle ferland but little and they failed im not fuckin buying this

yknow. to be safe.
now they have a really annoying interrogation with abigail in a cell and im not watching it cos im actively having a bad time at this point
gonna unfollow the bitch who keeps making gifsets of this tripe

Joker: I think it'll depend on if she turns mindless or not, otherwise they'll "spare" her and she'll become their cool vampire teammate

Joker: Or at least that's how I see the trope play out
id agree but its so obvious everyone in this house except for lolly and probably abigail is gonna die
like there is no team
theres only bodies for the movie to kill off

but yeah abigail set this whole thing up cos she wanted to kill some people cos she thinks its fun
so vermont or whoever the guy from the start is a familiar of hers or whatever

cos she says shell spare two of them or something idk

the girl who got bit and is a complete fucking moron yeah lets leave her with the big bad
she doesnt want to anyway so leader stays instead
yknow, the guy nobody trusts
cos that also makes so much sense :)
Joker: You can tell she realized the movie was bad and just decided to phone it in as best she can so she could just get her paycheck and go
god i hope youre right
if shes bad in lisa frankenstein im gonna be so disappointed.

what happened. maybe weird horror movies are more fun to be in dk

also note more horeshit dialogue. good god
shortly after abigail gets out anyway cos of course she does and we find out she does have ONE common vampire weakness: sunlight

(abigails hand exploded in his face when it was hit by sunlight. so. thats what that is)

i dont buy it

the one on the right not the left. the left one has an interesting spine but it didnt look old as balls enough i guess

man he looks rough.

why dont you go write for marvel tyler youre so funny and with the times
or disney
or star wars
i want to chew the script into a big mushy ball
god im starting to lose my mind i recently stopped drinking except on social events and the TIMING COULD NOT HAVE BEEN POORER AAAAA I HAVE TO SIT THROUGH THIS SOBER GODDDDDDDDD

i mean lolly. but it might as well be sam from scream
cos theyre the same character.

they look like fucking lampreys

oh its abigail through hacker btw so i guess hacker is technically dead

actually. hold on
huh i thought maybe he directed it but no. really just a fan

anyway now she has something to do i do have to say the actress is doing a good job playing deranged vampire crony

theyre tryna find a way out so they keep leaving the room with sunlight in it.
seems stupid to me but ok
movie coulda just have them stuck there tryna get out til it was night again but whatever

with 22 minutes on the clock.
the pacing on this movie, fucking hell

especxially not with leader being the least trustworthy and most antagonistic person in the whole movie right from the start.
now its just lolly oh noooo im so surprised whatever will happen next.
this is just as good as scream 5 and 6 its riveting all the way through and i keep being surprised and amazed by what happens next and characters motives.

anyway he immediately killed throckmorton so now its just him.
hes like wesker if wesker was really lame


and most lines before then too but god damn is it shitty characterisation it just makes him sound so unserious

id censor it but it legit looks like someone dropped a vat of chilli from the top of the stairs so fuck it.

the eyes look so shit. they make everyone look wall eyed
like im not even critisizing the movie itself its anytime a movie does eyes like this
it just doesnt work

what the fuck was the final line
jesus christ
ok so, what i learned from this movie is
im gonna avoid any horror movie made by tyler gillett in the future. He was part of VHS a long time ago and I still need to see that and its not him alone its a buncha different shorts so im ok with that, but im not watching a fucking thing he's done after that.
good god this was terrible
the scream films he did were shit but this was so much worse
plus the scream movies have another director alongside him so idk if that guy did the good scenes or something

Majo: this could have been a fun B movie :( shame this seemed 0% appealing to watch
yeah it couldve been! god im almost impressed by how badly they fucked it up
Mono: the premise seems actually really interesting im so sad they couldn't make it work
yeah i think the premise sounds interesting too and i dont even need it to be good i just wanted to have fun but it wasnt even that
like god damn how do you mess that up so badly
Mono: something about this "okay we kidnapped this kid for money--OOH THE KID IS ACTUALLY A VAMPIRE HELP" sounds like it could be a hilarious dark comedy i think
yeah the fact that it turned out SHE orchestrated it cos its essentially a hobby for her is neat too but god the execution just
took any fun and excitement out of all of it
it also flip flops really hard between being serious and being funny which just means the movie doesnt have a tone at all
also i am still bothered lolly called driver a sociopath and they NEVER show why. he was just kinda goofy and then died
i know its a silly thing to get hung up on but thats a pretty severe thing to say about someone
maybe in 30 years someone will remake it and do a better job idk