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September 6th, Sunday

You wake up the next morning still feeling tired. You slept through the night, but were plagued by strange and confusing dreams. What time is it?

After checking your alarm clock you jump out of your bed. It's already 11:30! You quickly get dressed and hurry downstairs. You didn't set an alarm because you're still free today, but you didn't expect to sleep the entire morning.
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"Good morning! Oh wait, it's already afternoon, isn't it?
I thought I'd let you sleep since yesterday must've been pretty exhausting for you. Though I admit I didn't expect you to sleep the whole morning. But it's Sunday, so it's not really a problem anyway. I actually just made some lunch, feel free to have some if you're feeling hungry."
You eat some bacon and toast, then clean up and help your aunt set up for her painting class.
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The class starts at 3, just a heads up. Feel free to join if you want! The Sunday group is a bit smaller than the other ones, so there's some spots open. You don't have to! But I'd love to have you if you decide to join.
You thank your aunt for inviting you; it sounds fun but also a little scary as you haven't painted in so long. For now, you decide to step outside and use your free time to discover more of Grey Springs.

Grey Springs - Main Street

The street is quieter than yesterday. The first place you check is the bookstore; even though your intent was to discover new places you feel drawn to it. You find it's closed on Sunday and Monday. Of course, you think. If anything it's strange your aunt hosts her classes on a Sunday, but then again, it is the day most people are free you suppose.

You find out Sunday might not have been the best day to go exploring; Grey Springs is a very sleepy town and there is little to do on a day like this. At least you've found out how to walk to school from home, and where the nearest supermarket is. For lack of anything else to do, you decide to go back to the abandoned buildings where you met Temperance. You've tried to ignore the feeling all day, but something draws you back to that place. Or maybe it's drawing you back to her.

Grey Springs - Abandoned Factory

As you approach the building where you met Temperance, you hear two unfamiliar voices. It sounds like they are looking for something and are getting annoyed at being unable to find it. Are they also looking for her? It takes them a second to notice you in the door opening.
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Short determined boy "She was here! I swear. She was just standing here..."
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Tall disinterested boy "Just standing around in an abandoned building? Are you sure you didn't imagine it?"
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Short determined boy "Of course not! She was talking about a bird or something, I don't know... But I didn't imagine her! She had long, blond hair and she was wearing a light blue dress. And she was wearing this really flashy blue medallion-"
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Tall disinterested boy "We have company."
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Short determined boy "Are you looking for that girl too?"
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Tall disinterested boy "Why the hell would he be looking for her too..."
You ask them if they're talking about Temperance. The shorter boy suddenly seems a bit dejected, while the taller boy raises an eyebrow.
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Tall disinterested boy "Temperance? [He turns to the shorter boy.] She's one of Murphy's seven? Give up on her, Julian, she probably just came here to pray for the pigeons or something crazy like that."
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Short determined boy "I need to talk to her. There's some things we need to discuss."
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Tall disinterested boy "Discuss what? Her dad will kill you if he finds out you talked to his daughter. Probably her, too."
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Short determined boy [He fumbles uncomfortably with his hands for a second before he looks over at you. He doesn't want to say anything more with a stranger around.] "So you know her too, huh. What did she do to you?"
You tell them you had a short but strange conversation with Temperance just the day before after just arriving in town. You mention the magpie, but not that it head three heads; you figure that detail might be a little too absurd for them.
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Short determined boy "You moved here? Why? There's nothing to do in Grey Springs."

Tall boy: "It's fine. We're not too far from a bigger town so it's not like there's nothing to do if you don't put in some extra effort. Plus I like how you can walk everywhere and that it's pretty quiet. It's all about perspective."

Short boy: "Only a year? I guess that's manageable. I guess Grey Springs isn't so bad but it kinda sucks that it's so small and it feels like everybody knows each other. It's boring."

Short boy: "The whole town was bought out by a company? That's weird, I don't think I've ever heard of that before. Even the houses?"
Tall boy: "Sounds kind of like a cult thing... Why else would a company want a whole town to themselves. At least our local cult is small fry in comparison, ha."
Short boy: "The Murphys aren't really a cult. They just run the local church, that's all. They're a bit weird but they leave people alone."
Tall boy: "You're just saying that because you've suddenly developed a crush on Temperance Murphy."
Short boy: "Shut up!"

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Short determined boy "So do you go to school here? Don't think I remember seeing you around."
You explain that you'll be starting tomorrow, and that you'll be in class 2B. The short boy's eyes suddenly light up. He walks over to you and clumsily but confidently shakes your hand. He seemed so apprehensive towards you initially, what changed? You tell him your name.
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"I'm in class 2B too! That's so cool. My name's Julian. That's Ezra, he's in 3C. There's a seat open next to me, you can take it if you want."
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"Jeez, slow down. You sound like you're trying to sell him something. [He turns to you.] But yeah, nice to meet you. We usually hang out outside of school hours, so you're welcome to join if you want. If Julian hasn't scared you off."
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[He walks back over to Ezra and holds out his hand.] "Now we're done with introductions, it's time to get back to business. Give me that marker you always carry around."
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[He hands Julian a marker from his pocket, looking a little apprehensive.] "What are you gonna do with it?"
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[He turns to the wall of the building and uncaps the marker.] "I'm gonna leave my number here. That way if she comes back, she can call me."
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"Are you crazy? Who knows who's gonna call you if you leave your number here. Besides, the Murphys don't carry mobile phones! Why are you so dead set on talking to her anyway?"