Idk man there's just somethin about em
Probably the most famous magical girl show out there right now bar Sailor Moon. I watched Futari Wa growing up and was pretty stoked when I found out there were more seasons once I figured out the internet a little more. I admit I haven't really kept up with the seasons themselves (the last one I watched in full was Happiness Charge. pls don't kill me), I mostly just love the themes, the aesthetics and.. well, the weapons and transformation items, obviously
Since I have quite a few Precure goods I'll list 'em by season as opposed to item per item. The photos are kinda garbage i am not much of a photographer sry
Futari Wa Pretty Cure and Pretty Cure Splash Star

OK SO right off the bat I know these are two separate seasons but I don't have a lot of items from either and. Um. Look man they're kinda similar sorry
I don't just have the communes, I have the cards they came with also! But they're in a separate box that's currently in storage, which is why they're not in the pictures; as are the alternate plates both communes come with (yknow the blue ones for Cure White and Cure Egret). I don't have the OG Card Commune and now I really want it.
Both Communes are a bit like tamagotchis; you can feed the fairies using the different cards, or play games, or activate the transformation music. thing.
I love the design of the Mix Commune, but I think the way the Heartful Commune reads cards by rotating the entire top half over the bottom half is a lot more satisfying than the little spinny disk on the Mix Commune. These were actually the first Precure items I owned! Unfortunately I don't think I have the boxes anymore, unless they're somewhere at my parents' house.
HeartCatch PreCure!

I am an unoriginal bitch in that HeartCatch is my fave Precure season in large parts because the art director is Umakoshi, who also did Ojamajo Doremi. I like that every season of Precure looks different but I kinda wish we got more diverse looking styles; I feel like after all these years HeartCatch is still the only one that sticks out.
Heart Perfume
The Heart Perfume is the third Precure item I ever got my hands on; and the first one I bought where I decided "thats it im collectin precure items now". The version I have is actually a Korean edition, making it the only item I own that's not Japanese. I bought the Korean version because I was afraid the Japanese version would be way too expensive (or maybe it was at the time? I feel like it's reasonable nowadays... fuckin hell never mind, just ebay'ed it and it's goin for £90+).
It doesn't really do a lot, you can press the top and it'll make a spritzing sound and depending on the colour of the Heart Seed you put in it it'll light up in a different colour. When you use Blossom or Marine's Heart Seeds it'll start their transformation instead. And when you shake it it makes bubbling noises! It's honestly really cute.
Also it's tiny!!!! I know these toys are all made with young kids in mind but compared to a lot of the wands (hell, even HeartCatch's own) its really teensy.
Flower Tact
Oh hello it's only my favourite item in my whole collection. It's a very bulky wand (I can call it a wand right? Tacts are basically wands...right?) so it's not the most graceful looking Precure weapon but I think the way it works is really neat. Like all the other items it comes with some games (I'll stop pointing them out from here on out cos I never play them and its not what I collect these for) and the ability to activate Cure Blossom and Cure Marine's attacks.
YOU SPIN THE LIVING HELL OUT OF THE MIDDLE PART. It activates that little five year old inside your soul man it's oddly satisfying honestly. Unsurprisingly the spinning is also quite loud which is a bit of a downside I suppose but I'm not sure if that could've been avoided. It's been a while since I activated it but iirc the music it plays when you're supposed to spin it kinda negates the whole rattling aspect of the rainbow carousel thingy.
Suite PreCure

By far the season I own the most items of. Suite is one of the seasons I actually watched in full (long time ago now, unsurprisingly). I like their super layered kinda sporty looking costumes and Cure Muse is one of my favourite Cures overall.
Cure Module
I love the design of it, I think it's very pretty and I like how it's incorporated into the costumes of the cures without being inside of a pouch. It's front and center! IDK why I just really like that, it's the item that gives them their powers I feel like it *should* stand out, yknow
As for the actual item... It's a piece of plastic lol. You can press the button on the bottom to make the circle in the middle spin, but on its own it can't do anything but that. The electronics are all inside of the Fairy Tones, so when you click them into the Module you'll get the expected light and sound show of a precure transformation. It's a very detailed and pretty piece of plastic tho!
Miracle Belltier and Fantastic Belltier
Like the Cure Module, on their own they have no electronics, you gotta use the Fairy Tones to make anything happen. I think when it comes to Precure collections the Belltiers are not particularly popular; maybe because of how low tech they are of how the Miracle Belltier is just *that god damn pink*.
I actually really like them though! You can put two Fairy Tones into them and they've got multiple attacks depending on how you're holding them. You can twist them apart at the middle to create two smaller weapons (wands? no. I just didnt wanna say item again) and when you shake em the Fairy Tones will play their respective note. Again very fun for that five year old bit of your soul. Also I think that attack in the anime is cute as fuck so there
Healing Chest
It's really pretty which is why I got it, even tho normally I don't go for the late season ultra super power up items as they tend to be boxes or castles or idfk plastic glitter cakes or somethin. But the Healing chest has beautiful gold and white detailing and looks as pretty closed as it does open.
This is the only item I've ever gotten off Mandarake and will likely also be the last because it was one of the worst buying experiences I ever had, and I definitely waaaay overpaid for this item ;_; at least it looks nice on display.
Fairy Tones
aka the thing that actually makes most items from this series do stuff. They're very cute and simple. They've got a button on the bottom you can press when they're not plugged into anything; they'll light up, play their note or say their name. If you really wanted to and you have enough of them you could play songs with em tho you'd have to make sure they'll play the tone and not say something so it'd be pretty tedious ngl
Smile! PreCure

I love the uniform designs of Smile Precure and I like the way PreCure tackled elemental mahous in this one. I really want the Smile Pact, but one of the reasons I don't own one yet is because second hand usually the puff is quite dirty and the idea of receiving one second hand with a nasty powder puff kinda squicks me out, so it's not high on my list of item-get priorities.
Princess Candle
Probably one of the prettiest items Precure has done in my opinion. I like how it's mainly white, and it's a shimmery white as well. The flame on the top does discolour with time so it's slightly off white now, but it's nothing too bad. It's a very straight forward wand; put in the gem of whichever Cure's attack you wanna do, press the button, do attack. It sounds like a shotgun for some reason
Also also you can blow out the candle when you're done! That's the neatest thing about this one imo. It's very cute. You gotta do it at the right time tho cos otherwise ur just sittin there blowing at a hunk of plastic.
^ this can be u
Go! Princess PreCure

I want the Perfume bottle so bad! I just haven't been able to find one that isn't sold in a batch with a whole buncha other items or one that's practically missing everything. I really like the design of the first three cures but they did my girl Scarlet dirty man
Crystal Princess Rod
Another strong contender for prettiest Precure item. The material the middle part of the wand is made out of is a glittery translucent plastic that looks really pretty when it lights up; probably the best light I've seen in one of these. The way you activate it is pretty fun as well; everything from PrincessPre is activated using Dress Keys which are little dress-shaped objects you can click to get a key to come out of the bottom; which you can then slot into the wand by turning it. It also causes the wings on the side of the heart at the top of the wand to snap out which is neat! I think this wand makes me think the most of classic 80s/90s magical girl weapons, which I really like.
MahouTsukai PreCure

I hope precure tackles the concept of witches again sometime in the future cos honestly? This was not it
Linkle Stick
I'll include Riko and Mirai's wands in this as they click into the Linkle Sticks and they don't do anything on their own. Depending on which wand you use, you activate a different Cures powers (Heart for Miracle, Star for Magical). It's a very sleek wand which I like, They retained the feeling of a witch's wand in my opinion, which is the one witchy thing about this whole damn season (...maybe a rant for another time).
Once again the detailing on it is very nice, and I guess I'm just a big fan of the pink/white/gold colourscheme most of the earlier Precure season items had. The gems you can click into the front of the wand to activate different forms/attacks also look really nice! Very shiny. Would make a magpie happy
Flower Echo wand
By far the bulkiest item Precure has ever produced. You could beat someone to death with this thing.
You can twist the top to open the petals and reveal the giant gem inside (that lights up), though the leaves are a little flimsy and even without twisting the top they tend to move around a bit. It's well made though, don't get me wrong! Still tho. U don't need any magic with this one, just start whacking
KiraKira PreCure A La Mode

I looooooooove the costume designs of this season and the theming, it's similar to Tokyo Mew Mew but it's a very different take and I think they're really creative. I'll admit though, I don't like how the weapons worked, the whole cream thing just looked fucking nasty to me. It's too bad because I do like the way the items look this season! Also maybe unpopular opinion but I hate how they drew Chocolat and Macrons faces. They look like aliens.
Sweets Pact
I've got the Cure Parfait version, so I only have two Animal Sweets. I have considered buying the other ones separately though because I think the Animal Sweets are really pretty! I love how they picked different types of sweets and shaped them to look like animals, its so cute. I also like the pact itself, in general I love pacts as transformation devices so I'm a little biased; but this one especially as it's quite regal looking and I love the pastel details on it.
I also think the way they did the stirring mechanic from the anime was incorportated into the toy quite well tho I do think with this one youre reminded the target audience has way smaller hands than you so it's a lil finicky. But I don't buy these to play with so its not really a problem.
Hugtto! Precure

I actually really like this season except all the baby stuff they do which just makes me uncomfortable. I haven't seen the notorious final episode tho so I can't judge the whole season. Also Cure Yell is a top tier design and I like Hana a lot as a character too
Ooh it's a phone again sorta! Haven't had one a those in a minute (I think? I mean, I only own three, so...). It's quite simple, stick the heart gem in the slot at the top to trigger that respective character's transformation. Then spam the living hell out of the lit up heart in the middle to get her to say "gyuuuuu" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and
There's three small buttons on the bottom that do stuff but they're more related to games and tbh most of the time it just makes Hugtan go ayuu and other baby noises. Why would you wanna do that when you can spam gyuuuu into infinity
The gems are super pretty, they remind me of the gems from Mahoutsukai but I actually think the Hugtto ones are a little prettier. I also like how you can twist the bottom so it turns from a phone thingie into a heart. It's quite bulky but in a good way, yknow
Melody Sword
The assymetrical hearts are all individual buttons! I know they play music in the show, but I was still surprised. Depending on what gem you got on it, a different instrument will play. I really like it! Just like the PreHeart the gems that come with the wand are very pretty, I love how they all have such unique designs to fit the Cure who uses them. I also like that it's both a wand and a sword, sort of. And a flute. And a guitar. And a
Healin' Good ♥ Precure

I like the subject of this season a lot and the designs are nice too, I especially like Cure Sparkle. And the addition of a 20 y/o cure is cool. Even if she like, knows nothing and all her friends are 13. It's still kinda neat
Healing Stick
Soooooo I didn't get it until very recently because when it was released the paws just... It's a stick with paws!!! And one of the animals is a penguin! a penguin with toe beans! WHAT
I like the rest of the design, the face of the mascot being on the wand is cute I think and the details on it are really pretty, it's got this sculpted white vine with little leaves wrapped around it and the heart on the top is really nice quality too. The peets were just too much. And I'm a little sad the wand doubles as the transformation item.
Now that I have it I like how you can squish the paws actually. It might be cos the more recent items don't seem to have many gimmicks if any, so maybe I've just gained some appreciation for it. IDK. Penguin + toebeans is still weird though.
Star Twinkle Precure

I haven't seen much of StarTwi but what I did see I liked! It seems like a good season plus green secondary Cure is always a plus
Star Color Pendant
I really love this item! It's so different from previous season's transformation items, I love how it's kind of like an inkwell. It suits the series theme of creativity really well. I also love the pens you stick into the pendant to start the transformation music. Also the pens spoiled there was gonna be a blue late addition Cure cos there's a blue star inside of the pen lol it was kind of a cute hint. Also the front has lots of little details and you can spin the dial with all the star signs on it.
Twinkle Stick
I like its design, but it's a very *very* basic magical wand. Its got two buttons on it, and that's it. Doesn't twist apart, you can't click anything into it, no twisty bits... Just a simple wand. But it is pretty! So there's that.
Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure

Currently the last season I own anything from; I like Tropirouge but the item designs actually made me stop collecting for a while. That sounds pretty dramatic, I know. It's really not that deep, just... Well I'll get into it per item
Tropical Pact
It's a pact! I love pacts. And I kinda prefer how it works over the Sweets Pact. To open it, you gotta use one of the rings for whichever Cure you wanna activate and twist it into place; which will cause the Pact to click open. It also lights up and when you close the pact you can see the light through it, which is really cool. Now onto what I unfortunately don't like...
Idk what it is with the colourscheme for the items this season man. I really hate the translucent deep blue paired with pink, I think it looks really tacky. Then theres red and yellow detailing on top of that... It's just too much in my opinion, I really dislike it. It's actually why I don't own more Tropirouge merch despite liking the season and the Cure designs.
Ocean Prism Mirror
I don't regret buying any of my Precure stuff, not even the Mandarake fiasco with the Healing Box... But I do regret buying this mirror. Stupid idiot me didn't pay attention to what this thing is actually for; I just thought it looked really pretty and would be nice to display (I mean. I guess it is, but still.)
I think this is the first time Toei made an item that interacts with the show while you watch it, like the glass from the season after this one, but I'm not interested in that sort of stuff at all. So yeah I got a lil mirror that lights up a bit when you press a button. 'n That's it.
Delicious Party ♡ Pretty Cure

I. Don't. Really like anything about this season. Everything is so extra, except the items, of which there are like none except two that show up super late. The theme is kinda dull too. I know I made a retro layout with Cure Yum-Yum as a subject lol but this season just is not my jam
Party Candle Tact
It's cute! It sure has a button on it. The candle doesn't light up most of the time and u can't blow it out like on the Princess Candle. The pink plastic part also kinda looks like it's a separate part you can take off, it's a little odd. The design is pretty but ehh it's very simple.