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September 7th, Monday

Your alarm sounds and you turn it off within a second. Unfortunately you didn’t get much sleep last night, and any you did get was so light you don’t feel rested at all.

You sleepily put on your school uniform and head downstairs, where your aunt is already waiting with breakfast. You’re still fixing your tie as you sit down across from her.
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“Good morning! Are you ready for your first day? I figured you could probably use a big breakfast this morning. Don’t expect me to do this every day though! I like to sleep in.”
You sit down and she puts a plate in front of you laden with toast, eggs and bacon. After eating breakfast and having a cup of tea you feel a little better. You thank your aunt, and leave for school.

Grey Springs - Outskirts

On your way to school, you overhear two students talking…
Long-haired student “Did you hear the basketball team is recruiting members again this year? I’m thinking I might join this time.”
Bespectacled student “Wait, isn’t Justin the captain this year? Doesn’t that mean he’s gonna be super competitive with the hockey team…?”
Long-haired student “Ugh, I forgot about that… It’s not even the same sport, why do him and Oscar feel the need to beef it out over everything. It feels like it’s just a problem for the rest of their teams.”
Bespectacled student “I mean, if you want to join a sports club this year basketball probably is the better bet. At least the people in that team don’t come to class covered in bruises the next day.”
Long-haired student “You know, maybe I’ll join the film club instead this year. I need some time to catch up on all the extra homework anyway.”
Maybe you can join a sports club, you think to yourself. You’ve never played either basketball or hockey before, your old school only had a soccer club, but it might be fun… Something to think about.

Grey Springs High School - Morning



Mister Powell
“We’ve got a new student joining us today. This is Yon Hoshizora. Please take the empty seat over there. You’re only a week behind, so you should be alright, but if there’s anything you’re not sure about feel free to ask me, or one of your classmates.”

You walk over to the empty seat next to Julian, who’s excitement is visible; you’re worried he might fall out of his seat. His intensity is a little intimidating; why is he so focused on you? He leans over to you as soon as you sit down, while your teacher goes on with home room. He doesn’t seem to pay you much mind.
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“Did you bring the form?”
You nod.
“Good! Good. Let’s submit it during lunch. Ezra’s a grade higher so we usually hang out during that time. Don’t worry about Powell, he’s usually so focused on rattling off the rules he doesn’t notice people talking during home room.”
You pull out the after school activity club form and fill it out. You were expecting to finish your own half and then hand it over to Julian, but he’s decided to look over your shoulder and dictate his own answers to you, precariously balancing his chair on two legs. It’s a miracle he doesn’t fall over.
Mister Powell
“And that’s all that’s new for you this week. So don’t forget to submit your club applications now, or you won’t get another chance ‘til the next semester. And I will hand out the submission forms for the fall camping trip later this month.”
Everyone starts packing their bags as the bell rings. You get ready for your next class yourself and as you get up, you find Robin standing next to your table. She looks as pretty as she did in the book store, though her expression now seems tinged with worry.
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“Hey! So we really are in the same class. That’s nice.” She smiles slightly, the underlying worry on her face almost concealed. “I… Didn’t know you were friends with Julian Weaver.”

Robin: “Oh, so around the same time we met! Well, um, I hope you guys will be good friends, I guess? If you’re stuck with anything though and he can’t help, for whatever reason, feel free to ask me instead. I run a club so I know how most things around school work.” She gives you a friendly smile, but something about it feels slightly sinister.

Julian: “Dude! I’m like, busting my ass to help you out here, you being the new kid and all. You could at least not be a dick about it.”
Robin laughs.
Robin: “Maybe Yon’s still figuring out things here, he’s only just moved to town after all. Some things you can’t rush, Julian.”
Julian doesn’t answer. Whatever she said doesn’t seem to have registered, only that she spoke to him at all, and said his name.

Julian: “Yeah we only met this weekend but we’re practically best friends already. So like, if you need anything from him or whatever, you can talk to me too. We look out for each other.”
You look at Julian and raise an eyebrow. You were just kidding, you didn’t think he’d build a whole story around your simple remark.
Robin: “Oh, um. Well, that’s nice. Good for you.”

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“So… I couldn’t help but notice you were filling in a form while mr. Powell was talking… I’m sorry to be so pushy about it but… Is it a club form, by any chance?”
You quickly step on Julian’s foot before he can finish his sentence, which started with a worryingly crass “you bet your sweet-”. He gives you a look that could kill, except you don’t see it because you’re focusing on Robin and telling her you and him are indeed submitting an application to the occult club. Thankfully Robin, like you, chooses to ignore Julian in this moment, and she smiles.
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“Oh, I’m so glad to hear that, thank you! You can submit the form during lunch break. Processing doesn’t take long at all, you’ll be official members before the end of the week. I know you’re not official yet, but if you want, you can join our club meetings this week already. We meet every wednesday after class.” She beams at you. “Well, I’ve held you up long enough. I hope to see you there!”
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“Wow. That was easier than I thought. Let’s make sure Ezra submits his form.”

Grey Springs High School - Lunch break

You and Julian head up one floor, to just outside Ezra’s classroom. You can see some third years eating their lunch already, and Ezra is speaking to a teacher before he spots you two and gives a quick nod. Aside from that, you also notice Leander, the surly boy from your aunt’s painting class, sitting alone and eating a sandwich. He chews slowly as he leafs through a thick and dusty looking tome.
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“Yo! Sorry for the wait. Had to check something with my teacher.”
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“You got the form ready?”
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“Geez, is that’s all that’s on your mind lately? I already submitted it this morning. Now let’s go eat, I’m starving.”
The three of you head back down, where Julian puts the forms into a box next to a door labelled 'student council’s office’. You eat lunch outside, on the stairs, while Ezra and Julian point out anything they deem notable enough about the school and its students to you.
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“When the weather’s good we usually sit here. Teachers used to tell us off for sitting on the stairs but they eventually stopped caring. You can get a good view of the grounds from here.”
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“Not that there’s much to see… But it’s more comfortable than standing around.” He looks at a couple of girls who are handing out flyers to any female students that pass them. “You thinking of joining any other clubs, Yon? Y’know, ones you’re actually interested in,” he adds in a hushed tone.
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It’s not like there’s that many great options. There’s the basketball and hockey teams but those are basically just a pissing contest between the two captains, then there’s drama and band if you want to commit social suicide, we had an anime club but that one burned down last year, and the girl who runs the movie club is an antisocial weirdo.“

Ezra: “They’re not bad. The coaches are pretty chill, and the sports are pretty fun if you ask me. But Julian’s right, the captains are… Characters, let’s put it that way."
Julian: “They’re stupidly competitive. Like who cares, they don’t even play the same sport, but they somehow manage to make it feel like it’s all about them.”
Ezra shrugs.
Ezra:“I was in the basketball team last year, it’s not too bad. He’s competitive yeah but Justin’s a nice guy. And he is very good, you know. Then again, he wasn’t captain yet last year… I don’t know what he’s like now the team actually has to listen to him.”
Julian: “I tried out for the hockey team but even during tryouts they were super violent. Someone bashed my knee in, I couldn’t walk right for a month. It’s a stupid school team, I don’t know why they bother to go so hard. It’s more of a fight club than a hockey team. And Oscar might be the captain but you’d think hockey is a solo sport with how little he lets anyone else get the ball. They’re a joke.”
Ezra: “Didn’t you only try out cos the team is mixed…?”
Julian: “So what if I did? Which is a stupid rule anyway, like, who lets a buncha violent guys into a team with girls. That’s asking for trouble. Oscar says it’s cos a girl beat him up once and it’s equality or whatever but I think it’s crazy the school lets him run the team like that.”
Ezra chuckles and lowers his voice to a whisper once again.
Ezra:“It’s cos the person who beat him during tryouts was a girl. He didn’t have any problems with the team before then.”

Julian: “Really?”
He raises an eyebrow.
Julian:“Didn’t think you were the type for that sorta thing.”
Ezra:“If you’re considering joining drama expect to compete with some very strong personalities. They’re interesting people,”
Julian:“I mean, you do you, don’t let me stop you, as long as you don’t burst out into song whenever you’re with us.”

Ezra gives a short, mirthless laugh.
Ezra: “That club used to be good fun. I don’t think many people are in it anymore, though. The club leader is… interesting.”
Julian: “Ezra used to be in it, until she chased him off, right?”
Ezra doesn’t immediately answer, and looks into the distance at nothing in particular, avoiding both your and Julian’s eyes.
Ezra: “I just wanted to go do something else,” he ultimately says. It’s clear he’s not going to elaborate.

Ezra: “It didn’t literally, it just ended kinda badly. From what I understand the girl who ran it sorta forced her own taste on the rest of the club and didn’t let anyone else ever choose what they’d watch, so people left until she was the only one still in it.”
Julian: “It was this one friend group and then the girl who actually ran the club, so it’s not like they really lost anything when they quit the club. They still all hang out together at lunch. Probably watch their shows after school now or something.”
Julian points at a small group of students all huddled together on one of the tables. You can’t tell if they’re watching something on a phone or if most of them just happen to have bad posture.
Ezra: “That girl runs the film club now. It’s got a decent amount of members but nobody except for her turns up for it nowadays. So, you know, just a fair warning. Now you know her history.”

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He suddenly sits up, his expression slightly alarmed.
“Ah crap, they’re coming over here.”
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Ezra: “Just don’t look at them, they might leave us alone.”
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“Too late. Already made eye contact.”
You follow Julian’s gaze and see that the two captains of the sports teams you were talking about are walking directly towards you. The first thing you notice is how tall the basketball captain is, before being distracted by the amount of bandages on the hockeyteam captain's face and hands. They look friendly enough, though both Ezra and Julian seem to suddenly be nervous.
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“Yo! You guys picked a club yet this year? Sport’s always a good choice, you know. You gotta stay healthy.”
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“We meet every wednesday and friday, so if you’re in any other club it shouldn’t overlap!”
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“I walk to school every morning, I think I’m good on health,” he says, an unconvincing smile plastered on his face.
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Oscar laughs.
“I figured you wouldn’t be eager to join, after last year’s try outs. But maybe the new kid?”
Oscar hands you two sign up sheets, one for the basketball team and one for the hockey team. You can feel Julian silently seething beside you. Oscar shrugs.
“Consider it! Might turn out to be something you’re really good at.”
The two boys move on, making their way to their next unsuspecting victims.
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“Assholes. They don’t need to be so obnoxious about getting new people to join.”
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Ezra: “I suppose that comment at you was pretty unnecessary.”
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“Comment?! He was clearly trying to insult me. I couldn’t walk right for weeks after that girl smashed my knee at try outs, he’s being a total dick about it. Just cos not everyone gets off on getting their kneecaps shattered every tuesday, doesn’t mean he can act like that towards me.”
You look at the sign up sheets. Sports could be fun…

[this is where youd pick which team to join]

Grey Springs Outskirts - After School

You are on your way home. You feel pretty good about today, you’ve only just started and you already made some friends. Plus the school seems to have some interesting clubs!

You spot a familiar bird fly across the street to perch on the building to the left of you. You stop to look at it. It’s almost as if it’s doing the same to you; it turns around on the spot and looks at you. You hadn’t been imagining things when you saw it for the first time; it really does have three heads. Six eyes study you, as if waiting for you to do something. Then the middle head suddenly loudly caws, making you flinch. The magpie flies away again. You try to follow, but it’s almost as if it’s disappeared in thin air.

You walk home at a slightly faster pace. You are certain the bird is real, but are starting to worry something is wrong with you instead.