What's up sluts welcome to church

It's not regular church it's *fun* church!
And by that I mean it's not church at all lol I was raised catholic but other than making Dogma one of my favourite movies it doesn't really impact my life. I just like to draw myself as a nun, as you can see.

Who the hell is Priestess

It's me! Specifically it's a handle I've had for most of my online life (not when I made my first websites as a kid though) and at this point it's probably gonna stick for life. It was originally "nun", stemming from how I would judge my online friends for what they liked and drew (I was a very judgemental kid. Man. Where did I get the gall) but it evolved into Priestess over time. And red! Always red. Scarlet specifically. :)


Added some more indie games! Also accidentally destroyed the blood and honey page :( it's cursed I swear

Added three more movie logs. Unfortunately didn't like any of the three :c but for veeeeery different reasons. Still I hope u enjoy me getting progressively more fed up (...or sleepy in the case of one of them) while watching these movies. ngl i do feel kinda bad Skinamarink got lumped in with two movies that are infinitely worse from the mid 2000s sry mr kyle edward ball

Wait how is it only three days later. Um I added some movies to the movie ravings! That took a min

I made it look like something! Woo. Pretty happy with it for now.