I wanted to make a tiny site
Look how small it is!! It's only a single page. And I wanted to use a picture from Mermaid Melody I remembered from when I was younger. Pink Hanamori's art is so pretty... Now I kinda want to make an even smaller website.
This is the smaller header

Subject: Subject Subject wahei
Eating: nothin but im chewing gum
Drinking: cherry coke
Listening to: A podcast
Mood: Chill
I remember this specific image from when I was a kid but I never new what Luchia was actually holding. I think today was the first time I ever saw the top of her staff and that its a coraly thingamajig. Apparently this image has been printed as a poster; i had no idea. I figured it was a manga cover or something but I don't think so! Also the plot of mermaid melody never really appealed to me but the villain songs were so good. I heard they made a new series recently and ngl it sounds wild. Also cant believe Luchia George Foreman'd her daughter
This is the smallest header
Yo look at this cool ass effect I put on the links woosh pretty neat amirightSo yeah I put a little journal and whatever but you can put whatever you want on here, its all good