Death and Taxes


As every Youtuber who has played this game says as the opening to their video: the only certainty in life is... yadda yadda.

You're a newly created reaper instantly thrust into the corporate world of choosing between life and death, watched over by your sardonic boss Fate.

Death and Taxes on steam

So what do you do

The game is quite simple when it comes to mechanics; every day you arrive at your desk and find yourself with a new pile of files describing specific individuals and a note with instructions on how to deal with them from Fate. He doesnt get much more specific than the amount of people that need to die that day and three other descriptors at most, so the actual choice on who will live and who will die is left up to you.

Your decisions of who lives and who dies will have an impact on the district you've been assigned, and the next day you will find out what influence your decisions of the previous day(s) had on the world of the living. There are four aspects someone's life or death can influence your domain: nature, economics, health and peace.

Aside from Fate there's a couple of other characters that inhabit the same office space as you, and you can talk to them in the bar that is open on the weekends, or in the case of Mortimer the pirate whenever you buy something from his Emporium in the basement of the building. You can also customize your reaper with items you can buy from him. How fun! Though sometimes your conscience will talk to you while you spruce yourself up in the mirror. Or previous reapers, idk. The little cloud in the mirror was annoying im glad you can dismiss it ngl

When should I play this game?

Spend some time Death and Taxes if:
  • You like games where your choices have impact on the future
  • You enjoy games that make you weigh your options and really think about your decisions
  • You like games with a light hearted look at death and the afterlife
Why is Mortimer a pirate skeleton. Why does he run a shop. whY CAN'T I GET AWAY FROM PIRATES THEYRE EVERYWHERE AAAAAAAAAA